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Due Date: Week 11, Friday 5:00 pm CRICOS Provider No. 00103D ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems Page 1 of 4 ITECH5402- Enterprise Systems Team assignment – Semester 1, 2018 TEAM ASSIGNMENT CONSISTS OF TEAM...

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Due Date: Week 11, Friday 5:00 pm
CRICOS Provider No.
ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems
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ITECH5402- Enterprise Systems
Team assignment – Semester 1, 2018
Form a team of between 3 – 4 members. Write a team report of about 3000 words on
one of the following research topics. The report must include at least one case study to
eflect the topic of discussion.
 Business process re-engineering after ERP implementation
 Integrating ERP systems with other information systems
 Post implementation modification of ERP systems
 Organizational implications of ERP systems
 Cloud-based Enterprise Systems
The following steps are outlined as guidelines for this assessment:
1. Each member of the team is expected to select, and summarise at least three
peer-reviewed articles reflecting one of the above-mentioned topics. (3 Marks)
This should be included as an Appendix in the team report.
2. As a team, all selected papers should be discussed and integrated, hence forming
the team report. (12 Marks)
3. The team presentation must include, first, a summary of each team member’s
selection (2 Marks), followed by a presentation of the integration of articles as
provided in the team report (5 Marks).
4. Each team is also expected to provide a
ief review of another team’s
presentation (2.5 Marks).
CRICOS Provider No.
ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems
Page 2 of 4
You are reminded to read the “Plagiarism” section of the course description. Your essay
should be a synthesis of ideas from a variety of sources expressed in your own words.
All reports must use the APA referencing style.
University Referencing/Citation Style Guide:
The University has published a style guide to help students co
ectly reference and cite
information they use in assignments (American Psychological Association (APA)
citation style,
shtml or Australian citation style
Reports are to be presented in hard copy in size 12 Arial Font and double spaced.
Your report should include a list of references used in the essay and a bibliography of
the wider reading you have done to familiarize yourself on the topic.
Report Submission: Hard-copy to tutors/lecturers assignment box in week 11. Double-
sided printing for the hard-copy is encouraged in order to save paper. Declaration
should be done to declare how much (percentage) each of the team has contributed to
the report.
A passing grade will be awarded to assignments adequately addressing all assessment
criteria. Higher grades require better quality and more effort. For example, a minimum
is set on the wider reading required. A student reading vastly more than this minimum
will be better prepared to discuss the issues in depth and consequently their report is
likely to be of a higher quality. So before submitting, please read through the
assessment criteria very carefully.
Marking guides are provided.
CRICOS Provider No.
ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems

Page 3 of 4
Team Report
Weighting: 15% for Team Report
Student IDs:
Assessment Criteria:
Score Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (0)
/1 mark
Information is well
organized, well written,
and proper grammar
and punctuation are
used throughout.
ect layout used.
Information is
organized, well written,
with proper grammar
and punctuation.
ect layout used.
Information is
somewhat organized,
proper grammar and
punctuation mostly
used. Co
ect layout
Information is
somewhat organized,
ut proper grammar and
punctuation not always
used. Some elements of
layout inco
/1 mark
Structure guidelines
Structure guidelines
followed exactly
Structure guidelines
mostly followed.
Some elements of
structure omitted
/1 mark
Introduces the topic of
the report in an
extremely engaging
manner which arouses
the reader's interest.
Gives a detailed general
ackground and
indicates the overall
"plan" of the paper.
Introduces the topic of
the report in an
engaging manner which
arouses the reader's
Gives some general
ackground and
indicates the overall
"plan" of the paper.
introduces the topic of
the report.
Gives a general
Indicates the overall
"plan" of the paper.
Introduces the topic of
the report, but omits a
general background of
the topic and/or the
overall "plan" of the
Discussion of
All topics discussed in
depth. Displays deep
analysis of issues with
no i
elevant info.
Consistently detailed
discussion. Displays
sound understanding
with some analysis of
issues and no i
Most topics are
adequately discussed.
Displays some
understanding and
analysis of issues.
Inadequate discussion
of issues Little/no
understanding or
analysis of most issues
and/or some i
Case Study
/2 marks
Case study clearly
eflects at least one of
the points discussed
and the lessons learned
Case study clearly
eflects the topic
discussed, but lessons
are not well abstracted
Case study is relevant
ut does not clearly
eflect the point of
Case study is i
to the topic of
/1 mark
An interesting, well
written summary of the
main points.
An excellent final
comment on the
subject, based on the
information provided.
A good summary of the
main points.
A good final comment
on the subject, based on
the information
Satisfactory summary
of the main points.
A final comment on the
subject, but introduced
new material.
no summary of the
main points.
A poor final comment
on the subject and/or
new material
/2 marks
ect referencing
(APA). All quoted
material in quotes and
acknowledged. All
paraphrased material
ectly set out
eference list.
Mostly co
eferencing (APA). All
quoted material in
quotes &acknowledged.
All paraphrased
material acknowledged.
Mostly co
ect setting
out reference list.
Mostly co
eferencing (APA )
Some problems with
quoted material and
paraphrased material
Some problems with
the reference list.
Not all material
Some problems with the
eference list.
Displays deep analysis
of issues.
Displays sound
understanding with
some analysis of issues
Displays some
understanding and
analysis of issues.
Inadequate discussion
of issues.
15 marks
CRICOS Provider No.
ITECH 5402 Enterprise Systems

