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CIC109 Care for Individuals in the Community - Assessment 1 Response Template Assessment 1 Response Template STUDENT NAME DATE Course HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing Subject Title CIC109 Care for...

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CIC109 Care for Individuals in the Community - Assessment 1 Response Template
    Assessment 1 Response Template
    HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
    Subject Title
    CIC109 Care for Individuals in the Community
    Unit of Competency
    HLTENN015 Implement and monitor care for a person in the primary health care setting
    Performance Criteria, Knowledge and Performance Evidence Assessed
    PC: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 5.1, 5.2
    PE: 1, 2
    KE: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13
    Title of Assessment Task
    Assessment Task 1 - Case Study
Task Instructions
To complete this assessment, you must watch the three (3) case studies related to CIC109 Assessment 1, then answer each question on the worksheets provided below. There are four (4) worksheets in total. These scenarios can be viewed in the CIC109 Assessment page.
The scenarios and worksheets you must cover are:
1. Case Study / Worksheet 1: Mr Tsakoumagos
2. Case Study / Worksheet 2: Mr Smith
3. Case Study / Worksheet 3: Mrs Jeffery
4. Worksheet 4: This is not related to a case study
When responding to the questions, please ensure you consider all the information in each case study and take note of the suggested word limits. Being able to assess a situation and report your suggestions clearly and succinctly is a key skill for any nurse.
Worksheet 1: Mr Tsakoumagos
    This is an emergency situation, as the patient has high-level chest pain.
Given the critical nature of the scenario, outline a minimum of eight (8) steps you would take to ensure Mr Tsakoumagos is appropriately cared for. In your response, consider who you would involve and any assessments or nursing interventions you may need to include.
    Explain how you would undertake effective decision-making to initiate action for Mr Tsakoumagos in collaboration with members of a multidisciplinary team, which is based on the clinical assessment of the client (200 words). In your response, include:
· Immediate treatment actions
· Refe
· Longer-term actions.
    Note: You should show sufficient detail to indicate how you undertook the decision-making process and what evidence or results the decision was based on. Your response should provide
ief details of what information would be discussed, which team members would be involved in the discussion and the outcomes and recommendations of the discussion. Identify the roles and professional expertise of nominated members of the multidisciplinary health care team.
    Considering your knowledge of Mr Tsakoumago’s lifestyle, identify a minimum of six (6) potential environmental and other health issues that may impact Mr Tsakoumago’s health.
    Mr Tsakoumagos lives outside the small rural town of Moranbah in Central Queensland. Using the following website, plus your own research identify two (2) community resources and one (1) other resource around the area that will help to support and assist Mr Tsakoumagos’s needs for each of the following.
· Weight loss
· Smoking cessation
· Healthy eating
    My Community Directory XXXXXXXXXXMoranbah 4744. Retrieved October 2019 from https:
Worksheet 2: Mr Smith
    Based on your knowledge of Mr Smith’s situation, identify six (6) health goals you could work to set in collaboration with Mr Smith to help prevent illness, relative to his needs.
    List three (3) health or lifestyle interventions you could recommend for Mr Smith, ensuring they are appropriate to Mr Smith’s needs and situation. And, using 30 words for each, explain the community (or other) resource that could assist and how the intervention would provide a benefit.
    In 100 words explain how you would identify any health literacy issues Mr Smith might have, which could impact his understanding of the information provided to him and his ability to access services. In your response, include a minimum of three (3) questions you could ask Mr Smith.
    In 100 words, explain how you would assist Mr Smith to participate in health education programs relevant to his needs. In your response, include how your suggestions might align with any workplace guidelines.
    List five (5) criteria you would look for when evaluating whether you have met the goals you set for Mr Smith and, in 30 words for each, explain how you would monitor and document his progress towards meeting each one.
Worksheet 3: Mrs Jeffery
    Outline three (3) risks Mrs Jeffery faces with her cu
ent situation and provide one (1) possible intervention for each risk to try to minimise each risk (65 words per risk and intervention).
    In 100 words, explain three (3) strategies you could discuss with Mrs Jeffery’s family that would help them assist with her care, self-care and understanding.
    In 100 words, outline how you would document Mrs Jeffery’s response to the interventions and to whom you would report this.
    Mrs Jeffery is agreeable to you talking with her daughters about her care. Outline what you would say to her daughters when describing the physical, psychological and social impacts of her health problems on her daily activities (100 words).
Worksheet 4: Lifecycle Health Issues
    You are to fill out the table provided. This table asks that you nominate three common health issues for each lifecycle stage, outline an appropriate PHC response/treatment/intervention and nominate a multidisciplinary team member indicating why you have chosen that profession for each of the health issues listed.
    Related lifecycle stage.
    Note three (3) common health issues for lifecycle stage.
    Specify one (1) appropriate PHC response / treatment / intervention for each issue.
    List one (1) multidisciplinary team member appropriate for each issue and note why they are important.
(0-2 years)
(3-12 years)
(13-17 years)
XXXXXXXXXXVersion 2    RTO Code XXXXXXXXXXThink: Colleges Pty Ltd. CRICOS Provider No. 00246M    Page 9
Answered Same Day Jul 01, 2021 HLTENN015 Training.Gov.Au


