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Details: Understanding the data sampling procedure and the description of the data is critical to accurately interpreting the results of a study. In this assignment, you will practice describing data...

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Understanding the data sampling procedure and the description of the data is critical to accurately interpreting the results of a study. In this assignment, you will practice describing data from an SPSS data set.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Review "SPSS Access Instructions," located in Course Materials, for information on how to access SPSS for this assignment.
  • Access the document, "Introduction to Statistical Analysis Using IBM SPSS Statistics, Student Guide" to complete the assignment.
  • Download the file "Drinks.sav" and open it with SPSS. Use the data to complete the assignment.
  • Download the file "Census.sav" and open it with SPSS. Use the data to complete the assignment.


Perform the following tasks to complete this assignment:

  1. Locate the data set "Drinks.sav" and open it with SPSS. Follow the steps in section 2.11 Learning Activity as written. Answer questions 1-3 in the activity based on your observations of the SPSS output. Type your answers into a Word document. Copy and paste the full SPSS output including any supporting graphs and tables directly from SPSS into the Word document for submission to the instructor. The SPSS output must be submitted with the problem set answers in order to receive full credit for the assignment.
  2. Locate the data set "Census.sav" and open it with SPSS. Follow the steps in section 3.9 Learning Activity as written. Answer all of the questions in the activity based on your observations of the SPSS output.Type your answers into a Word document. Copy and paste the full SPSS output including any supporting graphs and tables directly from SPSS into the Word document for submission to the instructor. The SPSS output must be submitted with the problem set answers in order to receive full credit for the assignment.
  3. Locate the data set "Drinks.sav" and open it with SPSS. Follow the steps in section 4.18 Learning Activity as written. Answer questions 1-6 in the activity based on your observations of the SPSS output.Type your answers into a Word document. Copy and paste the full SPSS output including any supporting graphs and tables directly from SPSS into the Word document for submission to the instructor. The SPSS output must be submitted with the problem set answers in order to receive full credit for the assignment.
Drinks.sav Census.sav RES866.7P5CL_introduction_to_statistical_analysis_using_ibm_spss_statistics.pdf
Answered Same Day Dec 26, 2021


Robert answered on Dec 26 2021
114 Votes
1.The standardized scores for all scale variables (price through alcohol) has been created
using the following steps.
Click on Analyze, go to Descriptive Statistics, and click on Descriptives.
In the dialog box, transfer Price to the Variable’s box and check the option that Save
standardized values as variables. The screen shot is as follows:
Switch to the data view window and find that a new variable called ZPRICE has been
created. The screen shot is given below:
Beverages that had positive standardized scores on every variable include: UA, UH,
UL, UR and SA. This means that the co
esponding raw scores for the above
everages are above or greater than the mean (group mean).
2. The most extreme z scores in the variables are

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