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DTH107 Determine Health Assessment 1: Case Study – Care Action Plan Assessment 1 Care Action Plan STUDENT NAME Add your full name DATE Enter date here Course HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing Subject Title...

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DTH107 Determine Health Assessment 1: Case Study – Care Action Plan
    Assessment 1 Care Action Plan
    Add your full name
    Enter date here
    HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
    Subject Title
    DTH107 Determine Health
    Unit of Competency
    HLTAAP003 Analyse and respond to client health information
    Performance Criteria, Knowledge and Performance Evidence Assessed
    PE: HLTAAP003: 1
    KE: HLTAAP003: 1, 2a-c, 3a-m, 4a-b, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13a-c, 14a-c
    Title of Assessment Task
    Assessment 1: Case Study
    1500 words +/- 10%
    Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 3.2 (Week 6).
For this assessment, students must view two (2) case studies and respond to a care action plan for each one. This action plan requires analysis and care planning, and is based on the following diagram.
Care Action Plan: Scenario 1
For this action plan, students must view case study 1, and follow this step to determine how to manage Rob’s issues. His specifications are noted here.
    Name: Rob Ca
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian Australian
Aged: 53 years
Family Status: Father
Religion: Anglican
    · Ma
· Occupation – Delivery drive
· Earns good money
· Travels a lot
· Overweight 135kg
· Likes TV and beer to cope with stress
· Has Type II Diabetes needing close management for jo
· Smoker
· Diet preferences are ‘Convenience’
· Unknown social support and external interests
· Has osteoarthritis in L) knee
The steps in the action plan for Rob Ca
ington are listed on the following pages. At each step, there are a number of questions you must respond to. Questions 1-14 relate to Rob’s situation.
Read these questions and take note of the information or actions that need to be addressed at each step. Then, respond in the spaces provided.
    Step 1
    Definition of Health Disorde
    Question 1
    Rob has presented with a number of issues and symptoms; some of which are acute, some of which are chronic. In the table below, list which items are either chronic or acute.
    Acute Issue
    Chronic Issue
    Question 2
    Of Rob’s issues, which should be dealt with first; acute or chronic? Explain why in 50 words.
    Question 3
    List five (5) body systems that are affected by Rob’s situation, and
iefly note their purpose or function.
    Step 2
    Normal Anatomy and Physiology
    Question 4
    For three (3) of the body systems affected by Rob’s issues, list two (2) signs or symptoms that might indicate there might be a variation from normal function.
    Question 5
    The body consists of different levels of structural organisation and complexity. In 100 words, describe how each of the following items combine to make up the human body. In your response, specify what the different types of muscle tissue are and how human body systems are formed at a cellular level.
· Atoms
· Molecules
· Cells
· Organs
· Muscle tissue
· Human Body systems
    Step 3
    Question 6
    For each body system below, describe:
· One (1) disorder or disease that may affect it
· The pathophysiology of the disease associated with the body system (20 words each system)
· The impact of the disease on the body system and their related structures in relation to potential impact of specific health procedures provided (30 words each).
    Body System
    Potential Disease
    Pathophysiology of Disease
    Impact of disease on body system
    Endocrine system
    Musculoskeletal system
    Special Senses
    Nervous system
    Respiratory system
    Cardiovascular system
    Question 7
    George has type 2 diabetes. In 50 words discuss the process of ca
ohydrate metabolism, including your understanding of anabolism and catabolism.
    Step 4
    Diagnostic Tests
    Question 8
    List three (3) methods you could use to diagnose or assess Rob’s abnormalities, and
iefly describe each one.
    Step 5
    Question 9
    In 150 words, define the disorders Rob has. In your response, include the variations and abnormalities which would be found in each body system it affects, and any the implications of any contraindications that might arise.
    Step 6
    Conservative Medical Care vs. Surgical Intervention
    Question 10
    Rob may need both conservative medical and surgical treatment. For each intervention (medical and surgical) specify:
· What the impact would be to Rob (20 words)
· One (1) relevant pharmacological process and one (1) drug action
· One (1) potential indication and one (1) potential contraindication
· The role of one (1) member of the interdisciplinary team that might be required
· One (1) limitation of each membe
    Medical Treatment
    Surgical Treatment
    Impact to Rob
    Pharmacological process and drug action
    Indication and contraindication
    Interdisciplinary team member role
    Limitation of interdisciplinary team member
    Step 7
    Nursing Care Plan
    Question 11
    Based on your analysis of Rob’s health information, you must now prepare a nursing care plan that demonstrates your understanding of appropriate care and consideration of his needs.