Page 4 of 4
Team Presentation
Weighting: 10% for Team Presentation
Students are expected to create and present a 15 minute overview of the findings
presented in the Team Report. The team presentation must include:
 a summary of each team member’s selected articles
 a presentation of the integration of articles as provided in the team report
Student IDs:
Assessment Criteria:
Criteria Marks
Summary of each team member’s selected articles /2
Integrated Content
Presentation Style eg clarity, engagement
Review of another team’s presentation /2.5
SubTotal-2 /10
General Comments:
Team assignment Total = SubTotal-1 + SubTotal-2.
Answered Same Day May 16, 2020 ITECH5402


Abr Writing answered on May 22 2020
160 Votes
Integrating ERP Systems with Other Information Systems
Title: Integrating ERP Systems with Other Information Systems
Course ID: ITECH 5402
Submission Date:
ERP: Introduction    3
Advantages of ERP    5
Integrated ERP    6
Case Study    8
Business Problem    8
Solution    9
Conclusion    11
Appendix    12
Reference    16
ERP: Introduction
Enterprise Resource Planning or simply known as ERP is a software that helps an organization to run its business smoothly. This software helps by integrating the most important functions and that helps with the integration of the business. These functions that get integrated into one big business part by the ERP software can be that of inventory, planning, sales, production, human resources, marketing and finance. (Systems, 2018)
ERP makes it easier for the companies to run their business without using standalone systems for various subsystems and instead have a one complete global system that helps them in an effective management of the organization. To understand the enterprise solution better an enterprise resource planning system is the total combination of all the hardware and the software that is used by the business to run all the work that it has to do smoothly and without any inte
uption. And \ an enterprise software does all this by integrating all the other functions and relating them to one another so that the users can understand the connection between various subsystems. (, 2018)
The origin of the ERP system was done as a Material Requirement Planning or better known as MRP software at the time of its existence. This was during the 1960s that MRP software helped its clients which were mainly large manufacturing organizations. This software was used to help them in manufacturing of products which could not be produced without the intervention of a more sophisticated system. But the problem with these systems were that they catered to a very niche segment as they were very expensive so not all companies could even think of affording such systems. Not many large organizations used this as they did not find this to be economical in terms of the cost that it incu
ed. These systems also very clumsy, they needed a lot of additional resources to make sure that they were up and running smoothly without any hiccup happening. That was not serving the purpose for which they were set up and therefore, developments started to happen in this regard and further improvements in the system led to other more sophisticated software that could do multiple things without burning a hole in the organizations. (Hedman, 2018)
With the advancement of technology and other companies showing interest in this area Oracle launched an SQL based version. In this database management system was offered and very soon others were interested in this as well. This soon led to the ERP version which we all use today. ("What is ERP | Oracle", 2018)
Firms utilize endeavor frameworks, called ERP frameworks, to coordinate business forms in assembling and creation, fund and book-keeping, deals and advertising, and HR into a solitary programming framework. Data that was already divided in a wide range of frameworks is put away in a solitary extensive information store where it can be utilized by a wide range of parts of the business. For instance, when a client puts in a request, the request information stream consequently to different parts of the organization that are influenced by them. The request exchange triggers the distribution center to pick the requested items and timetable shipment. The stockroom illuminates the manufacturing plant to renew whatever has been drained. The bookkeeping division is told to send the client a receipt. Client benefit delegates track the advance of the request through each progression to illuminate clients about the status of their requests. Directors can utilize extensive data to settle on more exact and auspicious choices about every day activities and longer-term a
anging. ("Guide to systems integration with ERP", 2018)
Advantages of ERP
1. Competition Analysis- It's valid that ERP programming requires a noteworthy venture, but on the other hand there's a much greater cost in not making the speculation. While a few makers adhere to the time-tested strategies for the past, others look for innovation a
angements. Makers can't stand to put off an ERP execution while their opposition puts resources into ERP and begins receiving the numerous rewards we'll address beneath.
2. Efficiency Increased- An ERP a
angement kills procedures that needs to be done again and again and incredibly lessens the need to physically enter data. The framework will likewise streamline business procedures and make it less demanding and more proficient for organizations to gather information, regardless of what division they're working in.
3. Predicting- ERP gives the clients, and particularly the managers, the instruments they should make more exact predictions. Since the data inside ERP is as precise as could reasonably be expected, organizations can make sensible evaluations and more successful gauges. (Staff, 2018)
4. Collaborative Work- No one needs to maintain a siloed business with every division working without interacting with the other and not sharing resources and information. Cooperation between divisions is an essential and frequently vital piece of the business. With the information went into ERP frameworks being incorporated and steady, there's no motivation behind why offices can't cooperate. The product additionally addresses relatively every part of a business, along these lines normally promising community oriented, interdepartmental endeavors.
5. Scalability Expansion- Organized ERP frameworks permit the expansion of new clients and capacities to develop them at first executed a
angement after some time. At the point when your business is prepared to develop or needs more assets, ERP ought to have the capacity to encourage that development.
6. Information is Unified- No more issues with information spread crosswise over independent databases; all data will be housed in a solitary area. This implies you can incorporate stages like your CRM programming with the ERP framework, keeping information reliable, precise, and extraordinary. Know your client, their requests, and your stock, across the board put. ("Top 15 Benefits of Implementing ERP Software | WorkWise ERP Blog", 2018)
Integrated ERP
The ERP system works better when it is integrated with other systems. This is because an ERP system is basically joining capacities inside divisions to elements of different offices to...

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