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Assignment 8.2 Analysis Paper Post by Sunday - (325 Points) Written Analysis Paper . In this paper you will select a racial/ethnic group of interest to you and present: - A discussion of internalized...

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Assignment 8.2 Analysis Paper Post by Sunday - (325 Points)

Written Analysis Paper.

In this paper you will select a racial/ethnic group of interest to you and present:

- A discussion of internalized oppression and institutional racism as it applies to the group that you selected.

- Historical politicalclimate in the United States regarding immigration, poverty, and welfare as it applies to the group that you selected.

- Current political climate in the United states regarding immigration, poverty, and welfare as it applies to the group that you selected.

- A general clinical description of a particular counseling challenge faced by the population.

- A consideration about how the counseling challenge may be related to the historical or current political climate and/or institutional racism or internalized oppression.

·Your recommended adaptations to the helping process to accommodate the client’s individual differences. Include recommendations for advocacy and policy changes related to the challenges faced by the population.

Outside sources are necessary for writing this paper. Reference to class discussions, as well as the course text, may be used in this paper in addition to the other scholarly resources. Properly document all resources used in this assignment. The written analysis paper must be submitted in APA 6.0 format and have a minimum of four citations. The paper must be APA 6.0 style. The paper should be around 10 to 15 typed pages (including the title page, abstract page, and reference page) with standard one-inch margins and 12 point font. Points will be deducted for grammatical and spelling errors. This will insure a top quality paper, which will benefit you significantly in this course, and in your professional life.

PLEASE NOTE: Because this is an assessment probe, you must score 80% or better (at least 260 points out of 325) on the paper in order to pass the course. If you do not score at least 80%, you will be given one opportunity to revise your paper. If you still do not score 80% on the paper, you will fail the course and will need to retake it. You cannot pass the course unless you earn a minimum of 80% on the probe.

Answered Same Day Jul 25, 2021


Shreyashi answered on Jul 26 2021
134 Votes
Running head: Prejudice Against Native Americans
A Detailed Analysis of Discrimination Faced by Native Americans.
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A Detailed Analysis of Discrimination Faced by Native Americans.
In this paper, I am going to discuss the racial or ethnic group, Native Americans and the various kind of discrimination and prejudice faced by them over the years till now. The indigenous people of the United States are known as Native Americans they are also known as American Indians, Indigenous Americans, Amerindian or Aboriginal American. Today the American Indians cover more than 70 million of the total population of the Americas. Despite that, the oppression faced by them is serious now. Oppression takes place when one group of people has got more power or more access to power as well as a privilege than another group and use it to maintain their status quo. Hence we can also say that operation is not only a state but also a process. Thousands and thousands of years before the ship of Christopher Columbus landed in America there were already more than 50 million people residing there. The ancestors of American Indians who “hiked over a land
idge” from Asia to America (specifically now known as Alaska) were the actual founders of the land of America. Sea levels were too low to keep the “land
idge” under water. Cu
ently they are one of the minorities in their own land. Now there are almost 1% of the total population of the United States comprises of American Indians.
Internalized Oppression And Institutional Oppression Of The Native Americans.
When a person faces oppression and prejudice over lifetimes they may internalize the message of inferiority to their respective groups. It, in fact, begins at a very young age. The lack of opportunity to critically understand one’s own history also leads to internalized oppression. American Indians is one of the many racial or ethnic groups within the United States to face internalized oppression which led them to lose their spiritual along with their cultural identity. One such example of internalized oppression as faced by the Native Americans are the systematic genocide that they suffered from in the form of land theft, murder, physical onslaughts, forced removal, economic deprivation and relocation. They have faced economic political and social domination by the west society like many other colonized groups throughout the world. The Native Americans have adopted the internalized oppressive practices of the west. Earlier, hurting one tribe member meant hurting the whole tribe and hence all the members were honours and respected to maintain peace in the society. But, now the American Indians have introduced white patriarchy into their own families, through colonization, upon which patriarchal norms are justified and normalised. “As generations of Indian children grew up in boarding schools and other off-reservation placements, Indian parents and communities were displaced from child-raising responsibilities. In recent decades, after many off-reservation boarding schools closed, and many Indian parents suddenly found themselves responsible for the daily task of raising children. Often raised in neglectful or abusive placements themselves, these “unparented parents” are now expected to raise their own children without appropriate past experience or guidance” (Fischler 1985). Native Americans sometimes express internalized Oppression pretty openly on their own families in the form of physical assault, homicide and violence against people they refer as inferior to them. That is, women and children. Many oppressed Native Americans recreate the power pattern of the dominant culture. Hence the male section has privilege and authority over the women section and both the male and female section after becoming parents impose their authority over children. This authority sometimes gets expressed violently. Today American Indian women and children are one of the most socially, politically and economically deprived groups in the United States. “Aware of our victimization by Euro-Americans, Indian people often attribute abuse by family members and friends to something the offender learned from the white man or as something he does out of helplessness, rage, and despair. We are aware of the dominant culture’s “scientific” truth-justice cations for family violence. We accept theories about intergenerational violence, violence as learned behaviour, social disorganization, and anomie without ever challenging patriarchal power.” Internalized oppression is not the only kind of oppression faced by the native Americans rather it is just one out of many.
Another kind of racism that the native Americans face in their everyday life is institutional operation. It acts as a silent enemy. To start from the beginning native Americans were recognised as United States citizens only in 1924. Institutional racism is structured in a specific pattern that protects the privileges of the dominant group while maintaining an unequal position of the submissive group. Institutional racism views inequality as a natural structure of society.
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