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Assignment 1Due:Length: July 2018 2,000 (definitely 2,000 words) wordsWeighting: 30%For this assignment you will have to prepare a paper that critically discusses how organisations apply the strategic...

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Assignment 1Due:Length: July 2018 2,000 (definitely 2,000 words) wordsWeighting: 30%For this assignment you will have to prepare a paper that critically discusses how organisations apply the strategic use of Information Systems (IS)/Information Technology (IT) to achieve IS/IT-enabled innovation. For the purposes of this assignment and this unit, IS/IT innovation should not focus on Apps, mobile devices, social media or similar aspects. If you are unsure, then consult your tutor. Some aspects and issues you may discuss in your paper could include (but are not limited to):Discuss at least 4 examples of the use of IS/IT for innovation.Highlight some success factors and some lessons learned (i.e., what went wrong?) for your examples.Discuss the impacts of internal factors (e.g., organizational, individual, and management factors) and external factors (e.g., market, industry, social, economic, technological and political/policy factors) on the success (or the failure) of IS/IT enabled innovation.Suggest recommendations and guidelines for helping organizations succeed in their efforts of embarking on using IS/IT for innovation with good explanation and discussion. You should apply relevant knowledge discussed in your unit. You should prepare for this assignment by reviewing the literature (i.e. by using ProQuest 5000 and Science Direct databases) and searching the World Wide Web (i.e. via Google). You should show evidence that you have read at least 10 references, which must be published after January 2013, in the literature (including references from academic and professional publications) to prepare this assignment. A variety of references are expected including books, refereed journals, case studies, newspapers, magazines and electronic references.Format for Assignment 1You will be marked on communication as well as content. This is done to emphasise the importance of aiming for effective communication as well as good content – not only here in a university assignment, but also in your day-to-day work. After all, if you do not communicate and present your ideas well, it is much harder to have your ideas accepted by busy colleagues or executives.Your assignment should contain:Title pageTable of contentsIntroductionMain body of report with suitable headings and subheadingsConclusionsReference listAppendices (if relevant).References: Harvard Referencing Style is required in this subject.
Answered Same Day Jun 23, 2020 MNG93211 Southern Cross University


Ankit answered on Jun 26 2020
148 Votes
                    Student Id    
                    Student Name
                    Title of assignment
Table of contents
    Page Numbe
    Strategic Uses of IS/IT in Organizations
    Examples of the use of IS/IT for innovation
    Some success factors
    Some lessons Learned
    Impacts of internal and external factors
    7 -8
Today Information technology (IT) and information system (IS) play important role in every business and information is the cu
ency of cu
ent world of business. Information technology is the use of system for data storage, networking of assets and various hardware devices, framework and processes to build process, save, protect and transform different types of digital data. Information system is group of systems that work together with other system in order to gather, retrieve, save and transfer of data. The business that control and manage the information in good and timely way will survive in complex market. (Porter 2018)
There are various business activities for which Information system integrated into day to day business tasks such as inventory tasks, accounting and finance tasks, human resource management, research and development tasks etc. Information technology is beneficial for all types of business in order to maximize the productivity of business. IT has necessary effects on business tasks whatever is the dimension of business, technology has various advantages which will assist the business in creating cash and turn out the results according to customer requirements . Technological framework impacts the social, potency and relationships of a business. (Madadipouya 2015)
The main purpose of this document is to focus on how organization applies the strategic use of Information Systems (IS)/Information Technology (IT) to achieve IS/IT enabled innovation. We will discuss examples of the use of Information system/Information technology for innovation. We will also discuss internal factors and external factor impacts of IS/IT. Internal factor such as organizational, individual and management factors and external factors such as market, industry, social, economic, technological etc. and political/policy factors on the success or the failure of IS/IT enabled innovation.
Strategic Uses of IS/IT in Organizations
Strategic Uses of IS/IT can be particularly helpful to little and medium sized firms which are more defenceless against outer ecological elements than extensive enterprises, and are burdened regarding task assets. IT can help these organizations enhance productivity, adequacy, and creativity, so they can transcend their restrictions to contend reasonably with their bigger partners.
There is big role played by IT in conveying an incentive for a business and supporting hierarchical change. The point is to make an association more focused by adjusting business procedure to IT technique. (Linton 2018)
IT/IS however, not solely has the potential to alter the means associate degree organization works however additionally the te
ibly nature of its business. Through the IS/ IT use, it allow the digital markets, online purchasing can be done in such as short span of time, disrupting the conventional promoting and distribution channels. Today most firms in every field of business, art and official business are basically dependent on their information systems and information technology. The aim now could be not solely to boost potency however conjointly to boost business strength and to control organizations additional strategically. (Baer 2017)
IS/IT is accustomed improve ancient ways in which of doing business or to cause significant structural amendments within the means the corporate will business. There are two forms of strategic information systems in which it is divided
Internal systems which give direct advantage to the business.
External systems which give direct advantage to the customer of business.
Examples of the use of IS/IT for innovation
· Delivering value through Business Intelligence: IT united with business intelligence that controls the data in timely manner have assured the successful side to those firms as compared with their competitors. For example, in case eCourier assured successful side with their competitors. As eCourier united the use of IT with business intelligence by using GPS tracker on packets...

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