Tanaya answered on Jul 04 2021
148 Votes
CIC109 Care for Individuals in the Community - Assessment 1 Response Template
    Assessment 1 Response Template
    HLT54115 Diploma of Nursing
    Subject Title
    CIC109 Care for Individuals in the Community
    Unit of Competency
    HLTENN015 Implement and monitor care for a person in the primary health care setting
    Performance Criteria, Knowledge and Performance Evidence Assessed
    PC: 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 5.1, 5.2
    PE: 1, 2
    KE: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13
    Title of Assessment Task
    Assessment Task 1 - Case Study
Task Instructions
To complete this assessment, you must watch the three (3) case studies related to CIC109 Assessment 1, then answer each question on the worksheets provided below. There are four (4) worksheets in total. These scenarios can be viewed in the CIC109 Assessment page.
The scenarios and worksheets you must cover are:
1. Case Study / Worksheet 1: Mr Tsakoumagos
2. Case Study / Worksheet 2: Mr Smith
3. Case Study / Worksheet 3: Mrs Jeffery
4. Worksheet 4: This is not related to a case study
When responding to the questions, please ensure you consider all the information in each case study and take note of the suggested word limits. Being able to assess a situation and report your suggestions clearly and succinctly is a key skill for any nurse.
Worksheet 1: Mr Tsakoumagos
    This is an emergency situation, as the patient has high-level chest pain.
Given the critical nature of the scenario, outline a minimum of eight (8) steps you would take to ensure Mr Tsakoumagos is appropriately cared for. In your response, consider who you would involve and any assessments or nursing interventions you may need to include.
Chest pain may not always lead to heart attack. Hence it is essential for the nurse in-charge to verify whether the pain can lead to life threatening situations needs to be diagnosed by the nurse. Specialist to be involved includes cardiologist, registered nurse, pulmonologist and general physician.
· In the first step the nurse needs to ca
y out electrocardiogram to check if there are any injured muscles which is not conducting electrical impulses.
· Second, the nurse needs to ca
y out blood test to verify if there had been any elevation in the enzyme and protein content of the heart muscles.
· Chest X-rays needs to be ca
ied out to evaluate the lung condition including the size and the shape of the heart. It also helps in the evaluation of the blood vessels. In case there are any lung problems that includes collapsed lungs and pneumonia, it is detected through lung X-ray.
· CT scan needs to be ca
ied out to check if there are any blood clot within the lungs that have resulted in pulmonary embolism causing pain.
· The doctor may suggest in ca
ying out coronary catheterization or angiogram that verifies if there are any arteries that are na
owed or blocked.
· In order to treat the pain, the nurse can provide artery relaxers like nitro-glycerine under the tongue of the patients which will help in relaxing the heart arteries.
· In case signs of heart attack is observed in the patient, thrombolytic drugs can be given to prevent blockage of the heart muscle.
· Since in this case the chest pain was observed to be severe and if the diagnosis reveals any blockage in the arteries that are feeding blood directly to the heart then angioplasty or stent placement can be ca
ied out in Mr Tsakoumagos.
    Explain how you would undertake effective decision-making to initiate action for Mr Tsakoumagos in collaboration with members of a multidisciplinary team, which is based on the clinical assessment of the client (200 words). In your response, include:
· Immediate treatment actions
· Refe
· Longer-term actions.
    Note: You should show sufficient detail to indicate how you undertook the decision-making process and what evidence or results the decision was based on. Your response should provide
ief details of what information would be discussed, which team members would be involved in the discussion and the outcomes and recommendations of the discussion. Identify the roles and professional expertise of nominated members of the multidisciplinary health care team.
The registered nurse as part of the immediate treatment action will be providing aspirin to the paint to ease the pain. In the meantime, she will be discussing with the Cardiologist and the pulmonologist to check with the test and the medications that can be provided to the patient. The nurse will be providing the vital stats and the degree of pain with the cardiologist and ca
y out the initial test for ECG, CT scan and Chest X-ray. The pain will ease down for the patient that will allow the nurse to ca
y out the necessary test with the help of the clinicians. Based on the test results, whether the chest pain is due to blockage or if it has affected the lungs, the cardiologist and pulmonologist will be refe
ed. In case the doctors require close monitoring of the patient or administration of any thrombolytic drugs, the general physician and the registered nurse will be involved. For a longer-term action, the registered nurse will also involve an occupational therapist and a nutritionist so that the diet and the habits of the patient can be monitored. Moreover, if there is any change required in the diet or daily routine, it can be implemented so that Mr Tsakoumagos diabetic condition remains controlled with a healthier lifestyle.
    Considering your knowledge of Mr Tsakoumagos’ lifestyle, identify a minimum of six (6) potential environmental and other health issues that may impact Mr Tsakoumagos’ health.
· High level of air pollution may result in the immediate health challenges like cardiovascular as well as respiratory illness (Kulhánek et al., 2018).
· Air pollution can result in creating stress on lungs and heart as a result, they work hard to supply oxygen to the different parts of the body.
· Presence of volatile compounds, nitrogen oxides in pesticides that are released from the agricultural equipment results in emphysema, asthma and
onchitis, chest pain, dry throat and nausea.
· Obesity, overweight and unhealthy diet will lead to na
owing of the blood vessels and arteries that will result in angina (Germeroth et al., 2017).
· Overweight due to his type 2 diabetic condition can also lead to health challenges like osteoarthritis, stroke and joint problems.
· Angina, chest pain and blocked arteries can also occur due to smoking. This results in the damage of the heart muscles due to the blockage in the heart muscles and lack in the adequate flow of blood in the heart.
    Mr Tsakoumagos lives outside the small rural town of Moranbah in Central Queensland. Using the following website, plus your own research identify two (2) community resources and one (1) other resource around the area that will help to...

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