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HLTWHS001/HLTWHS001 - Assessment 1.docx HLTWHS001 - Assessment 1 1. Provide an example of three potential hazards that could occur in your service: · Hazard 1 must be a hazard that you can manage...

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HLTWHS001/HLTWHS001 - Assessment 1.docx
HLTWHS001 - Assessment 1
1. Provide an example of three potential hazards that could occur in your service:
· Hazard 1 must be a hazard that you can manage yourself.
· Hazard 2 must be a hazard that you need to report and record.
· Hazard 3 must be a hazard that will lead to an emergency action plan being used.
Also include whether the risk is low, medium or high.
2. Access a copy of your service’s hazard record. Follow the headings on the hazard record sheet and submit the relevant information based on Hazard 2. (as identified in Q.1)
3. Access a copy of the service emergency action plan and policies and procedures, and use it to answer the following two questions.
a. What type of emergency action would be taken if Hazard 3 occu
ed? (Hazard 3 as identified in your response for Q.1)
. What is your role in this emergency plan?
4. How would you know what you should do when participating in an emergency drill?
5. Research the following safety signs and provide a description of what the sign means and what you would use it for in your service.
6. Find out about the WHS authority in your state or te
itory. What is the name of the health and safety authority relevant to your state or te
7. Search the authority website for ‘hazardous manual tasks’. List two (2) resources that would be of value to an early childhood educator and provide a
ief overview.
8. Locate two (2) resources that relate to infection control in the childcare setting and provide a
ief overview.
9. Access the Education and Care Services National Regulations and locate Regulation 97. How often must an emergency evacuation procedure be rehearsed and documented? What is the penalty if this does not occur?
10. In your service, signage should be used to indicate where safety equipment is being stored. Describe the sign that identifies the location of first-aid kits.

HLTWHS001/HLTWHS001 - Assessment 2.docx
HLTWHS001 - Assessment 2
Case Study
Kendra, an educator, is concerned as an unused table is sitting in the emergency exit path.
As Kendra lifts the table, she drops it. Kendra is wearing open-toe sandals, so the table leg lands on the big toe of her right foot. Her toe is thro
ing, bleeding and
uised and she is crying.
Other educators come to supervise the children, so Sue helps Kendra to the staff room. Sue applies ice to the injured toe and a bandaid to cover the
oken skin. Sue also suggests Kendra raises her foot.
After 15 minutes, Kendra is feeling much better. Her toe is sore but is no longer thro
ing. She insists on going back to her normal duties.
1. Refer to Case study below to answer the following question: Outline what information should be included in the report relating to this type of injury.
2. Refer to Case study below to answer the following question: Who should Sue report this injury to?
3. Refer to Case study below to answer the following question: What WHS and housekeeping practices could have been applied to ensure this injury did not occur?
4. Refer to Case study below to answer the following question: Outline four (4) steps that could have helped prevent this injury.
HLTWHS001/HLTWHS001 - Assessment 3.docx
HLTWHS001 - Assessment 3
1. Undertake one (1) of the following:
· Attend a workplace meeting where health and safety issues are discussed and take notes of what is discussed.  '
· Speak to a supervisor about what was discussed at a recent WHS meeting. Summarise the issues that your supervisor mentioned.
What WHS issues were raised? Document these here.
2. Focus on one of the issues raised in question 1 and answer the following:
What changes need to be made to address the issue and what workplace policy and procedure needs to be developed and/or implemented to manage this issue?
3. What other ideas could you add to the discussion of WHS issues?
4. What procedure would you follow to report your ideas?
HLTWHS001/HLTWHS001 - Assessment 4.docx
HLTWHS001 - Assessment 4
1. Research the cu
ent safe work practices for a piece of equipment, a workplace system or process in your service.
· Record the name of the reference material you found, who produced it, when it was published and where you located it.
· Prepare a short summary of the key points in the research. This can be a bulleted list of safe work practices.
2. Reflect on a situation or time when you felt stressed and/or fatigued. Record and then discuss with a person in your workplace how you:
· identified the problem
· controlled the stress
· reduced the stress.
HLTWHS001/HLTWHS001 - Final Assessment.docx
HLTWHS001 - Final Assessment
1. Read the case study, then answer the questions that follow.
Case Study
It starts off as a nice sunny day at Begonia Hills Childcare Centre. Most of the children are outside enjoying their activities.
What are three (3) potential hazards that you would have scanned the outdoor environment for prior to the children going outdoors?
2. If you wanted up-to-date information about sun safety, where would you find this?
3. Case study cont’d
Part way through the morning, the weather begins to change and a strong wind builds up. It starts to blow dust and leaves around and into the children’s faces. A storm is
ewing and it is coming fast.
The younger children are taken inside, while the older children help to pack up the equipment.
Suddenly rain is lashing at the windows. The children and educators who are caught in the rain outside now run into the room with their clothing and shoes soaked and dripping.
Name one hazard that has been created and how you would rate the risk associated with it.
4. How would you manage this hazard?
5. Case study cont'd
The rain is still intense and the wind is driving it under a pergola onto the tiled pavement. Equipment under the pergola has also been knocked over.
What additional hazards have been created and who will you report them to?
6. The centre director asks you to complete a hazard report. Use the following hazard report form as a guide. Outline what information you would provide for the:
·        location of the hazard
·        description of the hazard
·        immediate action taken
·        resolution of the hazard.
        Begonia Hills Child Care Centre – Hazard report form
        Time and date the hazard/s occu
        7 March 2014
        Location of the hazard/s in the service
        Description of the hazard/s
        Immediate action taken to reduce the hazard/s
        Is the hazard/s resolved?
7. Case study cont'd
After you complete the hazard report, you return to your room. As you are entering the room, you notice that water is dripping down through several light fittings and the lights are flickering. You report this immediately.
The director of the service sounds the alarm as an evacuation needs to take place. She asks you to call the fire
If you are a student or a volunteer in your service, what is your role in this emergency?
8. What information do you need to give the fire department?
9. Case study cont'd
The rain and wind are easing as the emergency evacuation takes place.
There are a number of new staff in the service and they are unsure of their role. Some children are upset and others are not clear about what they are meant to be doing.
It takes some time to evacuate the building, partly due to the leaking light fittings blocking the usual exit path.
As you are moving outside the building, you see Anna, 5 years old, slip and graze her knee.
Access an injury report from your service. List the information from the case study that needs to be included in the report.
10. The next day, a meeting is held to reflect on the incidents. The following issues were identified:
· An evacuation has only been practised for a fire in the kitchen or the laundry.
· Some staff were unsure of what to do during the evacuation as there was a lack of signage.
What safety suggestions could you make at the meeting in relation to these points?
11. Case study cont'd
After the meeting, you notice that Sarah, a colleague, is crying. You talk to her and she tells you that she has had trouble sleeping since the incident. She feels anxious and wo
ied that it may happen again. She has recu
ing headaches that she thinks are from the tension in her neck. She seeks your advice on what to do.
List three (3) signs that may indicate that Sarah is feeling stressed or fatigued.
12. a) Who should Sarah talk to within your service? b) If she needs support from a WHS authority, who should she contact?
13. Research the following safety signs and provide a description of what each sign means and what you would use it for in your service.

