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Computer and Information Sciences ITEC 315 Database Connectivity: Excel to Access For this exercise you will submit a Word document and the Excel document . Use the database Ch02_InsureCo (you...

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Computer and Information Sciences

ITEC 315

Database Connectivity: Excel to Access

For this exercise you will submit a Word document and the Excel document.

Use the database Ch02_InsureCo (you will need to download and save to a location on your computer).

1. Use MS Excel to connect to the Ch02_InsureCo MS Access database and retrieve all of the AGENTs. Put results on its own sheet called Agent. Copy (ALT-PRTSC) and paste results.

2. Use MS Excel to connect to the Ch02_InsureCo MS Access database and retrieve all of the CUSTOMERs. Put results on its own sheet called Customer. Copy (ALT-PRTSC) and paste results.

3. Use MS Excel to connect to the Ch02_InsureCo MS Access database and retrieve all of the Customers with Agent Data (use qryCustomerAgentView) for Agent 502. Put results on its own sheet called CustomerAgentView. Copy (ALT-PRTSC) and paste results.

Answered Same Day Jun 28, 2021


Neha answered on Jun 29 2021
156 Votes
61231 - access/excel.xlsx
        501        Alby        Alex        B        713        228-1249        123 Pleasant View Dr.        Nashville        TN        37119        11/1/00        26566.24        6641.56        2125.3        132735.75        3
        502        Hahn        Leah        F        615        882-1244        334 East Main Street        Louisville        KY        25246        5/23/86        32213.76        8053.44        2577.1        138967.35        0
        503        Okon        John        T        615        123-5589        452 Technology Circle        Oak Ridge        TN        36155        6/15/05        23198.29        5799.57        1855.86        127093.45        2
        10010        Ramas        Alfred        A        615        844-2573        T1        100        4/5/12        502
        10011        Dunne        Leona        K        713        894-1238        T1        250        6/16/12        501
        10012        Smith        Kathy        W        615        894-2285        S2        150        1/29/13        502
        10013        Olowski        Paul        F        615        894-2180        S1        300        10/14/12        502
        10014        Orlando        Myron                615        222-1672        T1        100        12/28/13        501
        10015        O'Brian        Amy        B        713        442-3381        T2        850        9/22/12        503
        10016        Brown        James        G        615        297-1228        S1        120        3/25/13        502
        10017        Williams        George                615        290-2556        S1        250        7/17/12        503
        10018        Fa
iss        Anne        G        713        382-7185        T2        100        12/3/12        501
        10019        Smith        Olette        K        615        297-3809        S2        500        3/14/13        503
        10011        Dunne        Leona        K        713        894-1238        T1        250        6/16/12        501        501        Alby        Alex        B        713        228-1249        123 Pleasant View Dr.        Nashville        TN        37119        11/1/00        26566.24        6641.56        2125.3        132735.75        3
        10014        Orlando        Myron                615        222-1672        T1        100        12/28/13        501        501        Alby        Alex        B        713        228-1249        123 Pleasant View Dr.        Nashville        TN        37119        11/1/00        26566.24        6641.56        2125.3        132735.75        3
        10018        Fa
iss        Anne        G        713        382-7185        T2        100        12/3/12        501        501        Alby        Alex        B        713        228-1249        123 Pleasant View Dr.        Nashville        TN        37119        11/1/00        26566.24        6641.56        2125.3        132735.75        3
        10010        Ramas        Alfred        A        615        844-2573        T1        100        4/5/12        502        502        Hahn        Leah        F        615        882-1244        334 East Main...

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