Anju Lata answered on
Mar 03 2020
(Perspective of Chinese & Japanese Culture)
The Family of Chinese Descent
Design of Name Card
While visiting China, the name card should have the holder’s name along with the professional title, written in the Chinese language at the top so that while presenting the card, we may ensure the written name faces the recipient (Kara, 2013). We may have one side of the card printed in English language and the other side in Chinese. The color of the card should be golden because, in Chinese culture, gold imparts an impression of prosperity and prestige (Today translations, n.d.).
Being on time
We can expect the Chinese delegation to be on time because, in Chinese business etiquettes, a late a
ival is considered as a rude behavior (Mack, 2017).
Chinese Food Preference
The food may consist of premium delicacies like snakeskin, dog meat, locusts, scorpion, and blood served in 20-30 courses and not in a single meal. It may be served without knives and fork. Chopsticks are provided instead. Though I don’t like some items served, It is better to try it once, to show openness and respect to the server (The woks of life, 2013).
Chinese Vs. Western way of life
Chinese culture mainly involves collectivism, socialization, and unity. Behavior is the basis of Ethics. It is more relational and other directed. They have selfless view towards life with satisfaction in what they possess. They emphasize on spirituality and focus on ‘We’.
Western culture emphasizes on materialized world and is based on self dedication. The philosophy is more logical, practical, rational and scientific. They are mainly self oriented and focus on ‘I’. Western style is also related to ethics. Though both the cultures are centered on virtues, Chinese way of life is mainly spiritual while western way is more about hands-on style (China mike,n.d.).
Common Health Risks
Genetic susceptibility, air pollution, tobacco smoking, use of biomass fuel and occupational chemicals are main health risks leading to Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) in China. In addition low education level, malnutrition, respiratory infections, socioeconomic status and sedentary lifestyle of a person also contributes to the risks of COPD (Gao & Prasad, 2013).
Why Mr. Li took long to enter the hospital?
The three people accompanying Mr. Li were talking to each other in a mixture of English and a foreign language. Mr. Li could not speak or understand English. None of the family members was fluent in the Chinese language. That’s why it took time for the Nurse to start a conversation with Mr. Li.
Why did Mr. Li not report about chest pain in Cardiac Unit?
Mr. Li had a history of heart problems and has been suffering from minor chest pain for a quite long time. For the treatment, he has been visiting local clinic periodically whenever his pain increased. So, it was a common thing for Mr. Li to have chest pain.
Does Chinese family trust the treatment provided by the hospital?
(False) Even though the medical reports of Mr. Li diagnosed that he sustained massive heart damage, Mrs. Li has been continuing her treatment of traditional Chinese he
al medicines on him, hiding it from the staff. She does not follow nurse’s or physician’s orders for dietary restrictions as well. It shows they do not trust the hospital staff to provide most of the care for Mr. Li.
Why must physician be careful about the amount of medication ordered?
Mr. Li is an old age man and his wife is also providing him Chinese he
al medicines parallel to the medicines ordered by the physician. So, it can increase the daily quantity of medicines required for his health.
Why Mrs. Li disagree with her daughter in law?
Mrs. Li is an old...