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Deliverable King’s Own Institute ACC700 Principles of Accounting Trimester 1, 2018 Group Assignment (20% in total) Group Formation A major component of ACC700 subject is the group assignment. All...

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King’s Own Institute
ACC700 Principles of Accounting
Trimester 1, 2018
Group Assignment (20% in total)
Group Formation
A major component of ACC700 subject is the group assignment. All students in ACC700 have to form groups with members drawn from your lecture group. Groups can be a minimum of three (3) students and a maximum of four (4) students. If you are not cu
ently in a group by week 7, please see your tutor urgently.
Group Assignment Topic & Due Date
Please read the following economist article that is attached at the end of this instruction paper: “The Future of Jobs The onrushing wave Previous technological innovation has always delivered more long-run employment, not less. But things can change” The Economist 18th January 2014.
The article said that the accounting field in particular is highly susceptible to automation in the near future and implied that accounting jobs disappear because of future technological innovation such as automated computer software, artificial intelligence, etc.
Each group is required to prepare report regarding:
What and how does future technological innovation such as artificial intelligence and accounting software automation impact on accountant skills, ethics and career opportunities associated with various accountant designations in future?
Your group will be assessed on three aspects of the assignment:
· Final report of your group: 3,000 words plus or minus 20%, excluding Job Advertisements and Group Work Activity Report;
· Group Work Activity Report including group meeting minutes: around 750 words plus or minus 20%, excluding group meeting minutes (5%); and
· Group presentation based on group assignment: (5%).
The final report with group work report is due by week 11.
Final Report (10%)
The final report of the group should use an appropriate business report format and should include:
1. A title page; include all group member full name and student numbe
2. A table of contents (Times new Roman 14 point);
3. Introduction (Times new Roman 12 point);
4. Appropriate topic headings (Times new Roman 14 point);
5. A detailed description on (Times new Roman 12 point):
a. What your group have research about cu
ent and future technology, accountant skills and ethics and career opportunities for those who pursue accounting careers?
. What information has surprised your group ?
c. The technology, the accountant skills, the ethics and the career opportunities your group have researched may reflect an Australian viewpoint. Choose a country that members of your group may have an interest in, or knowledge about. Briefly discuss what aspects of the technology, the accountant skills, the ethics the career opportunities would have to be considered and what changes/adaptations your group might need to make.
d. What is your group opinion on the value of studying/taking accounting courses?
6. Conclusion or recommendation (Times new Roman 12 point);
7. Reference (Times new Roman 11 point);
8. Appendix
a. At least 12 accounting job advertisements related to accountant or this assignment
. Group Work Activity Report where at least 3 Group Meeting Minutes should be attached.
To identify cu
ent required accountant skills and cu
ent career opportunities associated with various accountant designations,
1. Find at least 12 accounting job advertisements advertised after 1st March 2018 from r or other job advertisement WEB sites and analyse them in your final report.
2. Print the above job advertisements in KOI printing facilities that enable to identify the printing dates.
3. Attach the printed Job Advertisements as an appendix
To identify the cu
ent ethics, please visit the following WEB site.
Please read the following articles and documents for your assignments:
Job Outlook
ANZSCO codes
Andon, P., Free, C. and Scard, B., 2015. Pathways to accountant fraud: Australian evidence and analysis. Accounting Research Journal, 28(1), pp.10-44.
Cernusca, L. and Balaciu, D.E., 2015. The Perception of the Accounting Students on the Image of the Accountant and the Accounting Profession. Journal of Economics and Business Research, 21(1), pp.7-24.
Drew, J., 2015. Keep Pace with Tech Changes. Journal of Accountancy, 220(4), p.20.
Henry, B. and Hicks, M., 2015. A Survey of Perspectives on the Future of the Accounting Profession. The CPA Journal, 85(8), p.6.
Murphy, G., 2015. A vision for the future: by using the most cu
ent technology and keeping their skills up to date, management accountants can enhance their careers and their organizations. Strategic Finance, 97(4), pp.62-64.
