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Discussion/Introduction 2323 unread replies.2323 replies. Since this is a an online class, and we don't get to meet one another, please create a 6-8 slide PowerPoint or Prezi introducing yourself to...

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2323 unread replies.2323 replies.

Since this is a an online class, and we don't get to meet one another, please create a 6-8 slide PowerPoint or Prezi introducing yourself to the class. You may use visuals (pictures), captions and quotes to highlight yourself. Include your major and interests so that we can learn a little about you.

Im a psych LPN 13 years .in a hospital I'm a single mom of 4 kids working 80 hours a week. going to school taking Health administration,. Love my freestyle music going to events on my day off. love my gardening. Add what ever else.

Answered Same Day Aug 19, 2021


Swati answered on Aug 20 2021
141 Votes
Jacqueline Alessi
Jacqueline Alessi
About me            
Jacqueline Alessi aka Jacque.
I am a Single Mom.
I have 4 loving kids who help me to excel in life, in ca
ying out my day to day chores, motivates me as well as encourages me to live life better.
My kids love gardening and free music as well. We spend time together with several such activities.
Professional details
Job profile- Psych LPN. I am working as a Licensed practical nurse in Psych in a hospital.
Department- Health Administration. I do look after administration department wherein I do not directly interact with patients but indirectly get a chance to serve the society.
Job tenure- 13 years. It has been 13 years...

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