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Business Report:Topic: Analysis of Management Information Systems and Financial Performance of an Australian Listed CompanyInstructions:1. Select one of the ASX50 companies....

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Business Report:Topic: Analysis of Management Information Systems and Financial Performance of an Australian Listed CompanyInstructions:1. Select one of the ASX50 companies. ( Conduct research to gather information in relation to the company’s use of management information system, during XXXXXXXXXXyou can find information in annual report, company website, announcement, news article, or other reports).3. Collect the company’s financial data from the DatAnalaysis database (accessible from UOW library portal).After analysing gathered data, prepare a business report, including but not limited to the followings suggested content:1. A brief overview of the company2. Outlining some of the management information systems and informationtechnologies currently used by the company, including but not limited to Business Intelligence Systems, Enterprise Systems, Big Data Applications, Cloud Computing, and Artificial Intelligence. (You do not need to provide an exhaustive list of all technologies, rather, select a few examples that you think are important for the company’s competitive advantage)3. Produce a one-page Dashboard highlighting the company’s key financial and operating performances from 2015 to XXXXXXXXXXTechniques to obtain financial data, preparing the data in excel, and creating a Dashboard using excel will be covered in the week 7-8 tutorials during the technical hour)4. Discuss how management information system contributed to the development of organisational strategy in your selected company. In addition, outline the potential technical and ethical challenges for using MIS in your selected company5. Recommendations and conclusionLength: 2,500 words (+/- 10%), excluding references and appendixes.For suggested format, please check the Learning Development website: XXXXXXXXXXpdfPlease appropriately reference all sources, including academic articles, media reports, and company reports or websites, you CANNOT USE Wikipedia, Investopedia or uncredited websites sources of a similar nature. Please check UOW Library website for UOW Harvard Referencing Guide
Answered 229 days After Jul 19, 2021


Prince answered on Mar 06 2022
107 Votes
Management Information System and Financial Analysis of Macquarie Group
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Department, University Name
Course Name
Professor Name
Executive Summary
This report presents the analysis of Management Information System and the financial position of ‘Macquarie Group’ over the past years. Information available on the Website, Annual report has been used to provide a background of the company and an excel file is used for the to examine the financial statements of Macquarie Group. The financial postion if the company has been analysed over the perameters of Revenues, Profitability, Balance Sheet. Market Price of the Company has been taken from the creditable source. Trend analysis of the last 5 years has been performed to analyse the performance of the company. Macquarie has track record of being profitable for 52 years and will continue to be remam profitable. It will always good for investors to invest in the company. Recommendations: Following the few recommendations for Macquarie group:
· For more global presence, Macquarie group should have more front offices to manage and cross sell
· Macquarie can invest more in Research & Develop and focus more on the customize services to increase its competitive edge.
· Macquarie can invest more into data mining and digitization to improve their operational performances
Table of Contents
Executive Summary                                 2
Macquarie Group – An Overview                         4
Management Information System: Macquire Group                5
Financial Analysis of Macquarie Group                    8
Has Management Information System helped the Macquarie Group?    12
Recommendation and Conclusion                        13
References                                    14
Macquarie Group – An Overview
Macquarie Group is a Financial Services provider group which is listed and headquartered in Australia Macquarie Group was founded in 1969 as a subsidiary of a UK company. Hill Sarauel and Co Ltd. Macquarie Group is one of the world's largest Asset Management Company and top ranker of Australia Merger and Acquisition adviser.
Macquarie Group has successful 5 decades of global operations with located in 33 markets and 65 offices. Macquarie group has more than 17,000 employees with total assets under management of 737 billion dollars and Net Income of 3.02 billion dollars.
Macquarie Group's expertise areas are Asset management, Banking and Finance, advisory, Capital and Risk solutions through equity, debt and commodities. With the diversity in their operations, along with the robust risk management and strong market presence, Macquarie group has a record of 52-years un
oken profitability. Macquarie primarily acts as intermediary for institutional, retail, corporate and government customers across the world and generates income by offering a diversified range of services and products. They has created a strong market position as a specialist in providing services in wide range of sectors, including commodities, conventional energy, infrastructure, real estate, green energy.
Macquarie group has a non-hierarchical structure. For Reporting and management purposes,
Macquarie group is divided into 4 operating groups which is supported by central service groups. These central service groups ensures that the operating groups have the required supports and systems to provide the world-class services.
Management Information System: Macquire Group
The Business Performance and Societal life if completely altered with the new advanced ideas and the vanations in the technology. The Companies are required to build a new model owing to the advancement of the cloud-computing, increased use of computing platforms and the growing business use of big data. Today, most of the work is performed on the computers using the various information systems. Owing to the use of such information systems it was possible to the work remotely from anywhere is the world with just a stable interest connection and a laptop/computer. With these systems, Managers are able to coordinate and communicate with the employees who are separated by the time and distance.
Macquarie Group is an Asset Management and a fmancial services provided company relies heavily on the information systems to perform the daily operations. Some of the Management
Information systems used by Macquarie are as follows:
· Core-Banking Platform for Banking and Finance Services
· SAP Concur Expenses for managing the Expenses
· Bagel ATS fir Applicant Tracking system
· ADP Payroll for Processing Payroll
· Splunk Business Flow for Process Mining
· Apptip Technology Business Management Sofware as the base for the IT system
· Red Hat QpenShitt Container Platform to transform their digital banking system for their retal custome
Core Banking Platform is an information system which is used to. help the common bank operations such as Opening the Bank accounts, depositing and withdrawing the cash, accessing the bank accounts, viewing the bank statements etc.
SAP Concur Expense software is a solution...

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