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Due Date: Jun 27, XXXXXXXXXX:59:59 Max Points: 300 Details: Previously, you located and annotated resources for the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity...

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Due Date:Jun 27, XXXXXXXXXX:59:59 Max Points:300

Previously, you located and annotated resources for the first segment of a multi-year integrated case study that offers you the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained in the course to a real-world situation. In this assignment, you will read the case study with its supporting information, make business decisions related to the case, and suggest research needs that result from your interaction with the case.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Refer to "DBA-835 Integrated Case Study" located in the Course Add-Ons for this course.
  • Refer to the feedback provided by your instructor on your Topic 2 assignment.
  • Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
  • This assignment requires that at least three scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included. Support for decisions should include appropriate current (within the last three years) or foundational, peer reviewed, and professional research.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Review the information in "DBA-835 Integrated Case Study." This includes narrative information as well as financial and supporting documentation.

Consider the questions presented in the case study, and formulate decisions based on the information and documentation in the case study. Support your decisions with appropriate current (within the last three years) or foundational, peer reviewed, and professional research including the instructor feedback from your Topic 2 assignment.

Write a paper (2,000-2,500 words) that addresses the case issues, expresses your decisions regarding the case questions, identifies the country selected for expansion, and integrates instructor feedback from your Topic 2 assignment. In your paper, include the following:

  1. A summary of the current environment as presented in the case. (Note: Information from the case study does not require a reference note or in-text citation.)
  2. A summary of the business issue, emphasizing the sustainability concerns, from the case. Integrate specific feedback from your instructor regarding your summary of the sustainability issue.
  3. A differentiation between the leadership and management theories applicable to the case. (Benchmarks C1.4: Differentiate management/leadership theories in diverse business situations.)
  4. A review of at least two viable potential resolutions and the supporting research and analyses you presented in your Topic 2 assignment. Integrate specific feedback from your instructor regarding the proposed resolutions.
  5. A research-based discussion of how technology might influence the selection of a resolution to the business case. (Benchmarks C 2.1: Assess the influence of technology on a business entity.)
  6. A research-based discussion of the management techniques necessary to enact each of the potential resolutions to the case given the regulatory environments of the country selected. (Benchmarks C 2.2: Analyze techniques for management in a regulatory environment.)
  7. A research-based discussion of the stakeholder perspectives that were considered in your selection of a resolution to the case. How did you sort through the pros and cons from each of these perspectives to reach a final decision? (Benchmarks C 2.5: Support the necessity of integrating stakeholder perspectives.)
  8. A research-based discussion of the factors that were considered in order to address the consultant's prompting to consider a move to the conscious capitalism philosophy. Should Purple Cloud make this philosophical shift? Why or why not? (Benchmarks C 2.7: Propose methods to expand business perspective beyond profit.)
  9. A research-supported discussion of the ethical implications of each option and the extent to which these ethical implications are influenced by the mission, vision, and core values of Purple Cloud. (Benchmarks C2.6: Incorporate ethical considerations when recommending complex business decisions.)
  10. A research-supported suggested resolution chosen from the potential resolutions you described and a rationale for the chosen resolution. How does this influence the potential for sustainability? (Benchmarks C 2.3: Analyze the complexities inherent in a global integrated enterprise.)
  11. A research-based discussion of the level of ongoing innovation that will be required to carry out the chosen resolution. (Benchmarks C 2.4: Support the necessity of continual innovation.)
  12. A discussion of future research that you could conduct relative to these issues.
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Answered Same Day Jun 26, 2020 MGT805


