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Microsoft Word - Critical Reflection Clinical Medical Imaging Practice 5.docx Clinical Medical Imaging Practice 5 Critical Incident / Reflection Report...

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Microsoft Word - Critical Reflection Clinical Medical Imaging Practice 5.docx
Clinical    Medical    Imaging    Practice    5    
Critical    Incident    /    Reflection    Report    
As    with    your    previous    clinical    blocks    it    is    important    that    you    use    the    clinical    
experience    you    gain    to    deepen    and    
oaden    your    developing    professional    
knowledge.    An    important    part    of    your    experience    is    to    be    able    to    use,    adapt    and    
extend    your    knowledge    (theoretical    and    professional)    to    deepen    your    ability    to    meet    
the    requirements    of    any    aspect    of    the    clinical    workplace.        
To    support    your    clinical    experience,    and    your    understanding    of    the    clinical    learning    
process,    you    are    to    write    up    one    critical    reflection.    The    submission    date    is    noted    on    
the    CMIP    5    Blackboard    site    and    the    Unit    Outline.    
Your    report    should    reflect    your    ability    to    inte
ogate    the    clinical    workplace,    and    be    
commensurate    with    a    student    approaching    graduation.    As    such    this    reflection    does    
not    need    to    focus    on    a    clinical    case    (though    it    can)    but    needs    to    indicate    your    ability    
to    inte
ogate    the    
oader    clinical    community    within    which    you    work.    
The    focus    of    this    year’s    clinical    program    is    for    you    to    be    able    to    demonstrate    your    
ability    to    meet    the    Standards    set    by    the    Medical    Radiation    Practice    Board    of    
Australia    (MRPBA);    
It    is    the    responsibility    of    the    Discipline    of    Medical    Imaging    Science    to    ensure    
graduates    from    the    program    can    demonstrate    the    ability    to:    
A. Professional    and    ethical    conduct    
a. practice    in    an    ethical    and    professional    manner,    consistent    with    
elevant    legislation    and    regulatory    requirements    
. provide    each    patient/client    with    an    appropriate    level    of    dignity    and    
c. assume    responsibility,    and    accept    accountability,    for    professional    
decisions,    and    
d. advocate    on    behalf    of    the    patient/client,    when    appropriate,    within    
the    context    of    the    practitioner’s    particular    division    of    registration    
(diagnostic    radiography)    
B. Communication    and    collaboration    
a. communicate    sensitively    and    effectively    with    patient/client    and    their    
family    of    carers,    and    
. collaborate    with    other    health    practitioners    
C. Evidence    based    practice    and    professional    learning    
a. apply    critical    reflective    thinking    to    resolve    clinical    challenges,    and    
. identify    ongoing    professional    learning    needs    and    opportunities    
D. Radiation    safety    and    risk    management    
a. implement    safe    radiation    practice    appropriately    according    to    
diagnostic    radiography    standards    
. protect    and    enhance    patient/client    safety    
c. confirm    and    operate    equipment    and    instrumentation    safely    as    
appropriate    to    diagnostic    radiography    standards    
d. maintain    safety    of    self    and    others    in    the    work    environment    
appropriate    for    the    diagnostic    radiation    standards    
e. safely    manage    radiation    and    radioactivity    in    the    environment    
E. Practice    in    Medical    Radiation    Sciences    
a. apply    an    understanding    of    anatomy,    physiology    and    pathology    that    is    
appropriate    to    diagnostic    radiography    
. apply    principles    of    medical    radiation    physics    and    instrumentation    
c. use    patient    information    systems    appropriately    
d. confirm    the    procedure    according    to    clinical    indicators    
e. assess    patient/client’s    capacity    to    receive    care    
f. deliver    patient/client’s    care    appropriate    to    diagnostic    radiography    
g. manage    and    manipulate    3D    data    sets    for    diagnostic    image    production    
h. apply    knowledge    of    pharmaceuticals    relevant    to    diagnostic    
F. Practice    in    diagnostic    radiography    
a. implement    and    evaluate    general    radiography    examinations    for    a    
ange    of    patient/client    presentations    and    complexities    
. implement    fluoroscopy    in    a    range    of    settings    
c. implement    diagnostic    computed    tomography    (CT)    imaging    
d. explain    the    principles    and    clinical    applications    of    angiography    and    
interventional    techniques    
e. explain    the    principles    and    clinical    applications    of    magnetic    resonance    
(MR)    imaging    
f. explain    the    principles    and    clinical    applications    of    ultrasound    imaging    
g. explain    the    principles    of    mammographic    imaging    within    the    clinical    
When    writing    your    reflection    keep    these    standards    in    mind,    and    perhaps    use    them    as    
a    basis    upon    which    you    assess,    analyse,    and    critique    the    topic    of    your    reflective    
Remember    when    writing    up    your    reflection    you    should    draw    on    learning    from    any    of    
the    units    you    have    taken    over    the    course    of    the    program.    Your    report    should    be    
etween    1000    and    1500    words    and    should    be    submitted    in    Microsoft    Word    format.        
Your    discussion    will    be    reviewed    and    assessed    according    to    the    levels,    and    their    
descriptions,    given    in    the    Reflection    Grade    Descriptions.        

