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Assignment Content Imagine the CIO has asked you to develop a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of the health care delivered to organization...

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  1. Imagine the CIO has asked you to develop a proposal on how the organization might adopt a technology trend to improve the quality of the health care delivered to organization members.This process allows you to take on the perspective of a manager to analyze management’s role in information technology initiatives and accomplish information system management.

    Getting ready for the assignment:

    Select1 technology trend for this assignment.Examples oftechnologytrends could include:

    • Telemedicine
    • Optical imagery for diagnosing disease
    • EHRs
    • Telehealth
    • Video translation services
    • Dictation software
    • Medical equipment
    • Health care robots
    • Neural engineering
    • Intelligent mobile devices
    • National health care information network
    • A technology trend approved by your faculty

    Research management's role in the technology you selected and the benefits of it that support the quality outcomes.

    Assignment Directions:

    Write a 700- to 1,050-word summary in which you:

    • Identify your chosen technology trend.
    • Explain how this technology will integrate into a specific type of organization.
    • Explain the manager's role in the entire process of selection, implementation, integration, and evaluation of the new technology.
    • Explain what impact the technology trend has on users within the organization.
    • Explain the benefits of the selected technology that support quality outcomes.

    Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your assignment.

    Format your citations according to APA guidelines.

    Submit your assignment.


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Answered 2 days After Mar 17, 2022


Dr. Vidhya answered on Mar 19 2022
112 Votes
Running Head: TELEMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE                    1
TELEMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE                             2
Table of Contents
Recognition of Trend and its Integration into a Specific Type of Organization    3
Role of Manager    3
Impact on Users    4
Benefits    5
References    6
Recognition of Trend and its Integration into a Specific Type of Organization
The challenges of healthcare sector have evolved over the course of past two decades. In fact, the healthcare professionals have felt the pressure of attending more than expected number of patients each day. In the revolutionary era of digitalization, the collaboration of digital means to assist patients has provided great results in not only supporting patients and their families virtually but also it has helped in sustaining the quality of healthcare services through remote method (Fong, Fong & Li, 2020).
Telemedicine is the other name of such services offered to help patients through virtual communication in which, vital signs analysis, diagnosis of health issues and patient monitoring occurs digitally through dedicated web portals created for the use of clinical professionals and patients both. As per the observation of the recent trends in telemedicine, it is helpful to the healthcare organizations providing specific support to the patients.
The distinctive trait of telemedicine is no limited to the provisions of quality healthcare services offered to the patients only; they are expanded from this point to another one i.e. the communication at virtual level with patients a
idges the gaps between the healthcare service provider and the patients’ families. The healthcare organizations, particularly the ones that deal with massive number of patients, opt for the process of...

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