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ICT705 Data and System Integration Task 2 ATMC Semester 1, 2020...

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Data and System Integration
Task 2

ATMC Semester 1, 2020
ICT705 Data and System Integration Task 2
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Assessment and Submission Details

Marks: 40% of the Total Assessment for the Course
Due Date: 11:59pm Friday, Week 12 (5th June 2020)
Task 2 consists of a demo code package and a technical report for the integration plan.
Submit your work in two parts. Part 1 will include your report (a .docx file) and Part 2 is a
zip file, which contains the code files (.zip file), to Blackboard Task 2. Please follow the
submission instructions described in this document.
NOTE: If you do not submit a code file you will receive a 0 for the task.
The task is an individual assignment and will be marked out of a total of 100 marks and
forms 40% of the total assessment for the course. ALL assignments will be checked for
plagiarism by SafeAssign system provided by Blackboard automatically.
Refer to your Course Outline or the Course Web Site for a copy of the “Student Misconduct,
Plagiarism and Collusion” guidelines. Academic Integrity Information.

Assignment submission extensions will only be made using the official USC Guidelines.
Requests for an extension to an assignment MUST be made to the course coordinator prior to
the date of submission and requests made on the day of submission or after the submission
date will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
ICT705 Data and System Integration Task 2
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Case Study: Overseas Shipping Logistics Ltd

Overseas Shipping Logistics Ltd (OSL) organises and ships large machinery and boats
around the world. It has a similar business model to the following Link.
In your capacity as Information Systems consultant, you have been engaged by OSL to
advise them about their global information system architecture. You have advised them about
applying a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) to integrate the dispersed systems in their
international offices.
OSL directors would like to gain a deeper understanding of the Technologies behind your
ecommendations and have asked for a small specific demonstration of these technologies
along with a
ief explanation of the concepts and principles of how it works and how an
SOA could be applied to OSL.
Given the concern over COVID-19 and its impact on the business, OSL directors have asked
for a system integration demonstration allowing them to monitor key COVID-19 statistics for
particular countries. The demo enables OSL to
owser search countries in Google Maps and
etrieve cu
ent COVID-19 information along with the map.
Assignment tasks
This assignment consists of two deliverables:
1. Demonstration code – demonstrating the principles of data merging, RESTful Web
Services and Mashups (50%)
2. Integration report – explaining the principles of data merging, RESTful Web
Services and Mashups and applying them to the case study organisation (50%)
Deliverable 1 – Demo code (50%)
There are three major components in the demo system:
• Data integration demo. In this demo, there are two data source files:
• “owid-covid-data.csv” contains COVID-19 statistical data from over 200
countries for dates ranging from the 31st December 2019 to 30th March 2020*.
You may like to download the latest file from Our World in Data - Coronavirus
Source Data,
• “Country_location.xml” contains country location coordinates for each country.
• Before importing the COVID-19 data into Python you are required to:
i. Choose 15 countries from the “owid-covid-data.csv” dataset you think
would be applicable to the case study,
ii. Retain the most cu
ent day’s statistics for each of these 15 countries,
iii. Add 2 or 3 extra columns to your dataset. These columns will contain
other 2 or 3 other interesting statistics of your choosing for each of your
* Data is freely available from https: Access is covered under the Creative Commons BY license.
You have the permission to use, distribute, and reproduce in any medium, provided the source and authors are credited.
ICT705 Data and System Integration Task 2
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selected countries (you will need to do some quick research on the
countries you choose to include)
iv. Populate these extra columns with the statistics you research for each
v. Save this new dataset into a new .csv file which you can import into
• Create a Python scrip file with the name “”
• This Python script will use the Python petl framework to:
i. Import your new CSV and “Country_location.xml” files into Python.
HINT: hard-to-find code to import this XML file using petl -
etl.fromxml('Country_location.xml', '.
tr', ('th', 'td'))
ii. Merge the country geolocation data from the XML file with the COVID-
19 data, and
iii. Export the merged data as a .csv file named “covid_countries.csv”
• RESTful Web service server demo. In this demo, you are required to build a RESTful
Web service
• This Web Service requires the Python bottle and petl frameworks
• This Web Service server accepts a ‘getcountry’ query from the client
similar to “/getcountry?country=xxxx”,
• The server Web Service will return a JSON object to the client with all the
attributes required by the client
HINT: the data will be returned as a Json / Dictionary object -
etl.cut(datatable, "data", "data", "etc", "etc", "etc").dicts()[0]
HINT: in order for your code to return the JSON object to an AJAX
equest insert the following code before returning the JSON object –
esponse.headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
esponse.headers['Content-type'] = 'application/json'
• The data for this JSON object will be retrieved from the “covid_countries.csv” file
created in component 1.
• A Python scrip file with the name “” will contain this RESTful
Web Service server demo.
• Mashup demo. In this demo, you are required to build a mashup application
• Your HTML page accepts a country name as the input. If the country can be found
in your dataset, then its location is displayed in Google Map. (See sample Mashup
figure 1),
• A HTML file “country_map.html” should be implemented.
• In this file, a text field is provided at the page top to accept user’s input of country
• In addition, a Submit button will trigger an AJAX “getcountry” Web Service GET
query to retrieve the country’s co
esponding latitude, longitude and other country
specific data, and highlight and centre the location in Google map.
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• In addition to highlighting the country’s positon on the map, a user is able to click
on the marker bu
le and see an information window containing country specific
COVID-19 information and 2 to 3 other country statistics you have included in
your dataset.
Important Note: For ease of demonstration to OSL executives, your code must be self-
contained. In addition to using Standards based HTML and Python, petl, and bottle are
the only frameworks you are will need. No other Python frameworks will be accepted.

