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Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis Core Information: Due: Due by 11.00pm AEST, Sunday 4 th August 2018 Weighting: 30% Individual/Group: Individual Assignment Word limit: No more than 1500 words (plus...

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Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis

Core Information:

Due: Due by 11.00pm AEST, Sunday 4th August 2018

Weighting: 30%

Individual/Group: Individual Assignment

Word limit: No more than 1500 words (plus or minus 10%). Assignments that exceed 2000 words will be referred back to the author for revision and penalties for late submission will be applied until the assignment has been resubmitted within the specified word limit.

Aim: The primary aim of this assignment is to explore your capacity to analyse the marketing strategies and marketing processes of real organisations and determine their effectiveness. It also aims to determine your ability to analyse such practical matters using early concepts (such as marketing intelligence, market segmentation and target marketing to name a few examples) covered in the formative weeks of the unit.

Core Task:

Basing your arguments on the academic literature that you have studied in the first four topics of this unit, write a report on the ways two different organisations have been able to compete in their markets. Your report should discuss the following points about each of the two organisations:

1. Evidence that the organisation has a gain a competitive advantage from their marketing processes.

2. Theoretical analysis of the reasons for the achievement of this advantage.

Your discussion is to be based on two suitable published case studies. This means case studies published in the academic literature – for example, the series of case studies in a textbook, or published in journals etc. Case studies and short articles in newspapers, magazines, website opinion pages and the like are definitely not acceptable, although such materials may be used to supplement the published case study and your analysis. All sources must be properly referenced. If in any doubt about the suitability of a case study, seek an early ruling from your local lecturer/tutor.

This is a substantial piece of scholarly work and will require extensive engagement with both unit theory and at least two detailed case studies.


1. Choose your two cases. They all need to be published cases in academic sources (e.g. textbooks, journal articles). It is obviously important that each case represents an instance of a company achieving a clear success in terms of their marketing function.

2. Analyse and locate evidence. Begin to analyse each case in terms of the two questions – particularly question one listed previous. It is vital that you respond to both questions, but the evidence successful marketing practice is more likely to be in the case material itself. It is in this part of the process that you might bring in supplemental material from company documents/websites, media analysis and so on. Be sure to reference all sources properly. You need to try and show clear and where possible objective evidence of sustained competitive advantage.

3. Analyse and explain. You need to move from the presentation of evidence to explaining how the company/organisation was able to achieve its success through its strategies. This part of the assignment requires you to consider any aspect of the marketing strategy process and/or any aspect of the organisations’ marketing-based strategising that you think has enabled them to sustain their competitive advantage. You will need to show that you understand relevant theories and concepts from the course and that you can apply them to an analysis and assessment of different companies’ marketing actions and performance. Consider using relevant models and theoretical perspectives to make your analysis. For example, you might find that one successful organisation has executed its marketing strategy by applying Ansoff’s Matrix in a disciplined manner, whereas another successful organisation has executed a successful marketing strategy by consistently exploiting some interesting form of customer segmentation. You may find an opportunity to critique various concepts and theoretical positions through seeing how they apply or don’t apply to your case organisations. Evidence that you understand and can use tools discussed in the early topics of the unit will add value.

4. Write up. On completing your analysis, you obviously need to write it up. You should respond to this task in report format, with headings and subheadings used to help readers understand the structure of your paper. A possible structure might be:

a. An introduction which both sets up the task and the rest of the paper, and introduces the core concepts that the task is designed to deal with. You might also take this chance to scope the work – for example the time frame that will be used to assess the marketing success for the case organisations.

b. Description of the two cases. Describe each case, each organisation and the sources of your information.

c. Evidence of Marketing-related success (leading through to a competitive advantage for the firm). Marshal all the evidence that you can that you think reveals that each organisation has well and truly found success in the marketing realm.

d. Analysis and Explanation. Provide a detailed analysis of how each organisation achieved its success in marketing terms.

e. Conclusion. Summarise the key points and what can be learnt from the overall analysis.

5. Submission. Once you have completed the report and are satisfied that you have done your best, submit it via Turnitin on Blackboard. Submission needs to be made before 11.00pm on Sunday 5th August 2018. Please be reminded of the plagiarism rules which apply.

The marking criteria for the assignment are on the next page. They are published to give you detailed guidelines about the way in which your mark will be calculated. Please read them carefully. Note that they are a guide, not a definitive formula for allocating marks. No set of criteria can accurately describe every possible assignment and so your final mark will reflect the application of academic judgement by your marker to your whole assignment.

