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Assignment: Complete the following: Amish case study Jewish Case study #1

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Complete the following:

  • Amish case study
  • Jewish Case study #1
Answered Same Day Feb 21, 2020


Anju Lata answered on Feb 24 2020
143 Votes
(Perspective of Amish & Jewish Culture)
The Family of Amish Descent
Perspective of Mary and Elme
‘Amish do not believe in the practice of Birth control and generally believe in having larger families’ (Cleveland clinic, 2018). An average Amish family has 7 members. Mary and Elmer aged just 35 years have five children. Moreover, Mary’s parents also had 8 children, and Mary was the youngest one. It shows Mary and Elmer follow the same traditional cultural beliefs of the Amish system, in seeking medical attention.
‘Amish generally believe in folk medicine like he
al treatments, pow-wows, and faith healing practices’ (Cleveland Clinic, 2018). They do not opt for higher level medical specialists for treatment rather believe that Medicines just help and God heals the health-related problems. Pertaining to the same view, Mary suggests her Nurse about Menno Martin, an Amish man who offers treatment based on “Amish ways” like using warm hands to diagnose problems. Mary thought Amish healer to be perfect to treat baby Melvin’s respiratory problems and Wayne’s recu
ing cysts.
‘Amish discourage the practice of having Health Insurances or any kind of other Insurance.’ They perceive it as a worldly product and According to Amish culture, buying a health insurance shows lack of trust in God. This practice is depicted by Mary and Elmer as well. They don’t ca
y any health insurance rather prefer to pay the doctor and hospital bills.
Prenatal Care for Mary
During childbearing, Amish women are at high risk of problems. Amish often remain separated from general society and their community has lack of trust on outsiders. It creates room for misunderstandings. Planning closely spaced pregnancies, giving birth to a large number of children, increasing maternal age during childbirth, and tendency to reduce adding financial burdens to family expenses, contributes to increasing the risk of complications during pregnancy. Mary must be aware of all these areas of prenatal care.
Why Mary placed the Baby on Pillow?
At the doctor’s office, Mary was suggesting the nurse about Menno Martin, an Amish man who uses “warm hands” to diagnose problems. She told her that he is especially good for babies. Mary placed her baby carefully on the pillow to give warmth to his body. As she believed that providing heat with warm hands as “Amish way” that can help heal the problem.
Simultaneous use of Folk and Professional Health Services
Amish women believe that they cannot receive culturally sensitive health care through professional medical services that’s why they opt to go to Amish healers. As a nurse, I would try to persuade them to reach the Riley Children’s Hospital on time, as it is 3 hours away to go for an appointment for Wayne’s recu
ing cyst. They can visit the Amish healer while returning back home. Moreover, Melvin also needs to be hospitalized after two days if he doesn’t improve. Her baby is just one month old and premature. So, Mary must take intensive medical care for baby Melvin to help him overcome this critical time. Once he gets improved, she can visit the healer, if she thinks.
Three things to discuss with Miller for preparing him for Consultation at Medical Cente
· Baby Melvin is prematurely born and is just 1 month old. He needs immediate medical care to survive.
· Baby is suffering from a respiratory problem and needs to be hospitalized within 2 days if he doesn’t improve.
· Baby needs immediate immunization to be protected from dreaded diseases prevailing in the area. Amish communities in Elmer’s area have a history of Low immunization rates as told by State Health Department.
Promoting culturally congruent care at Medical Centers
Though Millers believe in cultural and traditional practices to a larger extent, they have consulted Medical Treatment at the first priority for treatment of both the kids and Mary’s pregnancy.
Increasing the immunization rates in Amish Countries
Amish communities have shown a lower rate of immunization. We can develop awareness...

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