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Discuss causes and consequences of noncompliance with lithium and possible solutions to noncompliant behaviors. How does serotonin impact mood, and how do SSRIs improve depressive symptoms? Discuss...

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  • Discuss causes and consequences of noncompliance with lithium and possible solutions to noncompliant behaviors.
  • How does serotonin impact mood, and how do SSRIs improve depressive symptoms?
  • Discuss the benefits and risks of local and general anesthetics.
  • What is the mechanism of action for propofol? What are the benefits of this drug? When is its use appropriate? What are the risks?
Answered Same Day Jul 20, 2020


Reubens answered on Jul 23 2020
146 Votes
Running Head: HEALTHCARE NURSING                             1
HEALTHCARE NURSING                         7
Healthcare Nursing
Institutional Affiliation
This paper will provide a clear discussion causes and consequences of noncompliance with lithium and possible solutions to noncompliant behaviors. Furthermore, it will show how the serotonin impact mood, and how do SSRIs improve depressive symptoms. The benefits and risks of local and general anesthetics will as well be discussed. Finally the paper will provide the mechanism of action for propofol, benefits of this drug, when its use appropriate as well as the risks involved.
1 Discuss causes and consequences of noncompliance with lithium and possible solutions to noncompliant behaviors.
Non-compliance is taken to be the most frequent cause of recu
ence in the time of prophylactic lithium medication. It is associated with the unconducive or poor reaction as well as high level of suicidality. Being wide and complex in phenomenon, it may have many causes. At a time when manic-depressive patients move on in unsatisfying condition known as 'naturalistic' trials. This shows that such kinds of conditions are insufficient for the long-term maintenance medication. As a possible solution to the noncompliant behaviors, lithium treatment needs to be accompanied by the co
ect measures that will assist in compliance as well as counteract drop-out. The measures build that need to be used has to depend on the three pillars, namely; information, supervision and finally support. Instruments, for example; Lithium attitude or people’s reactions on the Lithium shows that negative attitude is much related or associated with the higher non-compliance rate (M, n.d.).
2. How does serotonin impact mood, and how do SSRIs improve depressive symptoms?
Serotonin acts as a neurotransmitter; this is a type of chemical that is responsible of relaying signals from one region to the other in the
ain. However, research indicates that imbalance in the serotonin level usually influence mood in the way that redirects to depression. By an application of a technique known as ‘tryptophan depletion’ which usually reduces the serotonin level in the
ain, it is found that men turn out to be impulsive, however, not necessarily change their mood. Women on the other hand, go through a marked drop in mood and then turn out to be cautious. This is an emotional reaction that is commonly associated with mood: depression. Whereas, the serotonin processing system looks similar in both genders, this implies that men and woman can use serotonin in different...

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