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Microsoft Word - T1 2020 MIS741 Assessment 1 v3.docx MIS741 – Ethics of Digital Transformation Trimester 1, 2020 Assessment 1 (individual): Part A Report (Research) 40%, Part B Video Recording 10% DUE...

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Microsoft Word - T1 2020 MIS741 Assessment 1 v3.docx
MIS741 – Ethics of Digital Transformation
Trimester 1, 2020
Assessment 1 (individual): Part A Report (Research) 40%, Part B Video Recording 10%
DUE DATE AND TIME:    Week 9, Monday 11 May 2020, 11:59PM (Deakin policy
means that submissions 12:00 AM onwards are 1 day late) PERCENTAGE OF FINAL GRADE:    50% (Part A = 40%, Part B = 10%)
Learning Outcome Details
    Unit Learning Outcome (ULO)
    Graduate Learning Outcome (GLO)
    ULO 1: Justify resolutions to ethical dilemmas faced by IS professionals resulting from competing personal, organisational and client interests using ethical theories and frameworks.
    GLO1: Discipline‐specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO8: Global Citizenship
    ULO 2: Present convincing resolutions to ethical dilemmas in written and oral form.
    GLO2: Communication
    ULO3: Apply digital technologies effectively to support researching, analysing and presenting complex information relating to information systems contexts.
    GLO1: Discipline‐specific knowledge and capabilities
GLO3: Digital literacy
Assessment Feedback
Students who submit their work by the due date will receive their marks and feedback on CloudDeakin by Friday 29 May 2020, 5:30PM. Students who use the 1‐5 day late penalty period (see Notes section) will receive their marks and feedback 1‐5 days later (respectively).
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)No extensions will be considered unless a written request is submitted to and approved by the Unit Chair before the due date and time. Extensions will only be considered if a draft assignment is
attached with your request for an extension, which shows progress has been made, and documentary evidence for the extension. Applications after this date will not be accepted, and submissions after the due date/time without an approved extension will be considered late.
Extensions are only granted in extreme circumstances, such as ongoing health, personal hardship or work‐related problems. Temporary illnesses, normal work pressures, multiple assignments due at the same time, failure to keep backups, technology failure, etc are not reasons for an extension.
Description / Requirements
This is an individual assignment where you will synthesise research sources on the following digital transformation topic, and then produce a Research Report using the Ethical Decision‐Making Framework introduced in topic 2 and an associated Video Recording:
Synthesis the extent research evidence shows that consumers/citizens do or do not know the level of their privacy loss
isks when using social media, and what this implies could be future privacy issues for consumers/citizens if cu
ent privacy levels continue.
Research the topic
The report is not about your personal moral views about the digital transformation topic. Instead, research the topic by finding and synthesising credible academic resources sources (e.g. journal articles, PhD theses, conference papers, credible research studies) and industry sources (e.g. industry research reports from companies like Gartner Group, reports from relevant professional bodies, etc). Quality and credible resource sources are those reporting empirical research (e.g. experiments, surveys, case studies) about the topic (not opinions of the authors), or reporting on the evidence about the topic from the perspective of a variety of stakeholder types.
The research you undertake should enable you to determine the answers to all the questions (directly or indirectly) in the Ethical Decision‐Making Framework about how various stakeholders in the topic 2 framework may be affected by the digital transformation topic. The report should not consider short‐term issues (e.g. immediate profits), but rather the medium to long‐term (e.g. 10‐50 year) implications of the digital transformation on all stakeholders. Research sources can therefore include evidence of past digital transformation issues, and used to justify how stakeholders might be affected in future if the topic is not addressed by digital transformation professionals. Research sources should be quality, which means “older” research is acceptable when combined with recent research sources, but not low quality research sources. Evidence of GLO8 Global Citizenship will include the quality of the research, and how well the framework is used, to justify the topic.
You must ensure that your research and analysis of the topic has balanced/even coverage of the perspective of all stakeholder types in the topic 2 framework. A focus on organisation stakeholders (e.g. shareholders, staff, immediate clients) is not balanced. Similarly, balanced research and analysis will include equal coverage of the risks and benefits (not just benefits) relating to the topic for each stakeholder type from the topic 2 framework. As required by the ACS Code of Professional Conduct, the most important stakeholder group is “the public”, not organisation stakeholders, and consideration of all the risks for the public. For this reason, a report with an unbalanced focus on organisational stakeholders and benefits will not receive a good result in this assignment, because it does not demonstrate good understanding of GLO8 Global Citizenship. A balanced analysis and
of 7
Deakin's Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationally
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Deakin Business School is accredited by