Figure 1 - Sample Mashup
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Deliverable 2 – Integration Report (50%)
In addition to the above demo code you are required to include a Report explaining the key
concepts around the demo design and implementation.
Your report should follow the following template:
Executive Summary
Table of Contents
Table of Figures (if needed)
Table of Tables (if needed)
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
3.0 Key System Concepts
3.1 Data Cleaning & Merging
3.2 RESTful Web Services
3.3 Mashup Design
4.0 Demo Running Instructions
5.0 Conclusion & Recommendations
Reference List
Appendices (if needed)
Please address the following in your report:
• Outline the theory and technologies under each of the headings.
• Explain how these technologies can be applied by OSL. Outline the difficulties,
advantages and disadvantages to OSL. Give examples in addition to the COVID-19
• Explain how to run your code and the principles behind each step – you may use
screenshots of Mashups, etc. if you wish,
• Reflect on your journey as you developed the demonstration – the problems you faced,
how you researched and found answers.
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Report Format
Your report should be no less than 1500 words and it would be best to be no longer than 2000
words. Note that the code will not count towards the word count.
The report MUST be formatted using the following guidelines:
• Paragraph text – 12 point Cali
i single line spacing
• Headings – Arial in an appropriate type size
• Margins – 2.5cm on all margins
• Header – Report title
• Footer – page number (including the word “Page”)
• Page numbering – roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv) up to and including the Table of
Contents, restart numbering using conventional numerals (1, 2, 3, 4) from the first
page after the Table of Contents.
• Title Page – Must not contain headers or footers. Include your name as the report’s
• The report is to be created as a single Microsoft Word document (version 2007, 2010,
2013 or Office 365). No other format is acceptable and doing so will result in the
deduction of marks.
Please follow the conventions detailed in:
Summers, J. & Smith, B., 2014, Communication Skills Handbook, 4th Ed, Wiley, Australia.

Submit your work as a zip file to Blackboard Task 2 by the due date of 11:59pm Friday,
Week 12. You are required to submit 1) Word file of report should be included and 2) a zip
package of your code. No code submitted will result in a 0 for Task 2.
The assignment will be assessed according to the Ru
ic online. Late submission will be
penalised according to the policy in the course outline. Please note Saturday and Sunday are
included in the count of days late.
ICT705 Data and System Integration Task 2
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Assignment Return and
Answered Same Day Jun 16, 2021 ICT705 University of the Sunshine Coast


Neha answered on Jun 17 2021
134 Votes
Executive Summary
This report is to understand the data and system integration. This assignment is based on the Python language and the data is about the loss which occu
ed in business due to the Covid-19. The overseas shipping logistics limited is known for organising and shipping the large machines and boats around the world. In this assignment I'm trying to understand about their global information system architecture. I used the service-oriented architecture to integrate with the system of OSL. the directors of upsell want to have a deeper understanding of the technologies which I am recommending, and they want to see the demonstration of this technology. In this report I have explained all the principles and concept on which it works and how it can be applied to their business. The directors want to monitor the statistics of the covid 19 for a particular country. initially I explored different platforms and finally selected the service-oriented architecture. The design style of this software helps in providing different services to the components. This report also includes the demonstration of this architecture using Python language. As for the demonstration a user will enter the name of a country and summit one button will be clicked. The system will show a Google map for that country and the Covid 19 statistics in that country. The data present in the data set is not clean. It is important to remove the e
ors from the data before using it to get the accurate result. The REST Stands for representational state transfer and it helps to style the system like worldwide web. My ships are also used in my code which allowed to use the data from different sources.
Introduction                             3
Service Oriented Architecture                3
Key System Concepts                        3
Data merging and cleaning                3
RESTful web services                    3
Mashups                            3
Demo Running instructions                    4
Conclusion and Recommendations                4
References                            5
Appendices                            6
Appendix1:                6
Appendix2:                8
Table of figures
1. Implementation of the web services                4
2. Implementation of the regions on google map        4
The data integration is a process which helps to combine the data from different sources and present it as a single view. The integration of data in words different processes like ingestion of data, cleaning the data , merging the data, mapping and then transforming it. Different information systems are combined to create a new unified system and it provides the user as a single system experience. The OSL Wants to update their system and use the system oriented architecture. we want to understand the impact of COVID-19 on their business in different...

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