Assessment Three - Critical Appraisal of Qualitative Research.
No introduction
No conclusion
To enable you to meet learning outcomes 1 and 3.
Word length: 2000 words (maximum +10%)
(This assignment accounts for 50% of the total module mark)
Critically appraise the concepts of trustworthiness and rigour and their importance in qualitative research. Further relate these concepts to the processes of sampling, data collection, data analysis and presentation within the study below.
Do not include an introduction or conclusion to the assignment or any of the four parts. This is not an essay but a critical research appraisal.
Use appropriate references from research textbooks to support your discussion for all four parts of the assignment.
Part a) of this assessment (25%) should be an objective discussion of the importance of both trustworthiness and rigour and how these apply to qualitative research. Here you should start by defining each concept before going on to discuss the components of these in relation to the quality of qualitative research. It may be helpful to have one section on each of the concepts. This section is not related to the research study you have to read.
There are then another three parts in the assessment e.g.
b) sampling method,
c) data collection method,
d) data analysis and presentation methods
Each section must discuss how the methods outlined above have been utilised in the following study and how these can potentially affect the quality of this study.
Bramley, L. and Matiti, m XXXXXXXXXXHow does it really feel to be in my shoes? Patients’ experiences of compassion within nursing care and their perceptions of developing compassionate nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing. Vol. 23, pp XXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXXXpdf
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Qualitative Research Appraisal Guidance
Do not include an introduction or conclusion to any of these three parts. This is not an essay but a critical research appraisal.
Part a) Trustworthiness and Rigour 25 marks (approx. 500 words)
· Define both the concepts of trustworthiness and rigour and identify and discuss their specific components.
· Why is it important to address issues of rigour and trustworthiness in qualitative research?
This section requires you to provide a discussion of the concepts of trustworthiness and rigour in relation to the quality of a qualitative research approach and should not relate to the paper to be appraised.
Parts b), c) and d) Appraisal of a Qualitative Research Article
When reading the article you need to pay attention specifically to aspects of the article that relate to the three areas that you are asked to appraise in the guidance below.
Do not write up a full research appraisal but focus your discussion on the areas identified in the assignment question (sampling method, data collection method, data analysis and presentation method). Use the following questions (taken from the CASP Appraisal tool which is presented to you in the qualitative research unit of the module) to help you decide how you are going to complete Assignment 3. Please note that ethical issues in CASP are questioned separately. Here we have suggested you appraise ethical conduct in relation to the sampling and data collection methods.
You must take a critical approach to your discussion and discuss the strengths and limitations of the research methods used in the three areas of the study to be appraised. Avoid the temptation to simply list answers to the questions on the appraisal checklist. You should also avoid repeating back to the reader what the study did or what the authors have told us. You need to develop a critical discussion to show how the overall trustworthiness and rigour of the study could be affected by the methods used in the study.
Critically appraise each of the following three areas in relation to the research study cited above: Use references to current research literature to support the appraisal.
Part b) Sample Selection 25 marks (approx. 500 words)
Consider the following as a guide:
· Was the method of sampling identified –did you have to guess?
· What method of sampling was chosen (e.g. purposive, convenience sampling)?
· How was access to the sample negotiated?
· Have the researchers explained exactly how the participants for the sample were selected?
· Have they explained why the participants they selected were the most appropriate to provide the type of knowledge sought by the study?
· Are there any other issues around recruitment (e.g. why some people chose not to take part)
· Have the characteristics of the participants in the sample been defined?
· Is the sample size adequate for the particular research methodology being used?
· Was ethical approval sought?
· Are there sufficient details of how the research was explained to participants for the reader to assess whether ethical standards were maintained?
The above list is for guidance only – please do not simply answer each of the questions as not every study will cover all these issues. Remember the points raised about the sampling approach need to be related back to how they have the potential to affect the trustworthiness and rigour of the study and its results.
Part c) Data Collection 25 marks (approx. 500 words)
Consider the following as a guide:
· Is it clear how data was collected (e.g. focus group, interview etc.) and how was it recorded (e.g. audiotapes, observations, diary)?
· Have the researchers justified the methods chosen to collect data? Is the approach appropriate?
· Have the methods used for data collection been described in enough detail (e.g. is there an indication of how and where interviews were conducted)? What is the potential influence on participants?
· If methods were modified during the study, have the researchers explained how and why?
· Were the methods used reliable and independently verifiable (e.g. audiotapes, field notes)?
· If relevant, have the researchers discussed saturation of data (not all qualitative studies need to use this method)?
· Have the researchers critically examined their own role, potential bias and influence (reflexivity)?
· Is it clear how ethical considerations such as confidentiality and anonymity were addressed?
The above list is for guidance only - please do not simply answer each of the questions as not every study will discuss all these issues. Remember the points raised about the data collection need to be related back to how they have the potential to affect the trustworthiness and rigour of the study and its results.