14. Locate the document ‘Guidance sheet 2: Dangerous Goods Classification System’ on the State Government Victoria website, at: What would be an example of a Class 2 substance or article that might be on the premises?
Answered Same Day Dec 15, 2021 HLTWHS001 Training.Gov.Au


Rimsha answered on Dec 18 2021
131 Votes
Final_49059_CHCECE010 - Final Assessment.docxCHCECE010 - Final Assessment
1. Give an example of one (1) experience for each aspect listed in the table provided (download starting document).
Provide an interaction example that you could use to involve the children in this experience. An example has been provided for you.
    Using fine motor skills
    For example, drawing with crayons
    For example, ‘Tell me about what you are thinking of drawing today?’
    Using gross motor skills
    Obstacle race
    Tell me about which part of obstacle race is fun to play
    One-to-one time with children
    Making sand castle with child
    Tell me what you like about the castle, do you know any story of king or princess
    Joining in play
    Hide and seek
    Go and hide, I am coming to find you
    Encouraging children to respect each other’s differences
    Story telling about diversity and unity
    Tell me what is the moral of the story
    Using problem-solving skills
    Developing matching and sorting exercise
    Tell me which number is biggest in the given pictures and how you can say it is biggest
    Organizing treasure hunt
    Tell me how you are going to solve this riddle and find the treasure
    Finding out about a concept
    Using newspaper reading
    Tell me what newspaper say today
    Selected, read and told developmentally appropriate stories
    finding story book from the li
    Each child will
ing me one storybook from the li
    Used puppets and props to stimulate children’s enjoyment of language and literature
    Puppet show on Alice in wonderland
    What new words you learn today. What is wonderland
    Explore symbols and patterns
    Display of picture of various symbols and pattern
    Who can tell me the name of this symbol
    Explore the relationship between letters and sounds
    Sound board or voice recognition software to find the letter from sound
    Tell me which letter is this. How it can be pronounced
    Discovering letters and words
    Use of pictures to discover letters and words
    Name all the things present in the picture, who can find letter A in the picture
    Discovering numbers, time, money, musical notation
    Use of clock to teach them time and music notation
    Behind every number there is sign, what sign is present behind 2
    Providing challenges, intrigue and surprise
    Organizing treasure hunt
    Tell me what clue you find in this room
    Using technology
    Use of animated movie to give moral education
    What you have learnt today from this movie
2. This question is made up of parts a–e. Think about the routines that are used in the bathroom. Outline a routine in which the children need to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing:
a. List three (3) skills the children need to acquire to complete this routine successfully.
· Physical Skill
· Fine Motor Skill
· Gross Motor Skill
. Explain at least two (2) ways that you might intentionally scaffold any emerging skill
I will intentionally scaffold problem-solving skill by keeping the hand wash at height. I will scaffold communication skill by make children to take permission for using washroom.
c. What bathroom routine task could a child feel frustrated about? Explain at least one (1)  way you would provide acknowledgment and support to the child.
Mixing cold and hot water can be frustrated for the child. They will be told that this is a fun game, and smart children can do it properly
d. What activity in the bathroom routine could cause a child to feel they have made a mistake? Describe one way that you could encourage a child to see this mistake as an opportunity to learn and explain how could you support the child to persevere with the challenge.
Brushing the teeth can be tricky for a child. They can be encouraged by saying it is not tough, all they need to do is touching all the teeth from the
e. Describe one way you could you include a child’s linguistic heritage in the bathroom routine
I will motivate the child to tell me the indigenous words for the specific items present in the bathroom
3. Provide an example of five (5) environmental effects that can have an impact on early childhood development.
Five environmental effect that have impact on the early childhood development include low body weight, exposure to the toxins, premature birth, long term disease or medical treatment, losing of family membe
4. Access the Early Childhood Australia (ECA) Code of Ethics. Locate the statement that relates to sharing of information with colleagues.
ECA Article III, point 5 which states that Share and build knowledge, experiences, and resources with my colleagues.
5. During a mealtime, Mario throws another child’s plate and the food splatters over the floor. He is 3 years old. What are two (2) things you would do to help Mario understand that he must take responsibility for his actions?