eport on multiple stakeholder types, and benefits versus risks, will also result in a more convincing justification (GLO2 Communication) of how the ethics of digital transformation can be improved.
GLO3 Digital Literacy will be assessed on how well you have used digital literacy skills to research and analysis the topic. Evidence of digital literacy with regards to research will be shown by submitting full‐text copies of your research sources in PDF format, so ensure all sources are downloaded. This means there must be a PDF file for each reference in the reference list of the
eport. You are

permitted to use books, electronic books (due to copyright restrictions), videos, audio,
for your resource sources. Only articles or reports which can be submitted as a PDF

The Deakin Li
ary has full‐text versions of journal articles and conference papers, and these are almost always available in PDF format. Download the PDF version and read the article/paper in that form. For industry reports, these are typically provided in PDF format as well. If an industry report is only available as a webpage, then use the “print‐to‐PDF” option in your web
See the Submission instructions section for details on how to name each research source’s PDF file.
If you use a software product like Endnote to store the details about each research source, and to create your citations and reference list (see below), then submit this with your report as evidence of the GLO Digital Literacy capabilities. Using such software is optional, but highly recommended.
Create a research synthesis matrix for the topic
You will analyse and synthesise the research sources into a research synthesis matrix (e.g. a Word or Excel document), which can have a column for each stakeholder type. You will know when you have identified a good research source, if it considers multiple stakeholder types (or has multiple columns in the matrix). Resource sources which consider organisation stakeholders only, and also benefits relating to the topic only, should be avoided/minimised for your research synthesis.
The following shows an example extract of a research synthesis matrix with a single column (or theme) for the research topic: What impact does the differences in definitions in research articles about small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have for understanding the best way to help SMEs adopt digital transformation tools successfully? This topic is not relevant to this assignment.
    Source number: Author, year, ‘title’
    SME definition theme – revenue
    Source 1: Lee, S, Park, SB & Lim, GG 2013 'Using balanced scorecards fo
the evaluation of “Software‐as‐a‐service”'
    Does not state any maximum revenue
to be an SME
    Source 2: Zhang, M, Sarker, S & Sarker, S 2013 'Drivers and export performance impacts of IT capability in ‘born‐global’ firms: a cross‐
national study'
    Does not state any maximum revenue to be an SME
    Source 3: Alonso‐Mendo, F, Fitzgerald, G & Frias‐Martinez, E 2009 'Understanding web site redesigns in small‐ and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs): a U.K.‐based study on the applicability of e‐commerce
Stage Models'
    Organisations with revenue < 50 million. Does not distinguish SMEs on revenue
    Source 4: Bidan, M, Rowe, F & Truex, D 2012 'An empirical study of IS
architectures in French SMEs: integration approaches'
    Does not state any maximum revenue
to be an SME
    Source 5: Levenburg, NM & Klein, HA 2006 'Delivering customer services
online: identifying best practices of medium‐sized enterprises'
    Does not state any maximum revenue
to be an SME
    Source 6: Bergeron, F, Raymond, L & Rivard, S 2004 'Ideal patterns of
strategic alignment and business performance'
    Organisations with sales < 50 million.
Does not distinguish SMEs on sales.
    Sources 7‐20
It is unclear from existing research whether differences in revenue of SMEs has an impact on their ability to adopt IS. This is because most studies (
et al. 2012; Lee et al. 2013;
& Klein 2006; Zhang et al XXXXXXXXXXdid not state any maximum
evenue to be an
SME, o
differentiate SME sizes on the basis of revenue. Only two studies, by contrast, stated that
must have less than 50 million Euros in revenue (Alonso‐
et al. 2009, p268) or Canadian dollars in sales (Bergeron et al.
2004, p1007) to be considered an SME, but neither article differentiates SMEs on the basis of revenue or sales. The fact that most studies did not state the maximum revenue to be an SME, or differentiate SMEs based on revenue, may be due to limitations of
the definition of SMEs used or cited in the studies. It was therefore not possible to identify the extent to which revenue affects if/how SMEs adopt IS, or what revenue‐related support that different types of SMEs may need.
)You will use the matrix document to write a completely separate report document (i.e. Word file). The following is an example paragraph written about the theme/column by finding similarities and differences among the research sources, which would be written in the report document.
GLO3 Digital Literacy will be assessed on how well you evidence that you have used digital literacy skills to research and analysis the topic. This will involve using a digital tool to create the research synthesis matrix, which could be a spreadsheet, Word document, etc. You will be assessed on how well you have used the digital tool to analyse the research sources.
The matrix will be submitted as a separate file, and the report will be a different file. You do not put the matrix (or table) in the report document. The matrix is used to synthesise the similarities and differences among the research sources. The outcome of the synthesis, in paragraph form, will go in the report. The report and matrix are different, and therefore will be submitted as
Answered Same Day Jun 03, 2021 MIS741 Deakin University