Fill in the template below, noting four (4) issues Rob has and how you will manage each one. Do not complete the final column (Discharge Plan), as it will be clarified in Step 9.
    Nursing Care Plan
    Nursing Diagnosis
(Note the issues you have diagnosed in Rob)
(How has that issue manifested?)
(What additional issues or contraindications or complications should be considered?)
(How should it be treated?)
    Expected Outcomes
(What do you expect after treatment?)
    Discharge Plan
    Step 8
    Potential Complications
    Question 12
    In addition to the abovementioned contra-indications, describe the effects of biological maturation and ageing processes on the body systems related to Rob’s situation, and how they may impact the care plan provided (150 words).
    Question 13
    Rob has suffered a cardiac a
est. In 50-75 words explain the major types of cardiac adaptation, what is required for cell and tissue survival, and how this may effect Rob’s Cardiac tissue.
    Step 9
    Discharge Planning
    Question 14
    Discharge planning should form part of a care plan. For the four (4) issues you specified in Step 7, provide a discharge plan that includes:
· The appointments that should be made for the client upon discharge
· The information or documentation that should be provided
· The healthcare professionals who should be involved.
Do not fill in the greyed out boxes.
    Nursing Care Plan
    Nursing Diagnosis
(Note the issues you have diagnosed in Rob?)
    Expected Outcomes
    Discharge Plan
(List what should be done to prepare the client for discharge)
Acute Care Action Plan: Scenario 2
For this action plan, students must view case study 1, and follow this step to determine how to manage care for Fei Hong.
    Name: Fei Hong
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Chinese
Aged: 60 years
Family Status: Kim’s mother (Granny)
Religion: Buddhist.
    · Chinese background
· Speaks little English
· Came to Australia to help daughter raise her son
· Is beginning to demonstrate signs of dementia
· Interferes in parenting
· Dictates cooking must be Asian
· Has hearing and sight impairment
The steps in the action plan for Fei Hong are listed on the following pages. At each step, there are a number of questions you must respond to. Questions 15-26 relate to Fei’s situation.
Read these questions and take note of the information or actions that need to be addressed at each step. Then, respond in the spaces provided.
    Step 1
    Definition of Health Disorde
    Question 15
    Fei has presented with a number of issues and symptoms; some of which are acute, some of which are chronic. In the table below, list which items are either chronic or acute.
    Acute Issue
    Chronic Issue
    Question 16
    List four (4) body systems that are affected by Fei’s situation, and note their purpose or function.
    Step 2
    Normal Anatomy and Physiology
    Question 17
    Explain the effect Fei’s biological maturation might have had on three (3) of her body systems. For each body system, specify two (2) signs or symptoms that might indicate they might not be functioning normally.
    Question 18
    In 50 words, describe homeostasis and the relationship between homeostatic imbalance and disease.
    Step 3
    Question 19
    For each body system below, describe:
· One (1) disorder or disease that may affect it
· The pathophysiology of the disease associated with the body system (20 words each system)
· The impact of the disease on the body system and their related structures in relation to potential impact of specific health procedures provided (30 words each).
    Body System
    Potential Disease
    Pathophysiology of Disease
    Impact of disease on body system
    Urinary System
    Lymphatic System
    Special Senses
    Digestive system
    Integumentary system
    Reproductive system
    Immune system
    Step 4
    Diagnostic Tests
    Question 20
    List three (3) methods you could use to diagnose or
Answered Same Day Jun 16, 2021 HLTAAP003 Training.Gov.Au


Tanaya answered on Jul 10 2021
143 Votes
DTH107 Determine Health Assessment 1: Case Study – Care Action Plan
    Assessment 1 Care Action Plan
    Jaspreet Singh
    Enter date here
    HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
    Subject Title
    DTH107 Determine Health
    Unit of Competency
    HLTAAP003 Analyse and respond to client health information
    Performance Criteria, Knowledge and Performance Evidence Assessed
    PC: HLTAAP003: 1.1-1.4, 2.1-2.3
    PE: HLTAAP003: 1
    KE: HLTAAP003: 1, 2a-c, 3a-m, 4a-b, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13a-c, 14a-c
    Title of Assessment Task
    Assessment 1: Case Study
    1500 words +/- 10%
    Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 3.2 (Week 6).