I will approach Mario and tell him that what he has done is wrong, and then I will ask home to share the food with children whose food he had thrown
6. Nathan and his family are new to your service. Give two (2) examples of how you can model care, empathy and respect, and describe one way that you could involve Nathan’s family in the learning community and support their feeling of belonging and connectedness.
I will welcome Nathan parents in front of all the other parents in the parent meeting. I will welcome Nathan in the class and encourage children to play with him
7. Declan, 3 years old, is crying. He wants to use the large shovel, but Claire, 4 years old, won’t give it to him. Give at least one (1) example of how you could help Declan to communicate.
I will encourage to start playing with Claire; instead of demanding large shovel and I will also ask Claire to share shovel with Declan
8. Camille is watching other children play. What do you do? Explain why.
I will motivate Camille to play with other children. This helps him to develop social connection instead of sitting on the side and watching
9. Tessa is 4 years old. She is upset because another child has
oken her toy. She is stamping her feet and yelling. Explain what choices you would give Tessa to help her express her feelings appropriately.
I will hug Tessa and try to give comfort, and then use the open-end questions, which encourage her to express her feelings
10. Violet has completed a complex drawing. Discuss how you would share Violet’s success with her family and how you could reinforce Violet’s confidence and pride.
I will show the drawing Violet to her parents and appreciate her for her achievement. Apart from this, I will display her drawing on class notice board
11. Mia is 4 years old. She is interested in dinosaurs. You have decided to read Rascal in trouble by Paul Jennings. Summarise what props you would use to complement the story and list three (3) questions you could ask Mia during the story.
I will use the soft toy of dinosaur to tell the story. Then I will ask about why Rascal is in trouble, how his problem can be solved and what he has learnt from this story
12. Also include in your summary two (2) questions that Mia may ask you as a result of the story and how you would introduce the inquiry process to Mia.
I will ask Mia question to develop her inquiry. She can ask about the reason rascal cause trouble and reason how it can be stopped
13. Aiden and Nicole, both 3 years old, are sitting with you at morning tea. You would like to model good communication and initiate a discussion with them to extend their thinking.
I will sit with the children and start asking their interest. Then, I will encourage them to contribute in the conversation by telling their interest or telling some stories
14. List four (4) questions you could ask them and two (2) ways you will show you are listening to them.
Four questions to ask would be —
· What colour you like?
· Why you like it
· Which is your favourite animal?
· What are your favourite snacks?
I will listen to them carefully and give response to their questions
15. Juniper is 2 years old. She is not yet walking. List two (2) environmental aspects that may have influenced Juniper’s ability to walk and research biological factors that may cause her to have a delay in walking. Include the source (for example, the website) of the information you found and a
ief summary of the findings.
Low weight and premature birth can delay the walking. Supporting the child to walk can help them to walk. Use of walker can be helpful
16. In the following questions (download starting document), refer to the guideline on the left and provide a
ief explanation regarding how it relates to learning and development.
    National Quality Standard (NQS)
    1. Which standard of the NQS links to learning opportunities within routines?
Quality area 1
    Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)
    Which principle of the EYLF expects that you share information and reflect with colleagues?
Principle 2
    United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
    Which article of the UNCRC links to the child’s right to leisure and play?
Article 31
    Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics
    Which point from the Code of Ethics relates to the holistic nature of children’s learning?
Code of ethics I, point 9

Final_49059_CHCECE010 - Assessment 1.docx
CHCECE010 - Assessment 1
1. Choose one physically active experience. It should be an experience that children choose to do spontaneously (not an organised activity).
Describe the experience, including the age of the children, and explain why the experience is spontaneous. Give at least two (2) reasons.
It was a playtime for the children. They were taken in the play area, which is setup in the garden. Reena who is 5 years old and Riya who is 6 years old start playing football in the play. The experience is random because, Riya saw the ball in the ground...

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