Due date:
Thursday Week 11 (2PM AEST)
Written Assessment
30% of total assessment.
Electronic (see course website for details)
It will be necessary to use literature/online resources to complete this assignment, please ensure you cite and reference any such materials using the Harvard format.
DO NOT copy content directly from either the text or Internet resources: this assignment is to be in your own words. You will lose marks if you do not use your own words!
Please complete your assignment using this submission template file, inserting your responses where indicated.
DO NOT delete the marking criteria page – changes are permitted to the formatting of other pages including the headers and footers.
Please fill in the following details:
Student Name
Student Number
Tutor’s Name
There are ten (10) tasks, one for each week: the tasks are detailed below. There is a table to complete for each task. Please fill in the information required.
Note: Each resource summary should be around XXXXXXXXXXwords.
Week 1
The text discusses how modern CPUs function. Recently a critical flaw in microprocessor design has been discovered that allows two extremely serious security exploits: Spectre and Meltdown. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how either of these exploits work. The resource (and your summary) should focus on what is occurring in the CPU that allows these exploits to occur.
Title and Reference:
This should include the URL of the resource>
Week 2
Prior to 1985, there were very few Operating Systems (OSes) that used Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE of these GUI operating systems. The OS must have been release prior to 1985 so cannot be Microsoft Windows.
Week 3
Low-Powered Wide-Area Networks (LPWANs) are wireless communication networks that are characterised by linking devices over large distances. Devices (including simple sensors) typically can only communicate at very low bit rates, however, the communication and associated electronics consume very little power. As such, LPWAN devices can be battery powered and operate independently for many months or even years. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE platform or technology that implements a LPWAN.
Week 4
Voice over IP (VoIP) is a group of hardware and software technologies that allow users to communicate via voice and video over the Internet. VoIP uses a number of different software protocols, depending on the application. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE of these VoIP protocols.
Week 5
One of the many uses of cryptography has been the development of the blockchain. Blockchains are commonly used as the basis for maintaining the data integrity of crypto currencies, though have many, many more applications. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes how blockchains work. Note that the resource should focus on the blockchain mechanism, NOT crypto currencies.
Week 6
One controversial practical application of network traffic management is in the contravention of the principle of “net neutrality”. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what net neutrality is and how its contravention could impact on individual and business users of the Internet.
Week 7
Information Systems have led to greater and greater degrees of automation in the workplace. There is currently extensive speculation on which jobs will cease to be performed by humans in the near future. Find and summarise ONE resource that discusses jobs that are likely to not exist in the future due to ICT based automation. Note that the resource must clearly link the loss of the job(s) to advances in ICT.
Week 8
With the advent of mass data collection and storage has come the use of these datasets for machine learning. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what machine learning is and how it is being used.
Week 9
Critical to application development are the languages used to implement the specifications. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes ONE programming language that has been developed since 2008. The resource (and your summary) should include information on the principle uses and features of the language.
Week 10
While information systems and technology deliver many benefits to society, they can also result in negative effects and outcomes. One recent controversy, the propagation of fake news and its influence on elections, has been linked to a type of software called a “bot”. Find and summarise ONE resource that describes what bots are and how they can be used for disseminating misinformation and affecting human behaviour.
No Response
Poor resource selection; resource is too broad or lacks relevance to the task; summary fails to explain what the resource was about; the relevance and/or usefulness of the resource has not been explained.
Good resource selection; resource is relevant to the task; summary is adequate but may require either more detail or is too long; the relevance and/or usefulness of the resource has been explained to some extent, but needs additional information.
Excellent resource selection; resource is highly relevant to the task (the resource is probably highly specialised); summary is detailed yet concise; the relevance and usefulness of the resource selection has been clearly explained.
Reference/URL provided does not link to resource (and resource cannot be located or determined from details provided) ORReference/URL provided does not relate to the summary (i.e. summary is not of resource content / contains content not contained in the resource)
Resource is generic AND/OR covers multiple technologies/examples rather than focuses on a single technology/example
Resource not referenced correctly/not in Harvard format
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