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FPH201_Assessment_2_Brief_Report_Module Due_4.1 Page 1 of 6 Task Summary For this assessment, you are required to present your current knowledge in regards to a health issue that impacts Aboriginal...

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FPH201_Assessment_2_Brief_Report_Module Due_4.1 Page 1 of 6

Task Summary

For this assessment, you are required to present your cu
ent knowledge in regards to a health issue
that impacts Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander peoples.
Research for this assessment is required. The assessment is to be presented as a report of 1500 words
length, and submitted into the learning portal. Your work will be assessed in accordance with the
Assessment Ru
ic attached.
Subject Code and Title FPH201 First Peoples Culture, History and Healthcare
Assessment Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1500 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful
completion of the task below include:
a) Identify and explain the pre-colonial and key post-colonial
events that have impacted Aboriginal and To
es Strait
Islander peoples.
) Assess the impact of colonisation, history, politics and the
policy on the health inequalities experienced by Aboriginal
and To
es Strait Islander peoples.
c) Examine Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander key concepts
of health and well-being and the influence of culture, family
and connection to country, and integrate into evidence
ased, safe, person-centred care.
d) Analyse the influence of community, culture and beliefs;
and trauma influencing access to health care, including the
importance of trauma informed care and understanding
nursing practice.
e) Explain how knowledge about Aboriginal and To
es Strait
Islander health can be incorporated to improve
interprofessional health practice, health statistics and
outcomes for Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander people,
thereby leading to greater empowerment of Aboriginal and
es Strait Islander people.

Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.1 (Week 7).
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks
FPH201_Assessment_2_Brief_Report_Module Due_4.1 Page 2 of 6


Improving the health status of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander peoples in Australia is a
longstanding challenge for health services and governments in Australia. While there have been
improvements on some measures of Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander health status, they have not
matched the rapid health gains made in the general population in Australia. The inequality in health
status experienced by Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander peoples is linked to systemic
discrimination. This has been identified as a human rights concern by United Nations committees;
and acknowledged as such by Australian governments.

You will gain skills in producing an informative and engaging report, improve your ability to effectively
and accurately communicate information, increase your knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal
and To
es Strait Islander health and improve your academic skills.

This assessment will advance your evidence evaluation, critical analysis and report writing skills which
may be transferable to report writing and delivery in the professional context. Designing and
delivering reports also develops competency in advocacy for health problems.

Task Instructions

1. You need to identify one health issue that impacts Aboriginal and/or To
es Strait Islander
peoples and discuss:
ï‚· the historical perspective
ï‚· why it is an issue
ï‚· extent/magnitude of the issue
ï‚· whether it is a universal issue or geographically limited
ï‚· whether there are contributing factors to this particular health issue; such as
stereotyping and racial attitudes.

2. You are expected to discuss contemporary evidence-based strategies being used to address
this health issue and whether the health outcomes for Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander
people are improving or not.

To complete this assessment task you must write a report discussing and critically analysing the
ent issue as outlined above.

The report is to include references and therefore research using credible sources (textbooks, peer
eviewed scientific journal articles, and .edu, .gov and .org webpages) is expected.

The report must adhere to the structure guidelines provided in the document in Assessment 2

Please refer to the attached assessment ru
ic when preparing your report.

For any questions related to the content for this assessment, please refer to your Learning Facilitator.
FPH201_Assessment_2_Brief_Report_Module Due_4.1 Page 3 of 6

For assistance with structure, language and referencing, please contact your campus Academic Skills
Facilitator, or alternatively, please refer to the academic skills page on Blackboard following the link

It is essential that you use appropriate APA (6th ed.) referencing style for citing and referencing
esearch. Please see more information on referencing here

Submission Instructions

Submit this report via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in FPH201: First Peoples
Culture, History and Healthcare Blackboard subject site. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback
via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

FPH201_Assessment_2_Brief_Report_Module Due_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 4 of 6

Assessment Ru
ic: Report
(Yet to achieve
minimum standard)
High Distinction

Knowledge and
understanding of a
health issue that
impacts Aboriginal
and/or To
es Strait
Islander peoples from a
cultural awareness and
cultural safety


Does not clearly outline a
health issue that impacts
Aboriginal and/or To
Strait Islander peoples
from a cultural awareness
and cultural safety

Outlines some knowledge of
a health issue that impacts
Aboriginal and/or To
Strait Islander peoples from a
cultural awareness and
cultural safety perspective,
ut does not explain its

Outlines some knowledge
of a health issue that
impacts Aboriginal and/or
es Strait Islander
peoples from a cultural
awareness and cultural
safety perspective, focusing
on one or two aspects in

Provides a thorough
demonstration of
knowledge of a health issue
that impacts Aboriginal
and/or To
es Strait
Islander peoples from a
cultural awareness and
cultural safety perspective,
and demonstrates the
significance of this.

Provides a sophisticated
demonstration of
knowledge of a health issue
that impacts Aboriginal
and/or To
es Strait
Islander peoples from a
cultural awareness and
cultural safety perspective,
and provides insights about
the significance of these

Selection and
evaluation of
information to support


Limited understanding of
key concepts required to
support the report.