MKT00720 – Marketing (Session 2, 2018)

Assignment 1: Case Study Analysis Marking Criteria

Ratings and Comments According to Criteria



Properly describes the task and sets up the report content that follows:

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor NA

Introduces the core concepts

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Outlines the parameters and scope that will be used in the assignment

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Further Comments as necessary


Case Selection and Description

Selection of two appropriate cases from appropriate sources

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Each case is properly described to enable the reader to understand them and their context:

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor


Evidence of Sustained Competitive Advantage

Is able to show clear evidence of marketing success/excellence for each case

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

The evidence is sufficiently detailed and objective

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Further Comments as necessary


Analysis and Explanation

Provides a plausible explanation for the sustained marketing success of each case organisation:

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Makes appropriate use of theories, models and concepts from the course to explain competitive success:

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Shows a good understanding of theory and concepts and an ability to apply them to real case situations

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Shows capacity to make use of analytical tools to aid assessment of marketing-related strategy

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Further Comments as necessary



Draws sensible conclusions based on the analysis and discussion:

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Conclusions reveal key learning to be taken from the analysis

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Further Comments as necessary:


Technical and Professionalism Aspects of the Report

In-text citations and proper referencing (note: an absence of in-text citations and referencing may lead to penalties beyond the marks allocated for this criteria point):

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Appropriate sources used and referenced:

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Presented in well-thought out, consistent, readable form/appropriate length:

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Style, spelling, grammar and syntax

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Needs Development Poor

Further Comments as necessary


Total: The paper is marked out of and then adjusted to conform to the 30% loading for the course

Summary Comments as Necessary:

School extension policy

Students wanting an extension must make a request at least 24 hours before the assessment item is due and the request must be received in writing by the unit assessor or designated academic.

Extensions within 24 hours of submission or following the submission deadline will not be granted (unless supported by a doctor’s certificate or where there are exceptional circumstances – this will be at unit assessor’s discretion and will be considered on a case by case basis). Extensions will be for a maximum of 48 hours (longer extensions supported by a doctor’s certificate or exceptional circumstances to be considered on a case by case basis).

A penalty of 5% of the total available grade will accrue for each 24‑hour period that an assessment item is submitted late.

Please note: work commitments are rarely a sufficient reason to approve special consideration and being away on holidays is never a reason. There is no penalty for submitting an assignment BEFORE the due date, so if you are going away just manage your time to get assessment tasks finished before you go. You’ll enjoy your holiday more.

Extensions will NOT be approved because of problems with personal computers or storage devices. Back up your work every day to a secure location.

Answered Same Day Jul 28, 2020 MKT00720 Southern Cross University


Meenal answered on Jul 31 2020
151 Votes
The Coca Cola is an American enterprise which deals in various non-alcoholic beverages. The company has its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia( The Coca Cola has withstood the tests of time, appealing to its consumers with its flavored drinks, low calorie beverages and other health drinks. This is because the Coca Cola Company has utilized various marketing strategies to develop and promote new products and incur profits consistently year after year even when the general consumers were trying to steer clear of fizzy and ca
onated drinks. The Coca Cola Company has been able to compete in this industry by delivering quality products and surpassing its competitors with a huge profit margin.
Coca Cola Christmas advertisement first appeared on television in the year 2013. Coca Cola is one of the leading multinational corporation with roots in almost two hundred countries and an approximate net worth of $79.2 billion. The main objective of advertising is to convince potential buyers to purchase a product they otherwise are not interested in or have never purchased before. This is based on Elias St. Elmo Lewis’s marketing strategy, AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action). “Effective advertisement is one that grabs the attention of the consumer, interests them to convince reading and subsequently convinces them enough by creating a desire for the product. In doing this, the suggestion is that the consumer is more likely to take Action of purchasing when the opportunity arises” (Lewis, n.d.). Customers perceive Christmas as a time of happiness, me
iment and family cele
ation. By complimenting Coca Cola with the Christmas festive season, the consumers began to associate their feelings of joy and festivity with coca cola. Therefore, a
and identity is formed between Christmas and Coca Cola, which amounted to $ 185 million worth of sales for the Coca Cola Company during the festive season (Oakley, 2013).
Coca Cola launched che
y coke in 1985 which was a deviation from the original recipe of the
and. This strategy skyrocketed sales of the new flavored drink, post which the company experimented with new flavors such as lime, vanilla and lemon.
Coca Cola launched Coke Zero in the year 2005. This was an extension of the much older Diet Coke- the taste of Coca Cola with less sugar and lesser calories. However Diet Coke was initially shunned by the male consumers...

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