How to determine the quality of evidence and information.
· The difference between fact and opinion.
· Methods for identifying weakness of evidence and be able to provide examples of the manipulation of evidence.
· Approaches to determine if the information or evidence is reliable/factual.
· The importance of keeping good clinical records, case notes or clinical reports.
· The difference between the person or the expert as the principal authority.
1. 100 words (+/- 10%), using in text citations to support your conclusions
2. 1 reference or more, you are encouraged to use sources outside the Moodle site
3. APA 6th formatting in writing and referencing.
Your grandmother who had 9 children tells you that she has been depressed since last year when she started experiencing urinary incontinence. Do you agree with her conclusion of the situation? Why or why not and what factors you should consider when questioning or accepting her conclusion.
There are many examples in research and history where information or evidence has been distorted or manipulated by vested interests either intentionally or unintentionally.
As a student how do you determine fact from opinion? Why is one more important than the other when documenting patient care or writing case notes?