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Canberra Rental Services (CRS) was established recently. CRS requires you to design a database system to enable more smooth operation of the rental accommodation services provided by CRS. The...

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Canberra Rental Services (CRS) was established recently. CRS requires you to design a database system to enable more smooth operation of the rental accommodation services provided by CRS. The requirement collection and analysis phase of the database design process has provided the following data requirements specifications for CRS database and query transactions that should be supported by the database. CRS has four branches in Canberra. The details of CRS branches are given below:

Answered Same Day Mar 04, 2020


Shikha answered on Mar 08 2020
139 Votes
CRS Rental Service        1
Database Design – Canbe
a Rental Service (CRS)
Submitted By
CRS database is required to be implemented that will record and store all information about every one of their customers including customer's first and last name, postal address and personal residence (street number, street name, subu
, post-code, city, state), gender, date of birth and phone number. For every customer, the framework records and stores all exercises of every customer including the customer's accommodation booking, invoice as well as payment information that every customer has made and also any unpaid invoice data. Every customer data that is stored identifies with those that made a booking or at present renting a room from CRS. Customers may lease a room from any of the three CRS hotels or any of the CRS service apartment. CRS has ten service apartments. Every CR
anch comprises of a few sections. The data about each segment is stored in the CRS database. CRS gives three hundred single as well as double rooms in their three hotels and their other rooms that are fully furnished. Every hotel has hotel supervisor and each service flat has service director. CRS stores full subtle elements of its housing. Every customer is required to make payment for accommodation bookings. The payment...

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