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CS 132 Project 1 of 3 CS 132, Winter 2022 Programming Project 6: Game of Life (20 points) Due: Monday, February 28, 2022, 11:59 PM This project will give you practice with vectors of vectors and GUIs....

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CS 132 Project
1 of 3
CS 132, Winter 2022
Programming Project 6: Game of Life (20 points)
Due: Monday, Fe
uary 28, 2022, 11:59 PM
This project will give you practice with vectors of vectors and GUIs. Turn in a files LifeModel.cpp, LifeModel.h,
LifeGui.cpp, LifeGui.h and lifeMain.cpp.
The Game of Life is a simulation by British mathematician J. H. Conway in XXXXXXXXXXThe game models the life cycle of
acteria using a two-dimensional grid of cells. Given an initial pattern, the game simulates the birth and death of future
generations of cells using a set of simple rules. In this assignment you will implement a simplified version of Conway's
simulation and a basic user interface for watching the bacteria grow over time.
Your Game of Life program should begin by prompting the user for a file name and using that file's contents to set the
initial state of your bacterial colony grid. Then it will allow the user to advance the colony through generations of growth.
The user can type t to "tick" forward the bacteria simulation by one generation, or a to begin an animation loop that ticks
forward the simulation by several generations, once every 50 milliseconds; or q to quit. Your menu should be case-
insensitive; for example, an uppercase or lowercase A, T, or Q should work.
Here is an example log of interaction between your program and the user (with console input underlined).
Welcome to the CS 132 Game of Life,
a simulation of the lifecycle of a bacteria colony.
Cells (X) live and die by the following rules:
- A cell with 1 or fewer neighbors dies.
- Locations with 2 neighbors remain stable.
- Locations with 3 neighbors will create life.
- A cell with 4 or more neighbors dies.

Grid input file name? simple.txt
a)nimate, t)ick, q)uit? t
a)nimate, t)ick, q)uit? t
a)nimate, t)ick, q)uit? q
Have a nice Life!
Game of Life Simulation Rules:
Each grid location is either empty or occupied by a single living cell (X). A location's neighbors are any
cells in the su
ounding eight adjacent locations. In the example at right, the shaded middle location has
three neighbors containing living cells. A square that is on the border of the grid has fewer than eight neigh-
ors. For example, the top-right X square in the example at right has only three neighboring squares, and
only one of them contains a living cell (the shaded square), so it has one living neighbor.
The simulation starts with an initial pattern of cells on the grid and computes successive generations of cells according to
the following rules:
• A location that has zero or one neighbors will be empty in the next generation. If a cell was there, it dies.
• A location with two neighbors is stable. If it had a cell, it still contains a cell. If it was empty, it's still empty.
• A location with three neighbors will contain a cell in the next generation. If it was unoccupied before, a new cell
2 of 3
is born. If it cu
ently contains a cell, the cell remains.
• A location with four or more neighbors will be empty in the next generation. If there was a cell in that location, it
dies of overcrowding.
The births and deaths that transform one generation to the next all take effect simultaneously. When you are computing a
new generation, new births/deaths in that generation don't impact other cells in that generation. Any changes (births or
deaths) in a given generation k start to have effect on other neighboring cells in generation k+1.
Check your understanding of the game rules by looking at the
following example at right. The two patterns at right should
alternate forever.


Here is a second example. The pattern at right does not
change on each iteration, because each cell has exactly three
living neighbors. This is called a "stable" pattern or a "still

Input Grid Data Files:
The grid of bacteria in your program gets its initial state from one of a set of provided input text files, which follow a par-
ticular format. You can assume that the user will enter a valid grid file name and that all of the files contents are valid.
You do not need to write any code to handle a misformatted file. The behavior of your program in such a case is not de-
fined in this spec; it can crash, it can terminate, etc. You may also assume that the input file name typed by the user does
not contain any spaces.
In each input file, the first two lines will contain integers r and c representing the number of rows and columns in the grid,
espectively. The next lines of the file will contain the grid itself, a set of characters of size r x c with a line
eak (\n)
after each row. Each grid character will be either a '-' (minus sign) for an empty dead cell, or an 'X' (uppercase X) for
a living cell. The input file might contain additional lines of information after the grid lines, such as comments by its au-
thor or even junk/ga
age data; any such content should be ignored by your program.
The input files will exist in the same working directory as your program. For example, the following text might be the
contents of a file simple.txt, a 5x9 grid with 3 initially live cells:
← number of rows tall
← number of columns wide

← grid of rows and columns
- is a dead cell, X is a living cell
Implementation Details:
The LifeModel class should represent the cu
ent state of the world. It should keep track of the state of the grid of bac-
terial cells in a 2-dimensional vector of vectors or an a
ay of a
ays. It should also contain the following public
member functions and operators:
LifeModel(fileName) Constructs a LifeModel that stores a grid of the data in the passed in file
getRows() Returns the number of rows in the grid
getCols() Returns the number of columns in the grid
isAlive(row, col) Returns true if the bacteria at that row and column location is alive and false if it is not.
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update() Updated the state of the model, using the rules described above, to contain the next version
of the bacteria’s state.
Outputs the state of the model to the console with – characters used to represent empty
cells and capital X characters used to represent live cells.

The LifeGui class should create and animate the simulation. It should also contain the following public member func-
tions and operators:
LifeGui(modelPointer) Constructs a LifeGui to display the contents of the LifeModel class stored in the
passed in pointer. It should ask the model to update and then redraw every half a second
update() Asks the model to update its state and then redraws that updated state. Live cells should be
drawn in one color and dead cells in another. Each cell should take up at least a 10 pixel
y 10 pixel square. However, the exact dimensions and colors are to you. Just make sure a
viewer can tell which squares represent alive cells and which don’t.
The lifeMain program should manage the simulation and contain your main function. When your program starts it
should print out an introduction, prompt for an input file name, read and output that file’s contents and prompt the user
with the following options:
Welcome to the CS 132 Game of Life,
a simulation of the lifecycle of a bacteria colony.
Cells (X) live and die by the following rules:
- A cell with 1 or fewer neighbors dies.
- Locations with 2 neighbors remain stable.
- Locations with 3 neighbors will create life.
- A cell with 4 or more neighbors dies.

Grid input file name? simple.txt

a)nimate, t)ick, q)uit? a
If the user types in a, as above, your program should open the GUI and run your animation until the user closes it. When
the user closes the animation window the program should not close. Instead, it should re-prompt the user with the same
options. If the user instead types t, it should advance the state of the model by one step, output it as text to the console
and then re-prompt with the same options. You can see an example of this and of the quit message in the log of execution
shown on the first page of this document.

Style Guidelines:
Compiling: Your code should compile without any e
ors or warnings and should work with any C++ compiler and input
files as given. You may not use any compiler-specific functions.
Style: Half of your grade will be based on the style of your code. There are many general C++ coding styles that you
should follow. Use whitespace and indentation properly. Use descriptive variable and function names. Limit lines to 100
characters. Give meaningful names to functions/variables and follow C++'s naming standards. Localize variables.
As always, reduce redundancy whenever possible. Use loops, functions, parameters, returns and calling member functions
of your objects to achieve this. You are welcome to add additional functions. However, if you add them to your classes
make sure that they are private. All member variables must also be private. Any function or parameter that can be
Answered 4 days After Feb 23, 2022


Arun Shankar answered on Feb 28 2022
114 Votes

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