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Assignment Content Refer to the following Individual Assignments: Week 1 - ADD: Overview and Stakeholder Identification Week 2 - ADD: Use Case, User Stories, and Development Methodology Week 3 - ADD:...

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Assignment Content

  1. Refer to the following Individual Assignments:

    • Week 1 - ADD: Overview and Stakeholder Identification
    • Week 2 - ADD: Use Case, User Stories, and Development Methodology
    • Week 3 - ADD: Architectural Design, Architectural Patterns, Control Flow Diagram
    • Week 4 - ADD: Quality Attributes and Views

    As you finalize your ADD in your role as a software architect, use the CRM system described in theAssignment Backgrounddocument tocompletethe two tasks below:

    TASK 1:

    Createthe following, additional sections in a 2- to 3-page Microsoft®Word document:

    • Technology section:
    • Identify the technologies used in the architecture.
    • Provide reasons for using the technologies. For example, the Oracle SOA solution is chosen for the SOA architecture, but also because the company has a license for the product.
    • Cloud Migration section - Your company is considering a move to Microsoft®Azure®or Amazon Web Services®to host the CRM:
    • Identify the pros and cons of migrating to the cloud comparing hosting solutions.
    • Present the result slide/picture/diagram with bullet items.

    Includeat least 3 External references and 1 Internal reference in your assignment for this new ADD content, along with necessary citations for each reference. Refer to the details on the difference between External vs Internal references in the Course Resources.

Answered Same Day Aug 08, 2021


Neha answered on Aug 09 2021
144 Votes
Week 5
Technology -Outsourced Application Delivery
The SP model is used by the organizations when they want a quick launch in their organization for the CRM initiative. This model includes the hosted and on demand CRM environment. In this model the vendors have a benefit of quickly informing about the prospects which includes the lower cost of acquisition, cost savings and faster deployment which starts from the installation process ends to the maintenance of the software on the system of user. As per Unisys's Jaso, the on-demand as weather definition will not allowed the type of access for the data or type of mining all the type of integration which is required to be done in the CRM. As per the scenario, there will be huge increase in the on-demand services in the organization.
The organization can use the ASP model to deploy it inhouse or use it as a long-term solution this model is popularly used in famous companies like Salesforce dot com and right now technologies. There are still many companies which believe that If they do not implement crn and manage the process on themselves they can continue to create new business cases in a better way. But as we compare there is a huge difference between the growth and probability of outsourcing ASP model.
Application delivery method can be defined as a method of getting all the applications present in the data centre to the user in the most...

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