Taruna answered on Jun 05 2021
147 Votes
Privacy Concerns, Content Sharing Framework and Role of Social Media Platforms: A Report
The following is an analysis of the privacy concerns that social media users face through risk driven factors. The report analyzes major concerns over the security
eaches that mostly occur on behalf of both, the service providers as well as through unintentional public posts by users on such platforms.
Benefits of Universalizing the Action
In a digitally growing world, the interactions between people have been evolved over the course of time. Zheleva et al (2012) examines the points of occu
ence of issues in managing the privacy at a widely spread network where enormous amount of information has been shared by users over social media platforms.
Additionally, Johani (2016), projects the divergent atmosphere of information network that is shared by the service providers as well as by the users. There are multiple social media accounts operating within one digital premise. The users, for example, tend to share the same set of information over the Facebook, Instagram and Twitter which they have collectively integrated into one file. Thus, the origin of the resource for accessing the file remains the same, no encryption is done further to make sure that the data remains safe but it is simply put in the same way to all existing social media accounts by user. It is noteworthy, as per the research outcomes that the modes of security provided by the various social media platforms differ; they vary on the grounds of number of users that the platform may have as well as on the grounds of security threats received by the users in a given time period. Thus, the issue of privacy
each also depends greatly over the availability of the information that is commonly linked from one account to another.
In the same context, the roles and responsibilities ca
ied out by the service providers becomes critical when it comes to protect the massive data uploaded every day over the social media platforms. Becker & Chen (2009), analyze the service providers’ end and justify that the social media platforms are evolving rapidly; they are giving access to more and more people every day in order to reach out to global population. The purpose behind expanding their services is to make sure that people remain connected regardless of their national boundaries. But the process f including data from users simply adds to the responsibilities ca
ied out by the service providers in terms of securing the data. It is more like having a huge value emphasized over the data protection. The service providers have to develop integrated network of secured channels and at the same time, user friendly portals that provide safe access to
owse and upload private information. However, the management of the same is simply not possible by taking average precautionary measures. The service providers deal with unexpected threats posed over their well sough after secured networks—and users are not aware of these threats initially.
Harms of Universalizing the Action
It is one of the primary concerns for the scholars that how social media takes up the role of an influential factor in determining the choices that people make over their social media accounts when it comes to share private information. The determining factors of this pattern are related to the trust over the service providers that lead to the belief in people that whatever they would share on their accounts will remain secured through the preventive measures taken by the service provider upfront. Social link structure is one of the strategies that service providers may use.
However, digitally transformed platforms like social media do not always apply user dedicated ways to control privacy
eaches. Beye et al (2020) showcase the threats that are normally available over the process through which, users are allowed to access and share their private information over the social media portals. The process does not include any encryption which is user friendly and it leads to the standpoint that users can be vulnerable in terms of allowing their sensitive information to pass from one channel to the other before it reaches to the endpoint, the recipient. The creation of profiles, at first, seeks permission of the users upon the given terms and conditions that they will use the social media platform upon mutually agreed norms. Secondly, the service provider and the internet service used by the user can also be of significant value in terms of giving safe access to the portals.
However, not always, the technical aspect is responsible for the privacy issues and compromises made over the sensitive data
eaches. It is the user behavior over these portals that should be addressed on priority. Aldhaffer et al (2013), perceives that synching procedure of more than one devices to a single account makes the information available on the user’s account is more vulnerable than it is over a single device. Now days, users have developed the trend of synching their accounts from one device to another and mostly, the second device is the mobile phone. The compatibility level between a computer and a mobile device creates that gap which ultimately results in the sensitive data remain vulnerable. The users have that access from multiple devices, allowing various internet service providers and existing threats in them to access that available data. The protection layers and...

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