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Microsoft Word - CSC00240_Assignment2-Revised GS SCHOOL OF BUSINESS AND TOURIMS CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S1/2018 ASSIGNMENT-2 DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS Objective: • By...

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Microsoft Word - CSC00240_Assignment2-Revised GS
CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S1/2018
• By completing this assignment, students will be demonstrating their knowledge and skills
leant from week 1-6 that include:
o IP address planning
1 Problem Context is a software development company with two
anches spread over the Gold Coast region.
The company’s local area network (LAN) is captured in the topology below:
Head Quarter network has 100 network devices including all computers, printers and other devices.
Branch A and B subsequently has 30 and 20 devices.
Recently, the company has been assigned with a new space of IP addressing and the whole network
has to be re-addressed.
CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S1/2018
2 The Task
You are contracted by the company to help with the IP address planning. The following is the new IP
address space:
IPv4 network: 203.2.XY.0
IPv6 network: 2001:1234:ABCD: XY00::/64
where XY is the last 2 digits of your student ID
Your task in this assignment is to plan and document
• An IPv4 address plan for the LAN
• An IPv6 address plan for the LAN
You are expected to provide an efficient and optimum address allocation solution with the
following details:
1. IP address requirement for each sub-network
2. IP address allocation plan for each network/sub-network including network address, subnet
oadcast address, default gateway address and valid host address range.
3. IP address allocation plan for key network device and interfaces e.g., servers, printers,
outer interfaces, etc.
CSC00240 – Data communication and Networks S1/2018
Assessment criteria for Assignment 2
Marking Criteria Max Marks (out
of 100)
Part A. IPv4 Addressing plan 35
a. IP subnet and subnet mask 10
. Network address 5
c. Broadcast address 5
d. Default Gateway address 5
e. Key IP addresses 10
Part B: IPv6 Addressing plan 25
a. IP subnet and subnet Prefix 10
. Network address 5
c. Default Gateway address 5
d. Key IP addresses 5
Part C: Network Diagram 30
a. Co
ect network diagram 20
. Notations 10
Part D: Documentation 10
a. Report format and Presentation 5
. Clarity of exposition & Readability 5

Microsoft Word - CSC00240 Assignment 2 Ses 1 2018_ Marking Ru
CSC00240 Assignment-2 marking ru
ics (100%)
IPv4 addressing
plan (35%)
ect IPv4 addressing plan with
detailed information about network
oadcast address and
default gateway address for each
subnet. Additional details about IP
address assignments e.g. server,
outer interface IP addresses also
provided. The subnetting plan is
optimal and efficient.
ect IPv4 addressing plan
with detailed information
about network address,
oadcast address and default
gateway address for each
subnet. Additional details
about IP address assignments
e.g. server, router interface IP
addresses also provided.
ect IPv4
addressing plan with
detailed information
about network
address and default
gateway address for
each subnet.
ect IPv4 addressing
plan but lack of detailed
information about
network address,
oadcast address and
default gateway address
for each subnet or there
are some minor mistakes
in the addressing plan.
ect IPv4
addressing plan. There
are major mistakes in
the address calculation.
IPv6 addressing
plan (25%)
ect IPv6 addressing plan with
detailed information about network
address, valid host addresses and
default gateway address for each
subnet. Additional details about IP
address assignments e.g. server,
outer interface IP addresses also
provided. The subnetting plan is
optimal and efficient.
ect IPv6 addressing plan
with detailed information
about network address, valid
host addresses and default
gateway address for each
subnet. Additional details
about IP address assignments
e.g. server, router interface IP
addresses also provided.
ect IPv6
addressing plan with
detailed information
about network
address, valid host
addresses and
default gateway
address for each
ect IPv6 addressing
plan but lack of detailed
information about
network address, valid
host addresses and
default gateway address
for each subnet or there
are some minor mistakes
in the addressing plan.
ect IPv6
addressing plan. There
are major mistakes in
the address calculation
and/or notation.
ectly reproduce the LAN
diagram with detailed information
about the IP assignment for each
device network interface. The
network devices are logically
notated. Additional information
about each network device e.g.
manufacture, type and model are
ectly reproduce the LAN
diagram with detailed
information about the IP
assignment for each device
network interface. The
network devices are logically
ectly reproduce
the LAN diagram with
sufficient information
about the IP
ectly reproduce the
LAN diagram but missing
some minor information
about the IP assignment.
ectly reproduce
the LAN diagram or the
diagram does not
contain major
information about the
IP assignment
Professionally presented
documents with title, TOC,
diagrams etc. No grammar and
spelling mistakes. The use of fonts
and colour scheme is impressive.
Professionally presented
documents with title, TOC,
diagrams etc. No grammar
and spelling mistakes.
Document is clearly
presented with all
equired information.
Minor grammar and
spelling mistakes.
Document is clearly
presented with all
equired information.
Some serious grammar
and spelling mistakes.
Document is poorly
presented. Serious
grammar and spelling

