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Aging is not for the faint of heart. There are many issues related to care needs and options, access, and the view of the patient or resident versus that of the practitioner. Given what you learned in...

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Aging is not for the faint of heart. There are many issues related to care needs and options, access, and the view of the patient or resident versus that of the practitioner. Given what you learned in Chapter Five,

choose three

issues that you think are most important to patients or residents as they age and answer the following. 1. Why are these issues critical for aging Americans? 2. What are the attitudes of practitioners toward these issues? 3. What principles of ethics relate to these issues?

Answered Same Day Feb 03, 2024


Dipali answered on Feb 04 2024
16 Votes
Table of contents
Introduction    3
Issue 1: Access to Quality Healthcare Services    3
Issue 2: Long-Term Care Options    4
Issue 3: Dignity and Autonomy of Aging Individuals    5
Conclusion    5
References    7
The intricate issues pertaining to care requirements, access, and the viewpoints of older adults and healthcare professionals are becoming more prominent as the United States deals with the complications of an ageing population. Older Americans travel through their golden years with a multitude of problems that drastically affect their quality of life. This research explores three critical areas: maintaining autonomy and dignity, long-term care alternatives, and access to high-quality healthcare services. Our objective is to present a thorough study that sheds light on the complex picture of ageing in the healthcare system of the twenty-first century by delving into the essential relevance of these concerns, comprehending the perspectives of practitioners, and figuring out the ethical principles that guide them.
Issue 1: Access to Quality Healthcare Services
· Importance for Ageing Americans: As people age, the frequency of chronic diseases and healthcare demands increases, making access to high-quality healthcare increasingly important. The healthcare system can be difficult for older Americans to navigate, which can cause treatment to be delayed or provided insufficiently. Ensuring the senior population has access to high-quality healthcare services is crucial to preserving their health and overall well-being.
· Attitudes of Practitioners: Most practitioners agree that older Americans need to have access to high-quality healthcare. Nevertheless, the emphasis on acute treatment, regulatory obstacles, and budget limitations sometimes make it difficult to offer timely and complete services. Divergent opinions exist among practitioners; some may feel restricted by cu
ent restrictions, while others may call...

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