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Create a payroll program named CalcPay that allows the user to enter two double valuesand a stringnamely hours worked, hourly rate and name. After the user enters the rate, hours,and namethe program...

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Create a payroll program named CalcPay that allows the user to enter two double valuesand a stringnamely hours worked, hourly rate and name. After the user enters the rate, hours,and namethe program should calculate the gross pay. Compute federal withholding tax which is subtracted from gross based on the following table: Hints: (100pts) Use methods as deemed appropriate. 0 to XXXXXXXXXX% XXXXXXXXXXto XXXXXXXXXX% XXXXXXXXXXto XXXXXXXXXX% XXXXXXXXXXand up 21%. Create an ouput file named '"Payout"The file should include: Name, hours, rate, deduct, gross and net. You should also display the same using printf.
Answered Same Day Mar 05, 2022


Tanisha answered on Mar 06 2022
119 Votes

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