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ExplainBehavioral Design Pattern.Select a type ofBehavioral Design Pattern; explainwhy you selected that particular pattern type.Provide a sample code in JavaScript (I will accept pseudo code) with...

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  • ExplainBehavioral Design Pattern.
  • Select a type ofBehavioral Design Pattern; explainwhy you selected that particular pattern type.
  • Provide a sample code in JavaScript (I will accept pseudo code) with explanation/comment, you need to explain the purpose of the sample code (reference your book for more guidance). It is preferred to submit a simple running code in JavaScript but it is optional.
Answered Same Day Jan 08, 2023


Vikas answered on Jan 09 2023
43 Votes
Behavioral design patterns are a type of design pattern that focus on the communication between objects and the way that they operate together to achieve a certain behavior. There are several types of behavioral design patterns, including the command pattern, the observer pattern, and the state pattern, among others.
I have selected the observer pattern for this assignment. The observer pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, such that when one object (the subject) changes state, all of its dependents (the observers) are notified and updated automatically. This pattern is useful for implementing...

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