Anju Lata answered on
Jul 12 2020
Running Head: Heroin Abuse & Medication Allergy
Essay Writing 3
Heroin Abuse & Medication Allergy
Essay Writing
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Heroin is an illegal drug belonging to the category of Opioids (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2018). It is derived from Opium, a natural ingredient found in the seed pods of Opium poppy plants mainly grown in Southwest and South East Asia, Colombia and Mexico. Heroin is found in form of powder (white or
own colored), and also known by the names of Hell Dust, Horse, Smack or Big H. Heroin is used in form of injections, sniffs, smoke or snort.
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NDHSU)(2013), the rate of heroin addiction and deaths due to overdose in the US increased by 286% from 2002 to 2013. The majority of the age group using Heroine belongs to 18-25 years of age. During the time period of 2015-2016, the number of people seeking help for heroin addiction rose by 53% (Recovery Village, 2018).
Possible Medication Interactions
Crossing the ba
ier of blood-
ain, heroin binds to the opioid receptors of central nervous system and the
ain (Recovery Village, 2018). Consequently, the
ain gets flooded with lots of Dopamine, which depresses the central nervous system, making the people feel relaxed, dreamy and Euphoria. People get drowsy and often get a sleep. The exposure to lots of dopamine makes the
ain addicted to it (American Addiction Centers, 2018).
The person may develop more dependence and addiction to Heroin as he uses it more. The addicted people may get serious withdrawal effects on stopping the use of Heroin. The withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, sleeping issues, severe bone and muscle pain, nausea and severe cravings for heroin. The use of Heroin also leads to loss of white matter in the
ain, which influences the behavior control, decision making and inability to deal with stress.
Heroin when used along with alcohol, causes extreme depression of Central Nervous System, increased risk of the low rate of
eathing, impaired coordination, and elevated risk of overdose (Anna Liffy Drug Project, 2018).
Steps for Safe Withdrawal
The Heroin Withdrawal may involve different phases in a sequence like Coming Down, Stopping use, Early Symptoms, Peak Symptoms, Decreasing Symptoms and Continued...