Part d) Data Analysis and Presentation of Results 25 marks (approx. 500 words)
Please remember there are two parts here - you need to discuss both the analysis and presentation of the results.
Consider the following as a guide:
· What methods did the researchers use to analyse the data?
· Is it clearly described, step by step and easy to follow?
· If categories/themes were used, is it clear how they were derived from the data collected?
· Did more than one researcher perform the analysis and how did they address differences of interpretation?
· Have excerpts from the data been used to support the discussion?
· Is it possible to determine the source of data presented in quotations in the text (e.g. by numbering of extracts)?
· Are sufficient data presented to support the findings?
· Are the explanations presented clearly and are they plausible and coherent?
The above list is for guidance only - please do not simply answer each of the questions as not every study will discuss all these issues. Remember the points raised about the data analysis AND sampling need to be related back to how they have the potential to affect the trustworthiness and rigour of the study and its results.
The assessment will be marked using the following rubric.
Marking Criteria | Grade A1 (90-100%) Exceptional | Grade A2 (80-89%) Outstanding | Grade A3 (70-79%) Excellent | Grade B1 XXXXXXXXXX%) Very good | Grade B2 XXXXXXXXXX%) Good | Grade C (40 – 49%) Satisfactory | Grade D (30 – 39%) Unsatisfactory | Grade E (0 - 29%) Very unsatisfactory |
Trustworthiness and rigour: 25% Demonstrates an understanding of trustworthiness and rigor and its importance in qualitative research. | Shows exceptional understanding of the importance of trustworthiness and rigor within qualitative research | Shows outstanding understanding of the importance of trustworthiness and rigor within qualitative research | Shows excellent understanding of the importance of trustworthiness and rigor within qualitative research | Shows very good understanding of the importance of trustworthiness and rigor within qualitative research. | Shows good understanding of the importance of trustworthiness and rigor within qualitative research. | Very descriptive in approach to discussing the importance of trustworthiness and rigor in qualitative research. | Shows limited understanding of the importance of trustworthiness and rigor within qualitative research. | Shows little or no understanding of the concepts of trustworthiness and rigor within qualitative research. |
Sample selection: 25% Critically discusses the process of sample selection, identifying the main strengths and weaknesses in the approach used. | Shows exceptional ability to critically appraise the process of sample selection. The main strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. | Shows outstanding ability to critically appraise the process of sample selection. The main strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. | Shows excellent ability to critically appraise the process of sample selection. The main strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. | Shows very good ability to critically appraise the process of sample selection. Discusses many of the strengths and weaknesses within the study. | Shows good ability to appraise the process of sample selection. Some of the main strengths and weaknesses are identified and discussed. | More descriptive than analytical in appraising the process of sample selection. Strengths and weaknesses are discussed at a fairly superficial level. | Shows limited ability to discuss or appraise the process of sample selection. Strengths and weaknesses have not been identified or discussed in sufficient detail. | Shows little or no ability to critically analyse the sampling process. The main strengths and weaknesses have not been identified or discussed in sufficient detail. |
Data Collection: 25% Critically discusses the methods used for data collection including analysis of the main strengths and weaknesses in the approach used. | Shows exceptional ability to critically appraise the process of data collection. The main strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. | Shows outstanding ability to critically appraise the process of data collection. The main strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. | Shows excellent ability to critically appraise the process of data collection. The main strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. | Shows very good ability to critically appraise the process of data collection. Discusses many of the strengths and weaknesses within the study. | Shows good ability to appraise the process of data collection. Some of the strengths and weaknesses are identified and discussed. | More descriptive than analytical in appraising the process of data collection. Strengths and weaknesses are discussed at a fairly superficial level. | Shows limited ability to discuss or appraise the process of data collection. Strengths and weaknesses have not been identified or discussed in sufficient detail. | Shows little or no ability to discuss or appraise the process of data collection. The main strengths and weaknesses have not been identified or discussed in sufficient detail. |
Data Analysis and Presentation of Results: 25% Provides a comprehensive discussion of how data was analysed and presented, which includes the main strengths and weaknesses in the approach used. | Shows exceptional ability to critically discuss the process of data analysis and presentation of results. The main strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. | Shows outstanding ability to critically discuss the process of data analysis and presentation of results. The main strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. | Shows excellent ability to critically discuss the process of data analysis and presentation of results. The main strengths and weaknesses are comprehensively discussed. | Shows very good ability to critically appraise the process of data analysis and presentation of results. Discusses many of the strengths and weaknesses within the study. | Shows good ability to appraise the process of data analysis and presentation of results. Some of the strengths and weaknesses are identified and discussed | More descriptive than analytical in appraising the process of data analysis and presentation of results. Strengths and weaknesses are discussed at a fairly superficial level. | Shows limited ability to discuss or appraise the process of data analysis and presentation of results. Strengths and weaknesses have not been identified or discussed in sufficient detail. | Shows little or no ability to discuss or appraise the process of data analysis and presentation of results. The main strengths and weaknesses have not been identified or discussed in sufficient detail. |