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(At least 6) Web Pages - Consistent layout where appropriate. The first page of the Website must be titled, default.html. All remaining pages must have a simple naming scheme; one word, no caps,...

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(At least 6) Web Pages - Consistent layout where appropriate. The first page of the Website must be titled, default.html. All remaining pages must have a simple naming scheme; one word, no caps, spaces or special characters, with an .html extension.

Website Content/Description:

Website Name/Title: Organisé

Website Content/Layout: Website is dedicated to organization and simplification for each room around your house while eliminating clutter.

The website may include the following:

You will create your Website with all original, HTML tags ONLY and CSS stylesheets. All work must be your own and created for this class. You are not allowed to use any type of web editing software tools (software that creates the html for you). The Website must include the following elements:

• Homepage (default.html)

• Include CSS style sheet (mystyle.css)

• Proper HTML coding/CSS must be adhered to at all times per HTML Dog tutorials (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced and CSS)

• No broken links. Validate all pages in the Website

• Include the following items at least once in the Website:

o Appropriate use of 8 basic tags on each page o Document Type Declaration on each page

o Alignment attribute (center, left, right) – use each of these tags, at least once

o Bold, underline, italics tags – use each tag at least once

o Font tag and associated attributes (demonstrate you can change font)

o Heading tags

o Paragraph and non-breaking space where ever appropriate

o Internal hyperlink (2 locations within your Website) nav link (Navigation link)

o External hyperlink (5 URLs external to your Website)

o Hyperlink to a file that can be rendered in a browser (Word, PPT,


o Include your email address on each page (contact Webmaster)

o Include at one List (ordered, unordered, or description or Text)

o Include Images (5 minimum.)

§§ Include height/width sizing for each image §§ Include alternate description for each image

o Simple table with borders, background §§ Minimum 3x3

§§ Include header and col/row span §§ Caption, header and footer

o Appropriate navigation buttons that are consistent throughout

o Include 1 Form

o Include Span/Div

o Choose an Abbreviation, Quotation or Citation (Include 1)

o Include Meta tags with name and revision date for grading purposes only

o 1 embedded audio or video

• Proofread all pages so they are free from typographical errors, grammar and syntax errors.

• Proofread all pages so they are free from typographical errors, grammar and syntax errors.

• Website Maintenance: Your Website must be live on the WWW on MyWeb. All files (audio, text, and video) and images must be uploaded onto the MyWeb server to be viewed.

o Use Mozilla Firefox or Chrome instead of Internet Explorer, which does not interact well with Pirate Panel

• The goal of your Website is to create a consistent web site that visitors will want to come back to. The design is up to you, but I will be grading upon realistic expectations of a real-world client.

Please note that the projects will be graded using the above criterion. You may NOT use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, DreamWeaver or any type of webpage editor or HTML tag generator to create your website. ALL work must be original for this class. Any attempt to use somebody else’s work will result in an automatic zero (0) for your grade on the website. This site must be created using HTML/CSS coding and tags.

Website must be created on a Mac program and saved in a ZIP file.

Answered Same Day Jul 16, 2020 BITE4700


Gaurav answered on Jul 18 2020
153 Votes

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