Ram Mohan answered on Jun 27 2020
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Running Head: Managing Information Technology
Managing Information Technology
Managing Information Technology
Academic Institution
Author Note
June 27, 2018
Managing Information Technology
The case of the Purple Cloud illustrates how companies have to constantly innovate and keep ahead of the competitive curve to remain in the reckoning in the market. As can be seen from the case, Purple Cloud and Tecnoti are cognizant of the need to continuously grow and not rest on their laurels. As part of this laser like focus on sustainable growth, Tecnoti, wants to expand both domestically and internationally, and is on the lookout for potential partners for alliances as well as firms that can be acquired. Indeed, Tecnoti has hired a consultant to help him in this endeavor (Daft & Lengel, 1996).
Having said that, the case also presents information pertaining to the dilemmas faced by Purple Cloud and Tecnoti, relating to the handling of the acquisitions and the imperative for ethical and moral leadership. As can be seen from the resignation of Christianson, everything is not well in the company and this event can be seen as a cautionary note for Tecnoti, as he scours around for acquisitions and alliances in global markets. Thus, there are intertwined issues that present themselves to the consultant who has been tasked with formulating a strategy for Purple Cloud and Tecnoti, who has eventually decide on the options before him.
Leadership and Management Theories
As for the leadership and management theories that are applicable in diverse situations as far as this case is concerned, Purple Cloud is indeed led by a visionary leader who has displayed a knack for knowing what it takes to reach the top and acting on the same to pursue longer term goals. In addition, Tecnoti exemplifies a transformational leader who walks the talk as well as a transactional manager who is well aware of the nuts and bolts of execution. In short, Tecnoti embodies the necessary leadership and managerial traits that are needed in the present case (Senge, 2006).
Having said that, what are also needed at this juncture are leadership by example and management by objectives. To explain, Tecnoti and Purple Cloud need to demonstrate thoughtful leadership by setting an example to the employees to believe in sustainable growth as much as they are taken aback by the resignation of Christianson. What this means is that Tecnoti has to convince the former employees of ABCTech, now part of Purple Cloud that their interests would be protected and their needs would be taken care of. In addition, the management of Purple Cloud needs to set some objectives for the employees to achieve in the shared pursuit of sustainable growth (Cantor, 2015).
Potential Resolutions and Prefe
ed Option
After considering the various options and alternatives as far as the mode of entry and the countries to expand to be concerned, it is the recommendation here that Purple Cloud acquires a company that is related in its business niche to the former in India and makes the country a regional hub for the Asia Pacific Region. While alliances and licensing agreements are ok, strategic acquisition would give more control to Purple Cloud and Tecnoti as they pursue a sustainable growth strategy. In addition, a Greenfield Venture has been ruled out since it is both time consuming and expensive given the present environment in which Purple Cloud operates and the niche and the domain that are specific to it (Fernsler, 2013).
In other words, with technology accelerating at an exponential rate, Purple Cloud has to
“get in there early” and move fast if it has to have a competitive advantage over its competitors. In addition, a cross border acquisition would be relevant to its present strategy wherein it has already acquired a domestic firm, ABCTech, as part of its growth strategy. In management theory, organic growth refers to the natural growth strategies that firms put in place wherein they expand due to the growth of their own business whereas inorganic growth refers to growth through mergers and acquisitions (Dutta, Geiger, & Lanvin, 2015).
Purple Cloud is well suited to grow inorganically, though cultural and personnel and human resource issues have to be taken into consideration as well. For instance, while it has integrated ABCTech into its organizational DNA, the exit of Christianson illustrates how Purple Cloud and Tecnoti in particular have to handle people integration in a better way. This is the reason why the recommendation here is to become a transnational organization wherein Purple Cloud retains the
and image and
and identity and at the same time, allows the acquired entity to be empowered and decentralized in its decision making process (, 2016).
India as a Natural Choice
Apart from this, the country chosen for entry is India, which given its established software industry makes it a natural choice for entry for a firm like Purple Cloud. Indeed, the Indian Software Industry is mature and well developed and some of the cities such as Bangalore and Hyderabad are hubs for world class startups and unicorns. So, this means that Purple Cloud can acquire any of the numerous software firms in India specializing in cyber security so that the acquisition supplements and complements its own business expertise and core competencies (BCG, 2012).
Indeed, the key point to note here is Purple Cloud must actualize synergies from the acquisition so that it can reap the efficiencies from the same. This can take the form of identifying a firm that is also in the line of business that Purple Cloud is in and acquiring the same. In addition, Tecnoti should also put in place an organizational structure wherein the acquired firm is abso
ed into the
oader organization that is Purple Cloud and at the same time, becomes a regional hub for the Asia Pacific Region (Bhadra, 2013).
The main benefit of this transnational corporation model is that centralized control coexists with regional autonomy which can prevent episodes such as the resignation of Christianson from recu
ing in the acquired entity. Having said that, this does not mean that
Purple Cloud loses its
and identity in the Indian venture. Instead, a Glocal approach where Purple Cloud thinks globally and acts locally should be the strategy to be followed here (Friedman, 2005).
Pros and Cons of the Option and How it Makes Sense for All the Stakeholders
The mode of entry into India through a strategic acquisition and as a transnational corporation makes sense from a variety of stakeholder perspectives. The stakeholders would be considered for evaluation here include the Purple Cloud and Tecnoti, the management and the employees of the acquired entity, the regulators in both the United States and India, the shareholders of both firms, and the other stakeholders such as customers and societal groups. These stakeholders benefit from the acquisition in a variety of ways that form the basis for subsequent discussion (Clydesdale, 2016).
