Appendix 1 – Assessment task 2: Case study part 1; individual assignment
1. The big idea:
– identify and discuss the ‘good, the bad and the ugly’ of the quality of a company’s reported performance information
In this assignment you will critically inte
ogate the nature and quality of a company’s performance reporting on the key elements of organisational health and organisational performance – the things that drive and shape sustainable value creation – as outlined in the PWC Value Framework (below).
The objective is for you to learn from measurement and reporting practice while developing and applying technical, analytical, problem solving and communication skills.
2. The PWC Value Framework (see Topic 1 notes for more detail)
3. The assignment report
From your allocated company’s reporting: for each of the 17 elements in the PWC Value Framework concerning organisational health (the elements in the strategy and resources & relationships dimensions) and concerning organisational performance (the elements on the performance dimension); and for the additional concept of ‘materiality’:
Identify one example of how that element is ‘measured’ (qualitatively or quantitatively) and reported. Note: if the report does not contain anything about a particular element or materiality, state that fact and
iefly explain why the missing information might be relevant to decision makers like investors or creditors.
Insert that example into your assignment report (using a function like snipping tool on a PC or shift-command-4 on a MAC)
Critique the quality of that piece of performance information as something that can inform your decision making about the company’s cu
ent performance and future prospects – i.e. how well does the content of the example tell the aspects of story in terms of:
· comprehensiveness (what is in it – how comprehensive/complete is the content? are any connectivity’s between the element and others particular element explicitly noted? can you identify things/aspects that should be added or deleted?); and
· accessibility (how easy is the information to find in the report and how well is it formatted for understanding? - can you identify ways in which accessibility could be improved?
· come to an overall conclusion as to whether the quality of performance information for that element in the Value Framework is good, bad or ugly (‘ugly’ being missing entirely)
Be very clear – you ARE commenting the quality of the performance information provided; you are NOT commenting on whether the company performed well in terms of ‘good news versus bad news’. You are evaluating ONE company, the ‘comparison’ company in the list below is for your information only.
4. Structure
Your report should be about 20 pages long assuming (excluding references):
· an introductory page one
· one page each of the 17 elements for organisational health and organisational performance in the PWC Value Framework taking one page (about ½ the page for the insertion of the item and ½ page for discussion of the comprehensiveness and accessibility)
· one page on materiality (here note what materiality is in a paragraph, and insert an example from the report if the company is explicit about materiality)
Note: your report may be more than 20 pages if the insertion of an item takes up more than ½ page in order to make it legible.
The structure of your assignment report should be:
Page 1
· Your name, student ID and assessment title
· Name of company inte
· Executive summary (sub heading) – what you were doing, why, and the essence what you found and your overall conclusion about the quality (comprehensiveness and accessibility) - 1/2 page
Each of the next 17 pages (headings in each page)
· Dimension & element (the main page heading e.g. Resources & relationships – customers)
· Example (under this subheading insert your chosen example: figure/table/paragraph etc.)
· Comprehensiveness (under this subheading critically discuss the comprehensiveness)
· Accessibility (under this subheading critically discuss the accessibility)
The final page on materiality
· One paragraph explaining the nature of materiality and how it is connected with decision making
· Insertion of an example from the company report – if the organisation discusses materiality
5. Mark allocation
Marked out of 100 as follows: (factored in final results to a mark out of 20)
Executive summary: What 2; why 2; conclusions 6 10
Critical discussion about comprehensiveness for 17 elements or materiality 17X3 = 51
Critical discussion about accessibility for 17 elements or materiality 17X2 = 34
Critical discussion about materiality 5
7. Choice of company
In session 3 you will be allocated a company whose measurement and reporting you will inte
ogate from the list below (taken from annual reports 2016; http:
est-annual-reports/) – you should choose the LATEST annual report from that company (i.e. 2016 report if available rather than 2015 report):
Company – VOLVO
Country – SWEDEN
Report Rating – A+
Microsoft Word - Example #1 of assessment 2 - higher distinction.docx
BAO5522 Managerial Accounting
ogation of the quality
of performance information
contained within the 2015
Halma plc. Annual Report
A critical analysis of the 2015 Halma Annual Report against the PwC Value
Framework (Strategy, Resource & Relationship and Performance dimensions)
Contents (optional)
1.0 Executive summary .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.0 PwC Value Framework Elements ................................................................................................... 5
1. Value Framework Element: Strategy & Objectives ............................................................ 5
2. Value Framework Element: Business Model ...................................................................... 7
3. Value Framework Element: Governance ............................................................................ 9
4. Value Framework Element: Risk Management ................................................................ 11
5. Value Framework Element: Remuneration ...................................................................... 13
6. Value Framework Element: Financial Assets .................................................................... 14
7. Value Framework Element: Physical Assets ..................................................................... 15
8. Value Framework Element: Customers ............................................................................ 16
9. Value Framework Element: People & Culture .................................................................. 17
11. Value Framework Element: Brands & Intellectual Assets .............................................. 19
12. Value Framework Element: Processes & Supply chain .................................................. 20
13. Value Framework Element: Operational Performance .................................................. 21
14. Value Framework Element: Economic Performance ...................................................... 23
16. Value Framework Element: Environmental .............................