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ASSESSMENT TASK 2: REFLECTIVE ESSAY Aligned subject learning outcomes • Apply advanced communication strategies for potentially challenging conversations and relationships relevant to the...

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Aligned subject learning outcomes

• Apply advanced communication strategies for

potentially challenging conversations and

relationships relevant to the healthcare professional. 

Appraise and interpret communication theories 

• Reflect upon and articulate strategies

for enhanced communication in a

diverse healthcare workplace. 

• Incorporate principles of persuasive

• communication in the healthcare workplace. 

Group or individual




Due date

1800, 26th July 2020

Word limit

1200 words

Word counts more than 10% above the

required word limit will be penalised by 10% deduction

of the marks available. The word count must be accurately

stated at the end of the assignment. Every printed element

between spaces is to be counted, including quotations

and in-text references, but not including Reference list or


The purpose of this assessment is to observe yourself and write a reflective paper about your own

communication style in the workplace.

In any form of communication, it is important to be aware of how we influence the process and to do this, we need to be able to identify our strengths and weakness in our communication skills. Developing self-awareness relies on being able to reflect deeply and recognise the role of ‘self’ impacting on outcomes of communication interactions.

To complete this task, first you will need to observe your professional communication in the form of face to face communication over the course of a week. Following this, select two examples of face to face communication to analyse and discuss: one example should showcase your communication weakness(es) and one example should showcase your communication strength(s).

The suggested format for this reflective essay is as follows:

• Brief introduction to paper

• Brief description of your face to face communication example demonstrating your weakness(es). 
Please include such as passive communication, unable to put own opinion, unable to persuade colleague/ patient during communication

• Using a clear reflective cycle (citing which reflective cycle you are using), critically reflect on your weakness(es) in the face to face communication example, and analyse the impact of those ‘self’ weakness(es) to the outcome of the communication exchange. Use theory to support your analysis. 
- Please use Gibbs refection cycle- each step needs to be analyzed and critically reflect – demonstrating my weakness during communication- this needs be supported by reference –

• Brief description of your face to face communication example showcasing your strength(s). (Please include such as 
 Empathy, active listening, effective coomuication)

• Using a clear reflective cycle (citing which reflective cycle you are using), critically reflect on your strengths in the face to face communication example, and analyse the impact of those ‘self’ strength(s) to the outcome of the communication exchange. Use theory to support your analysis. 
 Please use Gibbs refection cycle- each step needs to be critically reflect and analyzed – demonstrating strength - this needs be supported by reference –

• Analyse what you have learned about your persuasive professional communication abilities and how these impact on the outcomes of the communication. 

• Brief conclusion to paper. 

As this is a reflective task, you may use first person. Please ensure that you maintain confidentiality and privacy, so be sure to use pseudonyms for any descriptions of people or organisations.

As this is an academic essay, no headings or dot points may be used. You are expected to use literature to support the discussion throughout the paper. Correct APA (7th ed.) should be used.

For guidance on standards for assessment preparation, including referencing, please see Assessment Preparation Guidelines.




Identification of example - weakness(es)

Weight 10% -

Identifies and describes a highly sophisticated example of face to face communication weakness(es).

Analysis of weakness(es)

Weight 15%


A succinct, comprehensive and critical analysis of weakness(es). Expert use of appropriate and reputable reflection cycle evident.

Identifies and describes a highly sophisticated example of face to face communication strength(s).

Identification of example – strength(s)

Weight 10%

Identifies and describes a highly sophisticated example of face to face communication strength(s).

Analysis of strength(s)

Weight 15%

A succinct, comprehensive and critical analysis of strength(s). Expert use of appropriate and reputable reflection cycle evident.

Insight and reflection of the impact of one’s ‘self’ in face to face communication and lessons learned

Weight 35%

Demonstrates deep, thoughtful reflection of the impact of one’s ‘self’ in face to face communication. Demonstrates exceptional insight and clarity in the description of lessons learned. Provides outstanding examples to illustrate description.

Use of evidence -

Weight 10% -------------- An extensive range of relevant literature from scholarly sources has been used to support discussion throughout the paper. APA 7th edition referencing conventions in both in-text referencing and reference list have always been applied accurately and consistently.

Format and presentation

Weight 5% ------- Demonstrates advanced written communication skills, with evidence of: Sophisticated language, including use of accurate terminology. Highly effective sequencing and structure of paragraphs in body. Very well constructed sentences and correct punctuation and spelling.


- Number of reference minimum 12


Journals should not be more than 5 years old

- Book should not be more than 10 years old

Answered Same Day Jul 25, 2021


Parul answered on Jul 26 2021
148 Votes
Communication is an imperative piece of the medical attendant's job. All accentuate helpful co
espondence as an essential piece of nursing and a significant focal point of nursing practice. (Raynor, Marshall and Sullivan, 2015) further proposes that co
espondence contains numerous parts including nearness, tuning in, recognition, mindful, exposure, acknowledgment, compassion, genuineness and regard. (Robotham and Frost, 2017) caution that while co
espondence can encourage the advancement of a remedial relationship it can likewise make hindrances among customers and partners. Inside Healthcare, co
espondence might be depicted as a transitional procedure that is dynamic and continually evolving. It basically includes co
espondence between the attendant and the patient. In the event that the communication is to be significant, data ought to be traded; this includes the attendant receiving an a
anged, comprehensive methodology which in the end shapes the premise of a restorative relationship.
Today, organizations have tremendous choices to select their employees from the pool of students graduating every year. Therefore, companies instead of recruiting any individual from market prefer to recruit candidate who is driven towards excelling in life and ready to challenges that comes along with businesses. As rightly said, "Ambition is the first step to success. The second step is the action". Communication Excellence is the capability to communicate efficiently and effectively with the audience. It is considered as one of the most essential attribute of people who are highly industrious and successful. Essentially, communication excellence is inclined towards sharing knowledge, comprehending other and thereby supporting one another. Indeed, communication is a centre part of sound connections, joint effort and co-activity, which thus are basic parts of expert practice.
Well, one of my biggest weakness in a face to face communication is unable to persuade colleague and patient to take actions according to my prospective. Secondly, I find that one of my biggest challenges is encountered is in passive communication. Essentially because I am unable to put own opinion, unable to persuade colleague/ patient during a communication. Applying Gi
s' Reflective cycle to decipher my weakness (Bulman, C. and Schutz, S., 2015). For instance, in my organisation there are situations where all the staff and team members assemble to conduct large face-to-face meetings. During such gathering, when I try to communicate the message gets grossly misinterpreted. Largely because these meetings are extended for long and it becomes quite boring to be honest. Face to Face communication is the most...

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