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Choose one disorder of the central or peripheral nervous system and discuss its clinical manifestations, prognosis, and pathophysiology.

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Choose one disorder of the central or peripheral nervous system and discuss its clinical manifestations, prognosis, and pathophysiology.

Answered Same Day Jun 05, 2020


Preeti answered on Jun 06 2020
149 Votes
Discussion Question
One disorder of the central or peripheral nervous system and discuss its clinical manifestations, prognosis, and pathophysiology
Diabetic Neuropathy is one of the most commonly reported peripheral nervous system disorder, which results due to complication from diabetes. It is worth mentioning that number and cases of diabetes around the world is increasing continuously and so is the case of diabetic neuropathy. One study conducted by MedlinePlus showed that around 50% diabetes face complications and give rise to diabetic neuropathy, which, in long run results in nerve damage (Porth, 2011). The clinical manifestations of diabetic neuropathy state that rise or increase in the blood glucose level and decrease in blood flow give rise to nerve injuries. The main affected areas of diabetic neuropathy are legs and arms, with symptoms of muscle cramps, numbness, high insensitiveness to cold and heat, and weakness making person more prone to the disorder. There are several other symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, such as loss of bladder control, dizziness, dropping of eyelids, face and mouth. For controlling or reducing the extent of damage or loss occu
ing on account of diabetic neuropathy, it is...

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