Microsoft Word - Reflection Grade Descriptions CMIP 5.docx
Clinical    Medical    Imaging    Practice    5    
Reflection    Grade    Descriptions        
Critical    Reflection    (90    –    100%)                   
There    is    evidence    that    the    discussion    has    led    to    a    fundamental    change    in    the    student’s    
underlying    understanding    and    /    or    belief.    It    is    based    in    theory    but    with    strong    evidence    of    
knowledge    being    adapted    and    extended    through    reflection    on    experience.    The    student    has    
demonstrated    insight    into    the    practice    of    diagnostic    radiography    that    is    beyond    that    expected    
of    a    student    approaching    graduation.    
Reflection    –    Critical    reflection    (80    –    89%)    
The    discussion    is    a    transition    between    Reflection    and    Critical    Reflection.    
Reflection    (70    –    79%)                       
There    is    a    strong    sense    that    theoretical    understanding    has    been    adapted    appropriately    to    the    
workplace    and    to    the    maximum    benefit    of    the    patient(s).    There    is    evidence    of    personal    
development    in    the    discussion,    based    on    reflection    on    experience    and    demonstrating    an    
insightful    approach    to    the    practice    of    diagnostic    radiography.    
Understanding    –    Reflection    (60    –    69%)    
The    discussion    is    a    transition    between    Understanding    and    Reflection.    
Understanding    (50    –    59%)              
There    is    evidence    of    good    theoretical    understanding    and    its    application    in    the    workplace.    The    
discussion    lacks    the    sort    of    insight    that    would    indicate    the    student’s    ability    to    readily    adapt    
knowledge    to    the    specifics    of    a    clinical    question    /    situation.    
Non-reflection    –    Understanding    (40    –    49%)    
The    discussion    is    rather    disjointed    but    does    demonstrate    some    evidence    of    Understanding.    The    
student’s    ability    to    adapt    knowledge    and    practice    to    meet    the    requirements    of    the    situation    
under    discussion    is    not    evident.    
Non-reflection    (Fail)    
There    is    no    sense    of    the    writer’s    understanding    as    it    is    developed    from    the    theory.    There    are    
unconnected    thoughts    which    are    not    developed    into    a    cohesive    discussion.    Plagiarised    work    will    
eceive    an    automatic    Fail.
Answered Same Day Apr 19, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Apr 28 2020
149 Votes
Department of Medical Radiation Sciences
Faculty of Science and Engineering
    Curtin University
Definition of Critical Reflection
Critical reflection in the clinical context is an analytical process of learning through engaging and exploring the real-time experiences with patients to learn new appreciations and understandings1. The critical reflection ensures that the student has implied to the professional and ethical conduct, communication and collaboration standards, professional learning and evidence-based practice, radiation safety and risk management, and practice in diagnostic radiography according to a predefined set of standards.
Objectives of Critical Reflection
The report presents a critical reflection on the learning experience from a clinical radiographic placement and the improvement in attaining the professional expertise. The report demonstrates the learning activities the students observed during their placement in the external radiographic organization for four days a week under the supervision of a clinical supervisor. The work elaborates the ability of the student to cross-examine the situations related to all the aspects of the clinical workplace, by exhibiting the analytical skills, justification, and allocation of alternate solutions to the clinical issues as per the standards of MRPBA.
Clinical Placement
During my clinical placement for 80 days I went through many patients and earned a lot of clinical experience while practicing various imaging and radiological techniques under the guidance of my clinical supervisor. The practice increased my clinical skills and exposed me to evidence-based practice of real-time patients. For clinical evaluation, I was assigned the task to do CT scan of head and X-Ray of the chest. I had to keep a record of each patient, his/her diagnosis, my assessment and final reports to be submitted each evening to my supervisor. This record is commonly known as a reflective clinical journal. Maintaining the journal helps the students to reflect on their clinical practice, assess their observations, discover new information and relate their findings to their earlier experiences2.
My Experiences
My placement comprised of General ward radiology duties at the initial phase and later on transfe
ed to Accident and Emergency Ward. I spent a major part of my placement in General Radiology Ward, where I regularly performed X-Ray for inpatients as well as outpatients as suggested by the Physicians. During the first week, I was a bit nervous to do my first X-Ray of a 75-year-old man who was diagnosed with a respiratory problem, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder. While doing the X-Ray, I was to be assessed by my Supervising Radiographer. I was nervous but soon he made me comfortable. In fact, he helped me and assisted me to do it without any problem. I checked all the documents of the patient, for any specific requirements in test and for any history of images. I washed my hands and wore the gloves. During my inte
ogation with the patient, I was particular about my behavior, and sensitivity in communication. I had to ensure that the patient has followed all the safety and precautionary directions as told to him before confronting the X-Ray machine. Radiographer, who accompanied me, asked the patient that a radiology student is going to perform his test, to which the patient agreed. Later on, my whole procedure was evaluated and observed by the Radiographer.
The procedure was performed at anteroposterior angle and with an erect posture3. The patient cooperated well and followed all the directions about
eathing pattern efficiently. The resulting X-Ray image showed hyper-expansion, coarsened areas and airway obstruction at certain points. It was very clear to observe the symptoms and affected areas in lungs. I was given an A grade assessment by the Supervising radiographer. It increased my self-confidence about my abilities to perform the test alone with quality reports. I noted down all the experiences of my fluctuating emotions in my reflective diary. I was allotted different duties in the General Ward, pertaining to preparing the patients for their imaging, handling the safety analysis of equipment and related precautions, Entering the data of Radiology patients in the computer system and preparing the final copy of reports after the tests. In performing...

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