Confuses logic and
emotion. Information
taken from reliable
sources but without a
coherent analysis or

Viewpoints of experts are
taken as fact with little

Resembles a recall or
summary of key ideas.

Often conflates/confuses
assertion of personal opinion
with information
substantiated by evidence
from the research/course

Analysis and evaluation do
not reflect expert judgement,
intellectual independence,
igor and adaptability.

Supports personal opinion
and information
substantiated by evidence
from the research/course

Demonstrates a capacity to
explain and apply relevant

Identifies logical flaws.

Questions viewpoints of

Discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
esearch/course materials
and extended reading.

Well demonstrated capacity
to explain and apply
elevant concepts.

Viewpoint of experts are
subject to questioning.

Analysis and evaluation
eflect growing judgement,

Systematically and critically
discriminates between
assertion of personal
opinion and information
substantiated by robust
evidence from the
esearch/course materials
and extended reading.

Information is taken from
sources with a high level of
to develop a
comprehensive critical
analysis or synthesis.
FPH201_Assessment_2_Brief_Report_Module Due_ XXXXXXXXXXPage 5 of 6

intellectual independence,
igor and adaptability.
Identifies gaps in

Exhibits intellectual
independence, rigor, good
judgement and

Effective written


Presents information.

Specialised language and
terminology is rarely or
inaccurately employed.

Meaning is repeatedly
obscured by e
ors in the
communication of ideas,
including e
ors in
structure, sequence,
spelling, grammar and/or

Communicates in a readable
manner that largely adheres
to the given format.

Generally, employs
specialised language and
terminology with accuracy.

Meaning is sometimes
difficult to follow.
Information, arguments and
evidence are structured and
sequenced in a way that is
not always clear and logical.

Some e
ors are evident in
spelling, grammar and/or

Communicates in a
coherent and readable
manner that adheres to the
given format.

Accurately employs
specialised language and

Meaning is easy to follow.
Information, arguments and
evidence are structured and
sequenced in a way that is
clear and logical.

Occasional minor e
present in spelling,
grammar and/or

Communicates coherently
and concisely in a manner
that adheres to the given

Accurately employs a wide
Answered Same Day Jul 18, 2021


Sunabh answered on Jul 19 2021
140 Votes
Running Head: HEALTHCARE        1
HEALTHCARE        10
Introduction    3
Health Issue That Impacts Aboriginal And To
es Strait Islanders    3
Historical Perspective of the Health Issue    4
Extent of the Chosen Health Issue    4
Contributing Factors Responsible For This Health Issue    5
Contemporary Evidence-Based Strategies Used To Address Chosen Health Issue    6
Conclusion    7
References    9
Native communities were among the first human civilization that colonized Australian land; however, with the transition of time, they are now one of the most neglected communities. Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander communities have been reported to experience higher mortality rate compared to non-indigenous communities. This is majorly because indigenous communities were suppressed, discriminated and had to suffer violence since British colonized Australian land. This report would focus upon respiratory diseases among Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander communities. Further, efforts would be made to identify the historical perspective behind this health issues and its extent within community. The report will conclude with effectiveness of the evidence-based strategies implied to address chosen health issue.
Health Issue That Impacts Aboriginal And To
es Strait Islanders
    Respiratory diseases have been reported to be one of the most prominent health issue among Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander communities. Within 2012-2013, 31% of individuals from these communities have been reported to suffer from some form of respiratory disease. Further, these communities have higher morality as well as mo
idity rate majorly due to respiratory diseases such as, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, invasive pneumococcal disease and pneumonia. According to the report presented by Australian department of Health, it was evident that chronic respiratory diseases were found to be responsible for 9% of total diseases burden among all indigenous Australians. Further, out of these, asthma and COPD alone were responsible for 38% and 43% of this burden, respectively.
Further, one-fifth of indigenous children, aging between 0-14 years were reported to suffer from long-term respiratory condition in 2012-2013. Likewise, indigenous children were two times more likely to be admitted for certain respiratory diseases such as influenza, asthma, whooping cough, acute respiratory infection and much more. This s majorly because indigenous communities have always been neglected and discriminated by modern or non-indigenous population. Higher level of respiratory diseases among Aboriginal and To
es Strait Islander communities reflects a
oad range of contributing factors, which could be direct as well as indirect and all of these factors are discussed below.
Historical Perspective of the Health Issue
    As presented above also,
oad range of contributing factors affect the persistence of respiratory diseases with in indigenous communities and historical perspective is one of the most essential factor. Indigenous population was fragmented when British colonized Australian land and indigenous communities were forced to move towards remote areas. Indigenous communities have always lived and respected their religion, culture, rituals, languages and land. However, due to colonization they had to leave their lands and move away from modern world. This not only took them away from all health services but also from health education and general awareness. Therefore, negative health outcomes could be linked to other su
ounding factors such as increased stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, homelessness, loss of land and identity, racism, discrimination and much more.
Lack of education could also be...

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