For this assessment, students must view two (2) case studies and respond to a care action plan for each one. This action plan requires analysis and care planning, and is based on the following diagram.
Care Action Plan: Scenario 1
For this action plan, students must view case study 1, and follow this step to determine how to manage Rob’s issues. His specifications are noted here.
    Name: Rob Ca
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Caucasian Australian
Aged: 53 years
Family Status: Father
Religion: Anglican
    · Ma
· Occupation – Delivery drive
· Earns good money
· Travels a lot
· Overweight 135kg
· Likes TV and beer to cope with stress
· Has Type II Diabetes needing close management for jo
· Smoker
· Diet preferences are ‘Convenience’
· Unknown social support and external interests
· Has osteoarthritis in L) knee
The steps in the action plan for Rob Ca
ington are listed on the following pages. At each step, there are a number of questions you must respond to. Questions 1-14 relate to Rob’s situation.
Read these questions and take note of the information or actions that need to be addressed at each step. Then, respond in the spaces provided.
    Step 1
    Definition of Health Disorde
    Question 1
    Rob has presented with a number of issues and symptoms; some of which are acute, some of which are chronic. In the table below, list which items are either chronic or acute.
    Acute Issue
    Chronic Issue
    Arm pain
    Type 2 Diabetes
    Chest pain
    Question 2
    Of Rob’s issues, which should be dealt with first; acute or chronic? Explain why in 50 words.
    The Acute diseases should be dealt first, in this case it is the acute chest pain which Rob was suffering from including
eathlessness. As the case history shows Rob had a unhealthy lifestyle with smoking habit, there are chances he is facing severe angina whose common symptom is tightness of chest.
    Question 3
    List five (5) body systems that are affected by Rob’s situation, and
iefly note their purpose or function.
    System Function
Brain and nervous system It helps in controlling body functions and acts as a relay centre for the body.
Cardiovascular system It helps circulating blood and body fluids.
Musculoskeletal system It helps in support, movement and stability of the body.
Respiratory system It helps in abso
ing oxygen helping the organs to function.
Endocrine system Responsible in circulation of insulin hormone contributing in type 2 diabetes
    Step 2
    Normal Anatomy and Physiology
    Question 4
    For three (3) of the body systems affected by Rob’s issues, list two (2) signs or symptoms that might indicate there might be a variation from normal function.
    1. Cardiovascular Sytem affected by Type 2 diabetes causes tightness in blood vessels increases the risk of heart attack and and flow of blood will be occluded. Symptoms are back and neck pain and tightness of chest.
2. Musculo-skeletal system due to Rob's pre-existing osteoarthritis. Symptoms includes difficulty in movement and deboarding from his vehicle.
3. Respiratory systems would be affected due to smoking, symptoms are
eathlessness and difficulty in talking.
    Question 5
    The body consists of different levels of structural organisation and complexity. In 100 words, describe how each of the following items combine to make up the human body. In your response, specify what the different types of muscle tissue are and how human body systems are formed at a cellular level.
· Atoms
· Molecules
· Cells
· Organs
· Muscle tissue
· Human Body systems
    About 99% of our body is made up of atoms of hydrogen, nitrogen, ca
on, and oxygen. In addition there are atoms of electrolytes in form of ions that helps in muscle contractions, nerve impulses and enzymatic reactions. The various forms of molecules that comprises of the human body includes molecules of different elements like potassium, sulphur, magnesium and chlorine. There are different organs that comprises human body. This includes kidney, lungs, heart,
ain stomach and intestine. Each of the organs have specific function in normal operation of the body. Human body system is organised into different level starting with the cell, Cell makes up tissues, tissue forms organ and organs form organ system.
Different types of Muscle tissues: Cardiac, muscles are located in the walls of heart, Smooth muscles are located in the hollow visceral organs except heart and Skeletal muscles are in the mucles attached to bones.
    Step 3
    Question 6
    For each body system below, describe:
· One (1) disorder or disease that may affect it
· The pathophysiology of the disease associated with the body system (20 words each system)
· The impact of the disease on the body system and their related structures in relation to potential impact of specific health procedures provided (30 words each).
