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· Question 2: Read about Mrs. Caroll Williams below. Using this Template, present an evidence-based education plan for Caroll. It should discuss all aspects of cardiac health including physical,...

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· Question 2: Read about Mrs. Caroll Williams below. Using this Template, present an evidence-based education plan for Caroll. It should discuss all aspects of cardiac health including physical, social and psychological, and set goals to improve Caroll's health. The plan should include the interdisciplinary team where appropriate [500 words].
Mrs. Caroll Williams
Caroll Williams is a 42-year-old Aboriginal woman with a 7-year history of hypertension first diagnosed during her last pregnancy. Her family history is positive for hypertension, with her mother dying at 56 years of age from hypertension-related cardiovascular disease. In addition, both her maternal and paternal grandparents had cardiovascular disease. At a routine GP visit, Caroll reports recent history of headache and general weakness. She also reports that she has taken a number of medications for her hypertension in the past, but stopped taking them because of the side effects. She could not recall the names of the medications.
ently Caroll is prescribed Diltiazem 30mg/twice daily and Ramipril 5mg/Nocte, which she admits to taking i
egularly because “... they bother me, and I forget to renew my prescription.” Despite these medications, Caroll's blood pressure remains elevated, systolic pressure ranging from 150-155mmHg and diastolic pressure ranging from XXXXXXXXXXmmHg. Caroll admits that she has found it difficult to exercise, stop smoking, and change her eating habits. Findings from a complete history and physical assessment are unremarkable except for the presence of:
• Moderate obesity (BMI 38.5)
• Minimal retinopathy
• A 25-year history of smoking approximately one pack of cigarettes per day.
    Q2 Goals
    Provides succinct, relevant and clear education plan and strategies with 4-5 education goals identified
    Provides relevant education plan and strategies with 2-3 education goals identified
    Does not provide adequate education plan with only 1 education goal identified
    Q2 Holistic
    Education plan is holistic and inclusive of physical, social, and psychological elements
    Education plan is generally holistic and inclusive 2 elements, either physical, social, or psychological.
    Education plan is not holistic and only inclusive of one element, either physical, social, or psychological.
    Q2 Allied health
    Comprehensive inclusion of allied healthcare team in education plan with clear understanding of health professionals roles
    Effective inclusion of allied healthcare team in education plan. Understanding of health professionals roles
esponsibilities limited/needs development
    Limited and inappropriate inclusion of allied healthcare team in education plan.
    Evidence based literature
    Excellent integration of peer-reviewed and high quality sources throughout response
    integration of peer-reviewed and quality sources, some use of non-authorative resources
    Over-reliance on grey-literature or non-authorative resources
    APA format
    Sources clearly identified. Adequate use of APA format [in text + reference list].
    Sources not identified, little to no use of APA format [in text + reference list].
Answered Same Day May 26, 2021


Tanaya answered on May 27 2021
139 Votes
Running Head: HYPERTENSION        1
Hypertension is a risk condition that exists in 45% of adults. In the case study, the education plan for Caroll can be categorised into the physical, psychological and social goals Since Caroll is 42 years old with hypertension and a family history of cardiovascular disease, it is important that Caroll has proper physical activity in maintaining her blood pressure (Magobe, Poggenpoel & Myburgh, 2017). According to the case study, she also suffers from moderate obesity.
Hence, physical activities will also Caroll in maintaining her weight as well as help in strengthening of her heart. The physical exercise will help her in lowering her stress Exercise like climbing stairs, walking, swimming, cycling and jogging can be suggested to her. In addition, Caroll needs guidance from eating plans that will help in the modification in lifestyle. Nutritional therapy will also help in controlling obesity with the cessation of smoking.
The Psychological aspect that has contributed to Caroll's elevated blood pressure level, as well as hypertension, includes her smoking, lack of physical activity, genetics and stress. Caroll needs to follow a lifestyle modification in addition to her therapy of antihypertensive drugs. The lifestyle modification will include control of salt intake in addition to...

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