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Discussion Forum Two: Indigenous health The recent Closing the Gap report on Aboriginal Health contained mixed outcomes. One notable poor outcome was that there was little progress in halving the rate...

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Discussion Forum Two: Indigenous health

The recent Closing the Gap report on Aboriginal Health contained mixed outcomes. One notable poor outcome was that there was little progress in halving the rate of jobless Indigenous Australians. According to The Australian, February 11thp.15, the Prime Minister while not giving details ‘outlined commitment to empowering communities and individuals. keeping with his broader economic themes about excitement and innovation Mr Turnbull spoke of optimism and opportunity. In doing so he recognised that the government cannot hold all the answers; private sector efforts to create jobs, education and training –and break down barriers – are central’.

The editorial concluded that ‘Success is what is needed to close the gap, and success should be shamelessly embraced and pursued.’

What are your thoughts?

Answered Same Day Aug 06, 2021


Sumita Mitra answered on Aug 07 2021
146 Votes
Closing The gap report on Aboriginal health:
My Thoughts:
Aboriginal population has poor health conditions as compared to the non-indigenous population in Australia. It is seen that these groups of population have high mortality rates and is more prone to get affected by chronic diseases and ailments as compared to the non-indigenous Australians. The aborigines have comparatively lesser life span in the country due to poor health immunity system and oppressed lifestyle staying in remote areas from last many years.
In 2008 in the aboriginal health summit it was decide that there...

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