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Assignment 2 COIT 20253: Business Intelligence Using Big Data Assessment 2: Presentation Due date: 5-minute presentation in class for feedback and approval by the lecturer/ Tutor in week 7....

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Assignment 2
COIT 20253: Business Intelligence Using Big Data
Assessment 2: Presentation

Due date: 5-minute presentation in class for feedback and approval by the lecture

Tutor in week 7. Presentations slides are due on Week 9 Monday (7-May-
XXXXXXXXXX:45 PM AEST. Presentation in the class will start from week 9.


Weighting: 25%

Length: 15 minutes per student.
This assessment relates to course learning outcomes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 stated in the unit profile.
Presentation is an individual assessment.
Please note that ALL submitted presentations are passed through a computerized copy detection
and it is extremely easy for teaching staff to identify copied or otherwise plagiarised work.
Please draw your own diagram where possible.

• Copying (plagiarism) can incur penalties ranging from deduction of marks to failing the
course or even exclusion from the University.

• Please ensure you are familiar with the Academic Misconduct Procedures, available
from: http:
The tasks

This presentation is based on your Assignment 3. Your will propose a research study that will involve
investigating and determining how a particular large organisation use Big Data for developing Big Data
Strategy and driving productivity, in a no more than 5-minute presentation in class for feedback and
approval by the lecture
Tutor in week 7. The presentation of your findings in this project would be of
about 15-minute duration which will start from week 9.
Choose any one of the following topic for presentation.
1. Big data and new decision-making techniques/models/approaches;
2. Organisational and cultural issues of the ‘Data-driven’ organisation;
3. Leveraging big Data for enhancing decision making and creating new business models
4. Social networks for exploiting knowledge or creating intelligence;
You are required to give a presentation on how to create a Big Data Strategy and turning the strategy
document into action. It is very important for all students to meet the due date of their respective
presentation. Presentation will be assessed during the presentation time.
You should focus on how to create a Big Data Strategy and turning the strategy document into action
and the required Big Data technology.
Presentation Layout and Submission Guidelines

Presentation structure
Presentations need to be very straightforward and logical. It is important that you avoid
complex structures and focus on the need to explain and discuss your work clearly. An ideal
structure for a presentation includes:

• a welcoming and informative introduction;
• a coherent series of main points presented in a logical sequence;
• a lucid and purposeful conclusion.
The introduction
The introduction is the point at which the presenter explains the content and purpose of the
presentation. This is a vitally important part of your talk as you will need to gain the audience’s interest
and confidence. Key elements of an effective introduction include:

• a positive start: “Good afternoon, my name is Adam and …”;
• a statement of what will be discussed: “I am going to explore …”;
• a statement of the treatment to be applied to the topic (e.g. to compare, contrast,
evaluate, describe): “I will be comparing the four main principles of …”;
• a statement of the outcomes of the presentation: “I hope this will provide us with …”;
• a statement of what the audience will need to do (e.g. when they can ask questions or whether or
not they will need to take notes): “I will pass round a handout that summarises my presentation
efore taking questions at the end.”

You should aim to deliver your introduction confidently and communicate energy and enthusiasm for
your topic.

Main points
The main points are the backbone of your talk. They play an important role in helping you prioritise,
focus and sequence your information. When planning your presentation, you should put aside your
esearch notes and produce a list or summary of the main points that you would like to make, expressing
each in a few words or a short sentence. Ask yourself: “what am I really telling them? what should they
e learning here?”. Your answers to these questions will help you communicate clear and effective
messages to your audience.

After you have identified your main points, you should embellish them with supporting information. For
example, add clarity to your argument through the use of diagrams, illustrate a link between theory and
practice, or substantiate your claims with appropriate data. Use the supporting information to add colour
and interest to your talk, but avoid detracting from the clarity of your main points by ove
urdening them
with too much detail.


Transitions are the signposts that help the audience navigate their way through your presentation.
They can help divide information up into sub-sections, link different aspects of
your talk and show progression through your topic. Importantly, transitions draw the audience’s attention
to the process of the presentation as well as its content. Examples include:

• “I will begin by discussing …”;
• “Now that we have explored the ... I would like to move on to …”;
• “In contrast to my earlier statements concerning …”;
• “Moving away from a focus on .…”;
Transitions can also be made without speaking. Non-ve
al transitions include pausing, changing a
slide or other visual aid, moving to a different area of the room before resuming speaking, or
making eye contact with a different group in the audience.

The Conclusion
The conclusion is an essential though frequently underdeveloped section of a presentation. This is the
stage at which you can summarise the content and purpose of your talk, offer an overview of what has
een achieved and make a lasting impact. Important elements of a conclusion are:

• a review of the topic and purpose of your presentation: “In this presentation I wanted to
• a statement of the conclusions or recommendations to be drawn from your work: “I hope to
have been able to show that the effect of ....”;
• an indication of the next stages (what might be done to take this work further?): “This does
of course highlight the need for further research in the area of …”;
• an instruction as to what happens next (questions, discussion or group work?): “I would now
like to give you the opportunity to ask questions …”;
• a thank you to the audience for their attention and participation: “That’s all I have time for.
Thank you very much for listening.”

As with your introduction, you should try to address the audience directly during your conclusion,
consolidating the impression of a confident and useful presentation.