To start with, Purple Cloud would acquire a global footprint by entering the lucrative Asian market where China, India, and countries in Southeast Asia as well as South Asia have large swathes of people who are online and that too, for extended periods that necessitates protection from cyber intruders and hackers. Moreover, many local and foreign firms in these countries have a need for enterprise wide solutions as far as cyber security is concerned and hence, there exists a potentially lucrative market for Purple Cloud and the acquired entity’s products (Sinha, 2015).
Next, Tecnoti can exercise control over the operations of the new entity in the same manner in which Jeff Bezos handles the many subsidiaries and foreign ventures of Amazon. As can be seen from Amazon’s strategies in India, there is significant decentralization of decision making without the
and image of Amazon being dented and what more, Amazon does use its leverage as a globally recognized
and to significant effect a
oad. Having said that, Amazon and Bezos also have overall control over marketing and strategic decisions and at the same time, leave the nuts and bolts of execution to local and regional as well as national managers (Bhushan & Mukherjee, 2017).
Thus, Purple Cloud can actualize the same strategies which would allow it to integrate itself into the Indian market and carve a space for itself in the competitive niche for cyber security products. Indeed, as mentioned earlier, Tecnoti and Purple Cloud have to move fast if they are to reap the benefits of the first mover advantage. Moreover, unlike China, India does not have significant disadvantages as far as theft of IP or Intellectual Property is concerned and in addition, pirated versions of software, though prevalent, do not pose that much a threat like in China (Choudhry, 2016).
Another compelling reason why Tecnoti and Purple Cloud would be better off entering India is mainly due to its relatively laissez-faire regulatory environment which does not constrain foreign firms to the extent that other Asian countries do. Indeed, while China receives more FDI or Foreign Direct Investment, it is also a demanding place for foreign firms due to the many regulatory constraints such as the requirement for technology transfer and the widespread threat of copying and imitating rivals who cannot be hauled up legally due to its weak judicial system (Ninan, 2015).
This is a very important consideration from the point of shareholders of Purple Cloud as profitability is not eroded due to time consuming legal procedures though foreign firms operating in India do face some constraints as well. In addition, people integration is much easier in India thanks to a large English speaking and Westernized youthful population, especially in the software industry that gives it an edge over China. Moreover, unlike Mexico, India does offer a relatively stable political and social system, though China is streets ahead as far as its ability to maintain law and order in the country is concerned (Choudhry, 2016).
Purple Cloud, Conscious Capitalism, and India
Turning to the last recommendation of the consultant which is the need to em
ace a conscious capitalism na
ative and embed it into the sustainable growth strategy of Purple Cloud, it goes without saying that this is a noble approach that Tecnoti and his team can implement. First, let us define what conscious capitalism and sustainable growth mean in the context of the acquisition strategy of Purple Cloud in India. The country is place that is in dire need of sustainable development as far as environmental and social responsibilities are concerned. Moreover, given the wide disparities in income and wealth, Purple Cloud can indeed actualize conscious capitalist strategies by putting in place recruitment policies from a social justice perspective (Perks, 2006).
These can range from hiring more employees from diverse ethnic and racial categories and more importantly, consider recruiting more women. Moreover, given the
eathtaking diversity on display in India as far as ethnic, cultural, racial, and gender categories are concerned, Purple Cloud can walk the talk by hiring employees from various categories. Indeed, this is a strategy that is being followed by other transnational corporations such as Goldman Sachs to good effect and Tecnoti can take a leaf from their strategy playbooks and implement similar strategies (Quinn & Cameron, 2004).
In addition, Purple Cloud can follow compensation policies that are in line with its international best practices such as allowing employees to own stocks and put in place a comprehensive policy of ESOP Plan or an Employee Stock Option Plan that grants them with Purple Cloud stocks based on their performance. This is an option that has a Double Impact since employees are motivated to perform better and at the same time, have a stake in the sustainable growth of the firm. Already many Indian software companies have clearly defined and well executed ESOP plans in place and firms such as Infosys embody the highest ideals of conscious and compassionate capitalism (Elm & Radin, 2012).
Talking about compassionate and conscious capitalism, Tecnoti can well benefit from interactions with Indian business leaders such as the founders of Infosys and Wipro as far as their sustainable growth strategies are concerned. In this context, it is worth noting that one of the founders of Infosys, NR Narayana Murthy, who is an icon and pioneer of the Indian software industry has recently been championing the virtues and the benefits of compassionate capitalism and hence, his advice and suggestions as well as guidance would be especially useful for startup firms such as Purple Cloud as they seek a more ethical and moral way of doing business. Thus, the consultant’s recommendation can be followed (Clydesdale, 2016).
Need for Continuous Innovation
The discussion so far has focused on multiple frames of analysis on how Purple Cloud can forge a new path for itself in the uber competitive market environment in which it operates without losing sight of its ethical and moral imperatives. Turning to the imperative to innovate on an ongoing basis, it goes without saying that given the industry that Purple Cloud is in, which is the highly technology driven cyber security space, continuous innovation is the only way out and with exponentially accelerating technology, even normal rates of linear innovation are insufficient (Quinn & Cameron, 2004).
In other words, Purple Cloud has to either innovate or perish and this is where its Indian foray can add value given the deeply innovative workforce in India and its history of pioneering efforts as far as software is concerned. Indeed, Purple Cloud can benefit from synergies between its core competencies and the acquired firm’s know how and expertise and this is where Tecnoti has to ramp up on staffing the acquired entity with enough mind power through its resources that can challenge existing firms (Cantor, 2015).
Lastly, anyone wishing to advice Tecnoti and Purple Cloud in the future would have to research the cultural issues that might arise from the merging of Western and Eastern approaches to organizational practice and this is where, further research can focus on. To conclude, Tecnoti has taken the first step towards excellence and if Purple Cloud adopts some of the recommendations presented in this report, it would benefit the firm and its employees.
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