    Body System
    Potential Disease
    Pathophysiology of Disease
    Impact of disease on body system
    Endocrine system
    This is a type of disorder that is often causes an autoimmune disease called Grave's disease which is characterised through the production of antibodies leading to the activation of TSH.
    When the thyroid gland is overactive, body processes speed up and experience nervousness, anxiety, hand tremor, rapid heartbeat, excessive sweating, sleeping problems.
    Musculoskeletal system
    Degradation of cartilage and remodelling of bone due to active response of chondrocytes in the articular cartilage and the inflammatory cells su
    With the
eakdown of cartilage , osteoarithrtis affect the entire joint.It causes changes in the bone and deterioration of connective tissue which holds the joints together and attach muscle to bone.
    Special Senses
    Opacity occurs when lens protein clump together, ability of lens to refract light reduces which caused reduces visual acuity.
    No organ system is affected but quality of life is distu
ed because of poor vision , blu
y vision, not able to see anything properly, confused.
    Nervous system
    Alzheimers Disease
    Loss of neurons and atrophy in temperofrontal cortex which causes inflammation and deposits the amyloid plaques and abnormal cluster of protein fragmets.
    Causes nerve cells to die lead to loss of memory, thinking, behaviour, confusion, and other mental processings includes creative areas.
    Respiratory system
    Permanent enlargement of airspaces distal to terminal
onchioles leads to dramatic decline of alveolar surface available for gas exchange.
    As we
eath in the air, the alveoli stretch, drawing oxygen in and transporting it to blood. When we develop emphysema, alveoli and lung tissues are damaged.

    Cardiovascular system
    Coronary Artery Disease
    Plaque buildup in the arteries which supply blood to different parts of the body and these plaques are made up of chlosterol.
owed arteries can cause chest pain because they can block the blood flow to the heart and also weakens the heart activity.
    Question 7
    George has type 2 diabetes. In 50 words discuss the process of ca
ohydrate metabolism, including your understanding of anabolism and catabolism.
    When people eat ca
ohydrate, the digestive system
eaks down into sugar, which then enters into blood. As blood sugar level rises, the pancreas produces insulin, a hormone that prompts cells to abso
sugar for energy and storage. But in type 2 diabetes, muscle and other cells stops responding to insulin, known as insulin resistance, causes blood sugar and insulin levels to stay high long after eating. With the time insulin demands get heavy making cells wear them out and insulin production stops eventually.
    Step 4
    Diagnostic Tests
    Question 8
    List three (3) methods you could use to diagnose or assess Rob’s abnormalities, and
iefly describe each one.
    Three methods we can use to diagnose Rob's condition:
1. The drop arm test and the Positive Elbow Extension Test will help in the evlauation of the arm pain which Rob was suffering from.
2. Chest X-rays: This will help in the diagnosis of the chest pain which the patient was complaining.
3. Pulmonary function test, this will help in the measurement of the air exhaled and inhaled by Rob to detect the amount of oxygen in his blood. This will help in the deduction of the
eathlessness he was suffering from.
    Step 5
    Question 9
    In 150 words, define the disorders Rob has. In your response, include the variations and abnormalities which would be found in each body system it affects, and any the implications of any contraindications that might arise.
    Rob has the following disorders:
1. Overweight: It is bascially defined as pre obesity or abnormal or excessive fat which is a risk to health. The abnormalities associated with overweight can be a development of other diseases like high blood pressure, certain types of cancer, sleep apnea, fatty liver.
2. Type 2 diabetes: The complications with is kidney failure, heart vessles damage leads to heart attack, and damage to sense organs.
3. Osteoarithrtis: It is itself a cause of Overweight condition, which leads to bulging effects on internal organs , joints causing stiffness and further damage.
4. Coronary heart condition due to overweight, lack of proper diet and uncontrolled diabetes will add to the heart risk of the patient.
    Step 6
    Conservative Medical Care vs. Surgical Intervention
    Question 10
    Rob may need both conservative medical and surgical treatment. For each intervention (medical and surgical) specify:
· What the impact would be to Rob (20 words)
· One (1) relevant pharmacological process and one (1) drug action
· One (1)...

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