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Assignment Overview Research you’re company’s network security. Investigate the following: LAN/WAN, Web/internet/firewalls and wireless network. Conduct a vulnerability audit using a network...

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Assignment Overview

Research you’re company’s network security. Investigate the following: LAN/WAN, Web/internet/firewalls and wireless network. Conduct a vulnerability audit using a network vulnerability scanner. Recommend the most appropriate way to secure each network device and services.

State what software and hardware the company is using (as many as you can find out). Draw the network architecture. Identify network security weaknesses and recommend solutions.

Your final report must include the following:

· Assignment Cover Page: (Use the cover sheet provided. Include the Title,

· Assignment number, Student Names and IDs, Subject)

· Title page (Name of report who it is prepared for, and authors)

· Executive summary (1 paragraph)

· Table of contents

· Body (Numerous headings and text at the write choice)

· References/ Bibliography

Answered Same Day Jun 14, 2021


Sandeep Kumar answered on Jun 16 2021
142 Votes
1. Executive Summary
The objective of the report is to simulate a medium computer network environment of an IT company dealing with cloud-based solutions and products for both B2C and B2B customers. The company has a main building and two
anch offices with a collective 600 employees. The company is a pioneer in IT solutions and seeks to expand its operations while aiming at increasing the revenue of the company in the next quarters. The IT company is researching data science products and planning to release the product as a form of black box as part of the SaaS solutions. The company is also planning to improve its customer support and make some of its existing products accessible to its customers of B2C, and give a competitive edge to the companies already having a foothold in that sector. Apart from that in light of the increasing number of security attacks, the company is performing penetrating testing and finding out vulnerabilities which are then rectified, the firewall is strengthened as well with increasing the overall security of the system as well as the security of the products. The company is changing strategies to improve their business model as well by giving out surveys for feedback to improve their existing products while tweaking out redundant parts also the company is creating a regime for both technical professionals and customer support staff to instill company values and increasing their productivity. The main objective of profitability has led them to implement new ideas while changing the designs in their existing infrastructure. The company is also issuing VPN to enable remote work which has become a norm in the IT world, for employees to work remotely at the comfort of their homes. Also the intranet and internet of the different sites of the offices have been reinforced for ease in communication and to reduce security risks in the company.
2. Introduction
· The company is a product-based IT company, that deals with solutions for businesses as well as customers. It has various clients from Apple to Netflix. It has approximately 600 employees with two
anch offices in the country.
· The key business goals are to provide cloud-based solutions to their B2B clients like Netflix, dealing with storage, processing and cleaning of the data on the very premises. Along with providing development and management tools to go with the production. The cleaned data is analyzed and used for prediction and the processed report is sent to the client.
· The technical goals are to improve the cloud-based solutions and provide a lighter version of the solution for B2C clients.
· The company seeks to improve its operations and become more profitable in the upcoming quarters while keeping up with the competition
3. Business and Technical Goals
The business goals of the company range from increasing revenue in the next quarters to providing better customer support also to eliminate competition while being profitable:
· Increase profitability in the next quarters, while limiting the expenses. In order to reach the goal, there is a need to increase sales by 15 percent while increasing the business clients.
· Deploy a better customer support system to reduce complaints and bifurcate the customer support system for both B2B and B2C clients. It could be increased by increasing the employees in customer service and implementing a priority based model for the customers with a quick response team.
· Decrease the turnover rate through the retention of the employees. Statistics show that an employee leaves the company in every 4 month, by implementing a training program that details new-hire activities for the first 100 days at the start of the job, and commit to meetings in order to build up trust and companionship. In addition to it creating a new training regime for customer service staff, while teaching them applied methods and sharpening their soft skills to perform better as a customer service support staff.
· Increase the efficiency of the operation, while putting out the competition and hence increasing the productivity. Intelligent goal making is needed to meet the goals, with searching for efficient methods to deliver with a robust framework while minimizing the bugs and mitigating grave chokepoints.
· Growing the business operation, with clients of different countries as well. Focusing on the B2B customers to increase the client base while searching for new hold in booming cities. Opening a remote
anch in other country is a much fulfilling objective
· To come up with marketing strategies to improve the popularity of the product while giving out surveys to discover potential product ideas and product reviews. Creating a loyalty or frequent buyer program in order to drive up B2C sales, and eliminate the competition on B2C side
The technical goals of the company likewise is intermingled with the business goals and includes various tasks from preventing security attacks to scaling up operation time while decreasing the energy resources, some of them are:
· Simplifying the devops operation of the B2B customers, so they focus on the work and not the process, hence making the entire operation a blackbox to them, making it easier to roll out multi-tenant, cloud-based SaaS product.
· Accelerate the innovation process of the client through the use of the efficient workload management product and hence deliver their needs continuously, the main objective is to increase the scalability of their operations while providing a robust framework which is failure proof.
· With the increase in security attacks it is more than important to reduce the vulnerability points of the system and increase the security of the existing infrastructure to withstand distributed DDoS attacks and various other attacks like MITM attacks while showing real time updates. It is also crucial to strengthen the firewall and encapsulate the security updates in the product as well, while ensuring they don’t increase the vulnerability and hence compromise the security.
· Promoting research and development for improving products and designing new products that can serve the clients better, finding out problems in the existing products and fixing them with newer and better...

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