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Case Study
You are the case worker for a single mother (Mary) who has a 15yr old son (Toby). Mary is struggling with alcohol addiction and states she also smokes marijuana when her son is at school.
Mary has said that she hasn’t worked since her son was born and had previously managed by doing odd jobs for friends and neighbours.  However, Mary has said that now her son is older she would like to get a full-time job but is wo
ied that she will not be successful due to her addiction.
When ‘probing’ further into Mary’s addiction, you come to understand that she regularly has her first glass of wine with
eakfast and states that without it she can’t ‘think’ straight. Mary said she found a half-smoked marijuana joint in her son’s room when she was cleaning, and she is wo
ied that he maybe experimenting with drugs. Mary states that she would like to be able to stop drinking and smoking marijuana but every time she has tried before it hasn’t worked.
This research assignment is in three parts
Part 1 – Read the case study and outline the following issues.
What are the legal issues in this case study?
What category/types of drugs are discussed?
Define mandated reporting requirements
What is the possible assessment and/or refe
al options?
Part 2 – Research
Apply critical thinking and judgement in identifying an appropriate AOD program and rehabilitation suitable for Mary’s needs.  For example, would Mary benefit from a full-time rehabilitation program or a part time rehabilitation program and why?
Part 3 – Critical Reflection
You have taken Mary’s case to your supervisor and your supervisor has asked you to spend time reflecting on your decisions and consider what worked well and what other options were available to you. Your supervisor has also requested you to consider your professional responsibility and accountability and asked you to put this into a mini report.
You must use APA 7 referencing. Your report should include at least 5 (scholarly) journal articles read, in addition to any textbook references. The format and content of your report will be discussed in greater detail during tutorials.
Do NOT utilize sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment
Answered 19 days After Mar 27, 2024


Dipali answered on Mar 29 2024
10 Votes
Table of contents
Part 1: Outline of Issues    3
Legal Issues    3
Types of Drugs Discussed    3
Mandated Reporting Requirements    3
Given Mary's circumstances, several assessment and refe
al options may be considered:    4
Part 2: Research    5
Given these considerations, two primary rehabilitation options can be explored for Mary:    6
Part 3: Critical Reflection    8
References    11
Part 1: Outline of Issues
Several crucial questions about the health of Mary, a single mother battling alcoholism, and her 15-year-old son Toby come up in this case study. These difficulties include things like the kinds of substances that are involved, mandatory reporting requirements, evaluation and refe
al alternatives for dealing with Mary's addiction, and legal concerns.
Legal Issues
Mary's usage of marijuana and alcohol pose serious legal issues, especially in light of possible drug possession charges and child welfare issues. Mary, as a single mother, is legally obligated to give her son Toby a secure and supportive environment. Her drug usage, however, puts Toby at risk and may qualify as neglect or endangerment for the purposes of child welfare legislation. Mary might face legal repercussions since her admission of using marijuana suggests that she may have had illicit drugs.
Types of Drugs Discussed
Mary's alcoholism and marijuana usage are highlighted in the case study. Mary's regular use of alcohol, starting with a glass at
eakfast, clearly demonstrates her reliance on it. Her rehabilitation journey is further complicated by her admission that she smokes marijuana, which suggests that she has two addictions. Alcohol and marijuana are both psychotropic drugs that can lead to addiction and have negative health repercussions, which makes Mary's predicament much worse.
Mandated Reporting Requirements
Mandated reporting is the legal need for professionals, such case workers, to notify the proper authorities of any suspected child abuse or neglect. Mandatory reporting responsibilities are triggered in Mary's instance by her substance addiction and wo
ies about Toby's possible drug experimentation. For the protection and welfare of children in precarious circumstances like Toby's, caseworkers are required to abide by organisational and state legislation pertaining to mandatory reporting.
Assessment and Refe
al Options
A thorough evaluation is necessary for an effective intervention for Mary's addiction in order to quantify the extent of her substance misuse and pinpoint any underlying problems that may be fueling her addiction. The right refe
al choices can be investigated after evaluation to give Mary the assistance and care she needs.
Given Mary's circumstances, several assessment and refe
al options may be considered:
· Assessment: An extensive assessment of Mary's consumption of alcohol and marijuana, taking into account the amount and frequency of usage as well as any related physical or mental health issues.
· Refe
al to Residential Rehabilitation: A full-time residential rehabilitation program providing rigorous treatment and support in a regimented setting could be beneficial for Mary. Residential programs assist people build coping mechanisms to keep their so
iety and offer a therapeutic environment that is supportive of recovery (Saxena et al., 2021).
· Refe
al to Outpatient Rehabilitation: Alternatively, Mary may be directed to an outpatient rehabilitation program that would let her continue to be a mother and father while providing flexible treatment alternatives. Typically, outpatient programs include counselling, support groups, and individual and group therapy sessions to address addiction concerns.
· Family Therapy: Participating in therapy sessions with Toby and other family members may offer support and information regarding addiction and its effects on family dynamics. Family therapy seeks to improve communication styles and fortify family ties, both of which may facilitate Mary's healing (Dettlaff & Boyd, 2020).
In conclusion, resolving the legal, drug-related, and welfare issues raised in Mary's situation necessitates a multidimensional strategy that puts her and her son Toby's wellbeing first. Caseworkers can support Mary's...

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