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Discuss how organizations use dashboards for business intelligence. Describe the types of information displayed on dashboards. Explain why graphical displays are used to convey information on...

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Discuss how organizations use dashboards for business intelligence. Describe the types of information displayed on dashboards. Explain why graphical displays are used to convey information on dashboards. Include examples of who uses dashboards within organizations and why. Please state your response in 2-3 page paper in APA format. Include citations and sources in APA style.

1. Make sure to have a Running Head at the top of the cover page, on the cover page put the title of your essay, student name, and the name of the university.2. Put in the right-hand corner the page numbers3. Make sure you put an Abstract4. Anything that is title over each paragraph topic make sure it is center in bold letters5. Make sure to put a conclusion and references for an APA style essay.6. In the paragraph make sure you put the citations next to it.7. No Plagiarism8. In the file is how Grantham University needs there APA syle essay to look.
Answered Same Day Jun 15, 2021


Somudranil answered on Jun 20 2021
163 Votes
Running head: Business Intelligence Dashboard         1
Business Intelligence Dashboard
Business Intelligence Dashboard appear to exist as an important aspect on the functioning of the business organizations. The present articles have shown Business Intelligence Dashboard are important for undertaking operational functions and what exactly are its types. The usage of representations of high and visual data as well as the tools will be effective in the production of the charts, graphs and a kind of instruments for visualization. It will be effective for the empowerment for the business organization that the interpretation of the data becomes efficient in the process of transformation that can be put into actionable insights.
Table of Contents
Understanding BI -    4
Types of BI    4
Graphical Representation    5
Further Usage    6
Examples of Dashboards    6
References    7
Understanding BI -
Business Intelligence Dashboards have been put to usage by the organizations for assisting the users of the business. This is done for making better as well as informed decisions to ensure appropriate functioning of the organization. As opined by Lions et al., (2017) tt is operational regarding the aspects of gathering, and then consolidating by paving the way for analysing the data in an accurate way. It will of course help in visualizing the structural frameworks vividly. This will furthermore show how it aims in the simplification of the analysis that is otherwise very complex relating to huge amounts of data. It needs to be avoided that would otherwise lead to a situation where a pattern or a trend might get missed. Since there can be a situation when the numbers as well as figures might get overlooked therefore dashboards help in keeping a tap on the record of data.
It is only because of the Business Intelligence dashboards that the possibility of organizing data in a cohesive manner become possible (Gounder, 2016). This furthermore alleviates any and all kinds of potential clutter which might take place while undertaking the operations. This can be relatively complex since the sets of information which are required for working very complicated and in the application of the tools for advanced intelligence for various business strategies is...

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