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attended an AA opening meeting small group of about 14 males, in Donna Texas, please help with assignment in APA format, attached file instructions.

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attended an AA opening meeting small group of about 14 males, in Donna Texas, please help with assignment in APA format, attached file instructions.
Answered 1 days After Apr 02, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Apr 03 2024
9 Votes
AA Meeting Assignment        2
Table of Contents
Discussion    3
References    5
    The AA meeting, which I attended was group of 14 males. The meeting was held in Donna Texas. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss about alcohol addiction among youngsters and the elderly people. The members present in the meeting presented their views about their alcohol addiction and how it has ruined their lives and their families. The leadership style, which I observed there was democratic as everyone in the group was allowed to speak about their experiences. The leader of the group motivated each member to come up with their feelings and opinions. The style of the leader facilitated the process in a productive way as everyone in the group was able to share their experience and opinion without any hesitation. For instance, every member of the group spoke about their negative experience and the members participated and shared their opinions about alcohol addiction.
    The leader of the group made use of therapeutic communication throughout the discussion. It was evident as the leader focused on purposeful communication while ensuring and promoting interpersonal communication. The leader also ensured that the...

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