Pan, G. and Seow, P.S., 2016. Preparing accounting graduates for digital revolution: A critical review of information technology competencies and skills development. Journal of Education for Business, pp.1-10.
Sharpe, M., 2016. Investigating How Religiosity, Ethics, and Other Factors Relate to Future Accounting and Business Professionals' Views on Work-Life Balance. Ethics (January 22, 2016).
Suddaby, R., Saxton, G.D. and Gunz, S., 2015. Twittering change: The institutional work of domain change in accounting expertise. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 45, pp.52-68.
Walsh, J., 2014. The Role of Ethics in a Future Accounting Career.
Welsh, D.T., Ordóñez, L.D., Snyder, D.G. and Christian, M.S., 2015. The slippery slope: How small ethical transgressions pave the way for larger future transgressions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(1), p.114.
Final Report Ru
ic (10% in total)
    High Distinction
ent required accountant skills and ethics and cu
ent career opportunities associated with various accountant designations
    No description provided
    A very basic description provided with no detail
    A good description that shows evidence of some thought and effort
    An excellent description that shows evidence of good thought and knowledge
    A creative description that engages the reader and shows evidence of excellent thoughts and knowledge
    Future Technological Innovation: Strengths, Limitations and How new technology might be used in accounting field
    No list or discussion of strengths and limitations of the technology provided
    Brief list or discussion of strengths and limitations provided
    Full list or discussion of strengths and limitations provided, covering many aspects
    Detailed list of strengths and limitations provided together with good annotations or discussion
    Very detailed, well-written list of strengths and limitations provided together with excellent description or discussion
    No examples or discussion provided of how the technology might be used in accounting field
    Brief list or discussion of examples provided of how the technology might be used in accounting filed
    Full list or discussion of examples provided of how the technology might be used in accounting field, covering many aspects
    Detailed list of examples provided of how the technology might be used in accounting field together with good description or discussion
    Very detailed, well-written examples provided of how the technology might be used in accounting field, plus suggestions of a range of innovative ways to use the technology
    Future required accountant skills and ethics and future career opportunities associated with various accountant designations
    No discussion of future required accountant skills and ethics and career opportunities
    Brief discussion of future required accountant skills and ethics and career opportunities
    Full discussion of future required accountant skills and ethics and career opportunities, covering many aspects
    Detailed list of future required accountant skills and ethics and career opportunities together with good annotations or discussion
    Very detailed, well-written list of future required accountant skills and ethics and career opportunities together with excellent description or discussion
    The technology, the accountant skills, the ethics and the career opportunities your group have researched may reflect an Australian viewpoint. Choose a country that members of your group may have an interest in, or knowledge about. Briefly discuss what aspects of the technology, the accountant skills, the ethics the career opportunities would have to be considered and what changes/adaptations your group might need to make
    No description provided
    A very basic description provided with no detail
    A good description that shows evidence of some thought and effort
    An excellent description that shows evidence of good thoughts and knowledge
    A creative description that engages the reader and shows evidence of excellent thoughts and knowledge
    What is your group opinion on the value of studying/taking accounting courses?
    No description provided
    A very basic description provided with no detail
    A good description that shows evidence of some thought and effort
    An excellent description that shows evidence of good thoughts and knowledge
    A creative description that engages the reader and shows evidence of excellent thoughts and knowledge
    No references provided, or many in-text and end-text reference e
    References provided but many in-text and end-text reference e
    References provided but some in-text or end-text e
    References provided, only minor in-text or end-text reference e
    In-text and end-text references cited co
Group Work Activity Report (5%)
Each group will provide a group work report on how the group has worked together to produce the final report. It should not contain the main deliverable itself in the final report. Each group documents how members discuss, and division of responsibilities and describes how the individual efforts capitalised on strengths of each group member. It will be used as evidence of individual contributions in the group. It is therefore in each member’s interest to ensure that their contribution to the final report is complete.
