Case Study
Part B involves the students addressing the posed questions in relation to the patient. Utilising research and literature to assist, students are encouraged to link Pathophysiology and Pharmacology to their patient to compliment any suggested nursing care and management.
1. What signs and symptoms did Stan present with that may indicate that he is dehydrated? What nursing care and management is required for the patient presenting with dehydration?
2. One complication of dehydration is hypovolaemic shock. What indicators would you be looking for in a patient with hypovolaemic shock and what would your nursing care be for a patient with this condition?
3. Stan is diagnosed with a Small bowel obstruction (SBO), what is the nursing care and treatment of a person with a small bowel obstruction (SBO)?
4. In evaluating Stan Checketts’ laboratory results, what might his lab results indicate in relation to Stan’s condition? These lab results can be found below.
Part B written assessment piece will be assessed using the stipulated ru
ic, and is expected to be written as per university formatting requirements. This submission is in 3rd person and must include the use of APA referencing both in-text and when completing the reference list.
All written assessments must align to academic standards.
Academic standards require:
Use of third person, unless specifically indicated otherwise
APA 6th edition for in-text citations and reference list;
An introduction, body and conclusion or as per directions in the assessment instructions;
Adherence to word count;
12 size font in either Arial, Times New Roman or Cali
1.5 spacing; and
Submitted using a MS word document only
All assessments should have a title page that specifies:
Unit Code & Unit Name
Student Name
Student Identification numbe
Title of assignment
An accurate word count including in-text citations, but not the reference list