A presentation needs a carefully defined structure to make the most impact. This should centre on a
series of identifiable main points that are supported by appropriate detail. Use transitions to link and
move between points, helping your audience to understand the development or your argument. An
introduction and conclusion are essential elements of your presentation. They enable you to establish a
clear purpose for your talk at the start and summarise your main points before you finish speaking.

Ref: http:

To help student members communicate, forums have been created for your use on the course Moodle
website for Assessments 1 and 2. Please use them to help you work through your report.
Help on writing reports is contained in the Faculty Guide for Students – Chapter 4 – available here:
http: data/assets/pdf_file/0003/2289/Extract-of-Chapter-3.pdf
You may also benefit from a video supplied by the CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre
available here:http:
Assessment criteria - Assignment 2 marking guide
Marks for Presentation will be allocated as follows:
Assessment mark will be weighted to 25%.

You will be informed in week 5 about your presentation schedule. Please check your CQU email.
It is very important for all students to meet the due date for their respective presentation.
Presentation is assessed during the presentation time.
You should focus on how to create Big Data Strategy and turning the strategy document into action
and the required Big Data technology.

Assessment Criteria
Marking criteria for evaluating the contact of the Presentation : weighted 25%

1. Subject Knowledge (5 marks)

2. Explanations from evidence (5 marks)

3. Graphics, figures, tables included (5 marks)

4. Conclusions (5 marks)

5. Questions (5 marks)
    The tasks
    Presentation structure
    The introduction
    Main points
    The Conclusion
    Assessment criteria - Assignment 2 marking guide

Title: COIT 20253 Assignment 3 Creating a Big Data Strategy Due Date (4. Social networks for exploiting knowledge or creating intelligence)
Student number / name: S XXXXXXXXXXMing Cheung Li
lecturer & tutor: Chandana Watagodakumbura
Executive Summary
This study is helpful to represent the significance of Big data in business operations. Business strategy is easily managed with the implementation of Big data in workplace so that organisational activity can be easily ca
ied out. With the help of MDM, Delta can evolve the traditional mode of business operation is upgraded and it provides significant support to the business organisations in order to maintain record of its regular operations. This study is helpful to understand significance of Big data while implementing it inside organisational process.
Table of Contents
Introduction    3
1. Identify, create and discuss Business Strategy for a Big Data use case    3
2. Identify and align business initiatives, objectives and tasks with the developed Business Strategy    5
3. Identify and discuss the required Technology Stack    6
4. Discussion on Data Analytics and MDM to support DS & BI    6
5. Discuss support of NoSQL for Big Data Analytics    7
Q5. Discuss support of NoSQL for Big Data Analytics    8
6. Discussion on different NoSQL Databases and its use in Big Data use case    9
7. Role of Social media in organisation's decision making process    10
8. Discussion on Big Data Value creation process    11
Conclusion    12
References    13
Big data is largely transforming the existing standard of business operation by providing a group of opportunities in the context
Answered Same Day May 28, 2020 COIT20253 Central Queensland University


Ahmedali answered on May 30 2020
137 Votes
Slide 1
Business Intelligence Using Big Data

    Big data is largely transforming the existing standard of business operation by providing a group of opportunities in the context of business performance. Technical advancements play crucial role in order to enhance the level of operations of Delta with the help of Big data implementation.
BI is a technology driven process for analyzing data and extracting useful information to help corporate executives, project managers and end users make informed decisions. Big data is largely transforming the existing standard of business operation by providing a group of opportunities in the context of business performance. Technical advancements play crucial role in order to enhance the level of operations of Delta with the help of Big data implementation.
Business Strategy and Big Data
Data Exploration
Customer 360 degree View
System Analysis
Data Augmentation
Security Intelligence Extension
Big data is cool because it represents previously untappable insights that can potentially lead to major business improvements — game-changers for companies and even entire industries. BI is action. It means engaging with your information, whether regular-size or big data, and making something meaningful happen through it.
Strategy of Big Data Application
Step 1: Start with the Business Initiatives
Step 2: Identify and Validate Supporting Use Cases
Step 3: Prioritize Use Cases
Step 4: Brainstorm and Prioritize Data Sources
Step 5: Determine Economic Value of Your Data
The fundamental objective of using Big data is to track down the process of business operations. As opined by Chen et al. (2014, p.172), in the era of technical advancements both sources of data and volume of data need to be store in digital form so that it can be accessed at any time.
Business Model
It is important for business organisations to adopt suitable model that incorporates with Big data.
“As-is” describes the cu
ent business process, and “to-be” describes the ideal business process.
In this respect, ideal solution is to implement Big data model so that organisational development can be formulated.
It is important for business organisations to adopt suitable model that incorporates with Big data. “As-is” describes the cu
ent business process, and “to-be” describes the ideal business process. In this respect, ideal solution is to implement Big data model so that organisational development can be formulated.
Technology Stack
Client-Side Programming
     HTML tells a
owser how to display the content of web pages, while CSS styles that content. Bootstrap is a helpful framework for managing HTML and CSS.
Server-Side Programming
    Frameworks for programming languages offer lots of tools for simpler and faster coding. Let’s mention some of the popular programming languages and their...

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