Each group is expected to have at least three group meetings for the group assignment. The minutes of group meetings should be documented and attached as appendix of this group work report, clearly indicating who was present, issues and actions, agreed timelines, and the like. The group work report must indicate that a fair and reasonable distribution of work amongst group members was achieved. Periodic information such as emails or diary entries must be inserted into the co
ect section in chronological order.
If the submitted group work report suggests that not all contributions were of equivalent standard and effort, differential marks will be awarded to individuals within the same group. It must also document what individual group members understood as their allocated tasks, that individual group members submitted allocated work of acceptable standard and quality by the date that was agreed upon.
Group Work Activity Report Ru
ic (5% in total)
    High Distinction
    Group Work Activity Report
No meeting minutes
    Group Work Activity Report
Less than 2 meeting minutes
    Group Work Activity Report;
Less than 3 meeting minutes
    Group Work Activity Report;
3 meeting minutes;
    Group Work Activity
Answered Same Day May 26, 2020 ACC700 Deakin University


Akansha answered on May 30 2020
146 Votes
Unit Code
Professor’s Name
ent and Prospect of Accounting practices        1
A process that is utilized for recognizing and calculating various quantitative events as well as communicating those tasks in the manner of a presentable financial compilation and reports that are used by enormous decision making authorities is known to be the process of Accounting. This in its way of conduct is a planned and well-structured method of defining and storing various transactions which are of quantitative and financial nature. The new evolving and developing technology related to the field have always assisted the personnel in charge of accounts in achieving the activities more efficiently and faster than before. This in a way also states that the accountants get suppressed with the ever changing methodologies of work. This paper presents the various opinions related to the existing and prospective accounting practices from sources. It will emphasize on topic of needed skills and abilities for accounting process along with the available career avenues in the sector of finance. The report will examine various factors which might affect accounting in future times and what would be the needed skills at those technological levels. It also investigates future prospects of career avenues. It will further include the comparison of these variables between the countries USA as well as Australia.
Existing Accounting Theories
Technology and its evolution has continuously affected and controlled the way accounting processes perform in various areas. It can be said that these evolving changes influence the accountants negatively and oppress their work, not denying the fact that these developing technology assist them in accomplishing their jobs perfectly and smoothly. During the time of eighteenth century engraved tablets made out of clay were used for these financial calculations that were during nineteenth century done through the use of machine. Calculators followed by computers were observed as emerging trends in the twentieth century which took over the globe as a game changing technology for the business and society at large. Then, the world has seen development of cloud computing, mobiles, and many social tie ups in 21st century that are the revolution in the name of IT and globalization. All these changes force the accountants to make changes in their working styles. This also affects the association of various departments of businesses such as finance department and accounting departments. The activities have been automated through these technological developments, reducing e
ors and increasing efficiency of the information.
The technological development has resulted in increasing the expenses of organizations. They need to buy latest accounting packages which should be licenced versions. Good expenses incur in regularly upgrading and renewing their licences for work. On the other hand, it also results in the need of training for the workers and accountants for upgrading themselves with new systems. This is driven by innovation and development, again incu
ing costs for business.
Other major concern of present situation is the security which means that the organization is required to make sure that their systems are properly safeguarded from virus or other suspicious activities which may be transmitted through online medium. The developed technology also results in suspicious and illegal activities such as cyber theft and cyber-crime amongst business houses. All this has contributed in enhancing the work effectiveness.
Present Skills Required for Accounting:
The accounting function in today’s world requires various types of abilities and expertise to be deployed by the relevant professional in conducting the duties. Analyzing the existing global scenario, we can define certain series of capabilities which might be needed in the employee for doing his job in accounting.
Considering the educational criteria, the accounting professionals must have a bachelor or an associate degree of finance or accounting field. They should have studied various subjects during their course of studies. These subjects might be related to finance, management, cost analysis, MIS, audit and taxes.
Credentials required for proper accounting position might be qualifying a professional examination such as chartered accountant. Along with these credentials, those professionals should be well-qualified with expert knowledge of various accounting tools and theories of the country...

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