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Running Header: MAN6935 – IT Value Realisation – Part 2: Business
Report 1
MAN6935 – IT Value Realisation – Part 2: Business Report 19
MAN6935 – IT Value Realisation – Part 2: Business Report
1. Background Information 3
2. Executive Summary 5
3. Key Recommendations 6
4. Strategic Context 7
5. Analysis of the Investment 14
Financial Assessment / Cost Benefit Analysis 14
Risk Management 15
6. Benefits Realization 16
7. Ethical & Social Implications 16
8. Limitations 16
Appendix 17
References 18
1. Background Information
Electronic Health Records (“EHR”) comprise of the repository with information pertaining to health status of the patients / individuals. With respect to EHR, these health records shall be created as well as managed by way of digital formats (Helman et al., 2015; Bushelle Edghill et al., 2017; Ba
y, 2016; Helman et al., 2015). The EHR pertaining to the patients could comprise the medical history inclusive of the hospitalizations, operations, medications, earlier diagnostic related follow-ups, results of laboratory tests, radiology reports, as well as affiliated health care related information (Helman et al., 2015; Bushelle Edghill et al., 2017; Ba
y, 2016; Helman et al., 2015). It represents reliable as well as secure sources for clinical information wherein the health records could be shared safely (Helman et al., 2015; Bushelle Edghill et al., 2017; Ba
y, 2016; Helman et al., 2015). The overall history concerning clinical documentation has been over the basis of paper / manual forms of records, as well as they are both ineffective as well as cumbersome (Helman et al., 2015; Bushelle Edghill et al., 2017; Ba
y, 2016; Helman et al., 2015). Efficient forms of retrieving the data shall be possible solely by way of EHR systems employing the ways which the paper documentation shall not be able to undertake. Conventional form of medical records possesses restrictions with paving way for global vision concerning the health conditions pertaining to patients (Helman et al., 2015; Bushelle Edghill et al., 2017; Ba
y, 2016; Helman et al., 2015). The EHR rather aims in gathering of the health data, generated potentially by way of varied set of sources across varied times, as well as share these data using pertinent healthcare systems (Helman et al., 2015; Bushelle Edghill et al., 2017; Ba
y, 2016; Helman et al., 2015).
The vendor that has been chosen for this study is Best Practice and the same represents advanced player in the genera practices (“GP”) software. Best Practice represents pioneer with respect to advancement, promotion as well as the support offered to the valued therapeutic programming aspects concerning the restorative practices in Australasia (Best Practice Software, 2018). The company is privately owned form of entity that is driven from engagement amongst its customers and the has remained consistent by way of establishing the standards for supporting the specialists as well as various affiliated experts in medical domain, advancing towards meeting changing form of needs within the Australasian related human services (Best Practice Software, 2018). In essence, Best Practice was set up at Queensland local city in Bundaberg during the year 2004 and established by Dr Frank Pyefinch. Over years, the company has earned the company has gained reputation across market in offering quality products, effective form of client administration as well as the client engagement (Best Practice Software, 2018). The same has in addition aided the company in delivering exponential form of development across its operations (Best Practice Software, 2018).
2. Executive Summary
EHR comprise of the repository with information pertaining to health status of the patients / individuals. With respect to EHR, these health records shall be created as well as managed by way of digital formats. Efficient form of healthcare deliveries shall concern with the offering of care but not wasteful usage of the resources. The duplicate testing as well as prescribing could be effectively reduced by way of the ability concerning EHR in transfe
ing the information of patient in an automatic manner amongst the sites of health care. The automatic form of reminders shall lead to the reduction of e
ors, enhancement of productivity, as well as benefit the patient care. While implemented in an optimal manner, EHR encompasses the tremendous levels of potential benefits concerning healthcare systems, as well as could enhance the ways in which patient data shall be organized as well as documented. The specific business environment in this context concerns the overall history concerning clinical documentation has been over the basis of paper / manual forms of records, as well as they are both ineffective as well as cumbersome. The prime concern stems from the fact that the multi-tier form of system for government in Australia as well as the larger sized private sector has resulted in the design as well as implementation concerning the e-health systems to be complex to an extreme extent. The key recommendations include the desired future state shall be the Value Added form of EHR System and the proposed product for the same shall be “Doctors – Full Time” product from Best Practice Software vendor.
3. Key Recommendations
The overall ability concerning EHR in sharing the information in the electronic manner offers the boost with respect to the quality concerning the management of healthcare. The key objectives concerning EHR encompass the offering of reliable, efficient as well as the secure approach for registering, gathering as well as processing all of the clinical level data affiliated with the concerned patient. In addition, the same aids with respect to the actions concerning clinical practices as well as the treatment of patients. To take an example, federal government offers funds for both individuals by way of Medicare as well as the hospital services and also the government at the state / te
itory levels offering over 50 per cent of funding for the public hospitals.
The key set of specific recommendations include the following –
· The desired future state shall be the Value Added form of EHR System as the same shall add following set of functions,
· encompass the database with respect to individual level health data sets,
· extraction of data by way of information or else documents,
· transfe
ing data to that if database or else update said database by way off the data extracted,
· allowing both of the individuals as well as the providers of healthcare in controlling with the constraints concerning access towards the relevant data / information / documents,
· allowing the users in retrieving the data sets from that of database for obtaining the formation needed, and,
· undertaking other various set of activities like that of alerting for example that amoxicillin shall not be offered as the patient has allergy towards penicillin.
· In essence, the overall health record shall be classified as information as well as the data as per notions concerning data, knowledge, as well as, information with respect to decision making.
· The proposed product for the same shall be the following –
· “Doctors – Full Time” product from Best Practice Software vendo
4. Strategic Context
The overall success concerning the system health care relies over the maintenance of the trust amongst the patients (Helman et al., 2015; Bushelle Edghill et al., 2017; Ba
y, 2016; Helman et al., 2015). While the patients lose the trust they have with respect to privacy concerning the health information maintained by providers, the same results in potential and dangerous set of steps inclusive of the patients not effectively disclosing the critical...