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Assignment 3 Requirement Assignment 3 Reflective writing aims to get you to think about your learning and understand your learning experiences. When students writing Assignment 3 need to follow steps:...

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Assignment 3 Requirement

Assignment 3 Reflective writing aims to get you to think
about your learning and understand your learning experiences.

When students writing Assignment 3 need to follow steps:

1. Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience

Make judgements that are clearly connected to observations you have made.
Answer the questions:

− What is your opinion about learning experience?
− What is the value of this experience?

2. Explain how this learning process will be useful to you

Consider: In what ways might this learning experience serve you in:

− course
− program
− future career
− life generally

Answer the question: ‘How you will transfer or apply your new knowledge and
insights in the future?’

3. Describe objectively what happened in the learning process

Give the details of what happened in the learning process. Answer the question:
‘What you did, read, see, and hear?

4. Evaluate what you learn

Make judgments connected to observations you have made in the Business
Research. Answer the question: ‘How Business Research was useful for your
Research Learning Process?’
5. Explain your learning process:

New insights, connections with other learning, your feelings, hypotheses,
conclusions. Answer the questions:
‘What was the reason you did particular activities (Assignment 1, Assignment 2?
6. Explain Plan how this learning you will applied

Comment on its relevance to your research subject, your course, future profession,
life... Answer the question: ‘How might this learning apply in your future?’
Answered Same Day Jun 06, 2020 HI6008


Preeti answered on Jun 07 2020
148 Votes
Reflective Learning
1) Evaluate the effectiveness and your usefulness of the learning experience
Undoubtedly, learning process based on ‘"Socio-Economic impact of gambling on the livelihood of Australian International Students” is valuable and receive positive opinion as well. The habit of gambling is viewed as one of the most demanding topic or subject area in cu
ent regime as there is continuous growing proportion of adults and students getting addicted to this habit or trend. In this context, it is necessary on the part of researchers and policy makers to search for factors making students prone to this habit or addiction as well as searching ways or methods of helping adults in coming out of this addiction. All these factors make the learning experience valuable and quite interesting (Cosgrove, 2010).
2) Explain how this learning process will be useful to you
In terms of course or program, it is mandatory on the part of students to ca
y out research study on the topic or subject area as per their interest or else specified by course cu
iculum. Accordingly, this learning process helps in fulfilling course or program requirement. On the other hand, it is also useful for future career and routine life as I aspire to develop and equip knowledge on social and economic agendas for pursuing career or advancing knowledge on the same. In light of this, this learning program is worth considerable as it helps in advancing knowledge on socio-economic agenda (Hoff, Sutcliffe and Young, 2016).
3) Describe objectively what happened in the learning process
The learning...

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