Microsoft Word - List of References - Harvard.docx
List of References: Harvard

A list of references is generally provided for academic work, and contains details only of those
works actually cited in the document. Sometimes the term Bibliography is used; however this
efers to a list of related source material that is not necessarily cited in the document.
• A list of references should appear on a separate sheet of paper at the end of an assignment
and is generally titled References.
• This list contains bibliographic details of every work cited in your assignment.
• The list must be a
anged alphabetically by authors’ surnames. If there is more than one
work by the same author, then a
ange chronologically i.e. earlier publication dates before
later dates.
• All reference sources (e.g. books, journal articles, websites etc.) are listed together in one
continuous reference list.
• Co
ect punctuation is important.
• Note minimal capitalisation of book titles and maximal capitalisation of journal titles.
Reference List
ABC 2010, The Drum, analysis and views on the issues of the day, viewed 13
January 2010,
Becher, T 1990, ‘The counter culture of specialisation’, European Journal of
Education, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 330-6.
Bourassa, SD 1999, ‘Effects of child care on young children’, Proceedings of
the third annual meeting of the International Society for Child Psychology,
International Society for Child Psychology, Atlanta, Georgia, pp. 44-6.
Conner, ML 2004, Ageless learners: andragogy and pedagogy, viewed 19
October, 2007,
Dawson, P 2004, Creative writing and the new humanities, Routledge, London.
Department of Health and Aged Care 1999, Hepatitis C: a review of Australia’s
esponse, report prepared by D Lowe & R Cotton, DHAC, Canbe
Dr Brain thinking games 1988, CD-ROM, Knowledge Adventure Inc., To
Health Promotion Committee 2000, The funding of anti-smoking campaigns,
Department of Health, Brisbane.
Izzard, J 2010, ‘A groggy history’, Quadrant, December 2009, no.462, vol.LIII,
Quadrant Magazine Limited, Balmain.
Journal article
Document within
a website
Book - one autho

produced for a govt.

If a book, or a journal
article or a document
on a website has no
ing the title
of the book, article or
document to the front.
Lincoln, M 2009, ‘Ethical behaviour in the information age’, Knowledge Quest,
vol. 37, 5, pp. 34-7, viewed 13 January 2010, Proquest 5000 database.

Richardson, L 2005, ‘Writing: a method of inquiry’, in N Denzin & Y Lincoln
(eds) Handbook of qualitative research, Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Rothman, J, Erlich, J & Tropman, J (eds) 2001, Strategies of Community
Intervention, 6th edn, Peacock Publishers, Itasca, Ilinois.
Smith, L 2003, Study guide: An introduction to academic writing, Southern Cross
University, Lismore, NSW.
Still, J & Worton, M 2000, Intertextuality, Manchester University Press,
Sunday too far away 1975, motion picture, South Australian Film Corporation,
Tartan, L 2010, ‘Little penguin houses’, 7 December 2009, So
ow at Sills Bend:
Blog, viewed 13 January, 2010,
The search for meaning, 2010, radio program, ABC Radio National, Sydney, 11
Towers, K 2000, ‘Doctor not at fault: coroner’, Australian, 18 January, p. 3.
Note: If a newspaper article has no apparent author, provide all details in the in-text
citation; no entry is then required in the reference list. For example,
… (Sydney Morning Herald 24 January 2000, p. 12).
… in the Sydney Morning Herald
Answered Same Day Apr 19, 2020 CSC00240 Southern Cross University


Dr answered on Apr 21 2020
147 Votes
Problem Definition
Usoft is a software development organization have 2
anch offices and a head office. At present the existing network infrastructure such as local area network is not so optimal to fulfill the requirement of information communication and processing. Therefore, uSoft has defined a plan to redesign the network and implement the new addressing schemes for network and computing devices by IP version 4 and IP version 6 addressing mechanisms respectively.
A network Internet protocol address which is specified by uSoft is 203.2.XY.0. This network IP address is class c IP address so that maximum number of hosts with this IP address can be allocated with an IP address will be 254 (Kurose and Ross, 2017). But, the problem is that with given network model there are 3 different LANs connected via router with each of the
anch and head office of the organization. Thus, three separate LANs are required to be created. Third 8 bits or third octet of 4 octets IP version 4 address is here XY and it is replaced by last 2 digits of student ID. My student ID is  22858537 where last two digits are 37. Hence, for x the value is 3 and for y the value is 7. On this basis, the network address will become
Similarly, each devices of the network uSoft also required IP version 6 address. As IP Version 6 is a 128 bits IP address so that huge number of key IP addresses will be created by given IP version 6 network address 2001:1234:ABCD: XY00::/64. There will be three different subnets are required as with IP version 4 these three sub networks are created. Three different subnets are required for
anches and head office of uSoft.
On the basis of given network diagram a logical network diagram with detailed information of computers, servers, printers, routers, switches etc are required to be presented. The logical network diagram must have the router interface and its connectivity with the switch of the individual sub network of the organization. The network diagram will be taken with the mentioned topology and all the devices such as computing nodes and network devices like router, switch are addressed with IP version 4 addressing schemes. Overall, requirements are here to use the given IP version 4 network and IP version 6 network address and apply subnetting methodology to provide the following numbers of IP addresses for the devices for head office, and 2
anches of the uSoft.
· Head Office – 100 key IP addresses for the network devices, computing nodes, servers and printers.
· Branch A – 30 key IP addresses for network devices, computing nodes, servers, and printers.
· Branch B – 20 key IP addresses for network devices, computing nodes, servers and printers.
PART A: IP Version 4 Address Plan for LAN
IP Version 4 address plan requires subnetting of given...

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