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Assessment item 2 back to top Packet Tracer Remote IoT Smart Office Value: 19% Due Date: 19-Aug-2018 Return Date: 07-Sep-2018 Length: Submission method options: Alternative submission method Task back...

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Assessment item 2

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Packet Tracer Remote IoT Smart Office

Value:19%Due Date:19-Aug-2018Return Date:07-Sep-2018Length:Submission method options:Alternative submission method


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Case Study:You have just joined Ingenious Design and Solutions as an IoT Network Design Engineer. Your first project is to setup an IoT Smart Office. Ingenious Design and Solutions has 2 offices. The main office is located in Sydney and the other at Bathurst. As a part of the project you are expected to create a smart office in Sydney with the criteria and devices given below.

The Main Smart Office at Sydney includes, but is not limited to the following smart devices all connected to the office wireless router:

  • Ceiling Fan
  • Windows (3 Numbers )
  • Front Door
  • Motion Detector
  • Lawn Sprinkler System
  • Smoke Detector
  • Temperature Monitor
  • Wind Speed Detector

The above smart devices are in the main office at Sydney. All the devices are connected through the office wireless router to the modem which in turn is connected to the Internet via the ISP Satras to the Remote Sever through the company’s cloud cluster run by Sky servers. All the devices are registered on to the Remote Server. These devices should be controlled locally by a Tablet which is also connected to the wireless network.

Ensure that you add all necessary screenshots and embed your packet tracer file with the documentation to be presented to the manager for project approval.


Build and configure a smart office. (Refer to the file in the Student Resources Folder ITC560_Assignment_2_Help_file). Start the smart office from the basic file available from the link:

Save the file asStudentID_Firstname_ITC560.pkt(using your own student ID and first name).

All screenshots for each step with a brief explanation must be included in the document. Once the Assignment is complete, the student must embed the packet tracer file in the word document asStudentID_Firstname_ITC560.pktand display as an icon. The word document with all screenshots and packet tracer file should be submitted.

Sydney Smart Office Design:

1.Add, connect, enable and configure the registration server, tablet and wireless router as shown in Figure 1 below.(2 marks)

2 a.Add, configure the smart devices mentioned in the case study and name these as given in Figure 1 below. Note that these devices should be wirelessly connected to a wireless router and should be encrypted using AES by using WPA-PSK (the pass phrase must only be your student ID).(2 marks)

2 b.Connect and activate the devices with username and password (use your for both Student ID). This is to ensure a unique login to the smart network. This is one of the most important requirements of the client.(2 Marks)

3.Set up all the smart device attributes through the tablet web browser for the devices to work as shown in Figure 1 below.(4 marks)

Figure 1: Sydney Smart Office

4.Show the protocols that are used in transmitting a simple PDU from the tablet to the remote server (by going to the simulation mode) and record all the protocols that are used for transmission of the simple PDU when the packet is:(3 marks)

  • in progress; and
  • successfully delivered.

Control Sydney office Smart IoT Devices from Bathurst Office:

Figure 2: Control Smart Devices in Sydney Office from Bathurst Office

5.Add a new branch office at Bathurst. Either, use the same tablet you used for control in the Sydney office or use your smart phone and connect to the Remote Server you have set up earlier. You can use any connecting and intermediary devices of your choice.(5 marks)

6.Log on to the web browser on your tablet/smart phone and manage the devices as given below. Using the same tablet or new smart phone:(7 marks)

  • Turn off the Sprinkler
  • Turn off the ceiling fan
  • Lock the door
  • Close Window1 and Window2 when the carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide levels outside go high
  • Unlock Window3 when the CO2level inside the office increases
  • Turn on the smoke alarm
  • Turn on the motion detector
  • Turn on the wind detector
Embed theStudentID_Firstname_ITC560.pktfile into the word document, display as an icon and document your work to be presented to your manager. The word file with packet tracer file embedded should be submitted on Turnitin.


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This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:

  • be able to explain and demonstrate various components of Internet of Things (IoT).
  • be able to analyse the role and importance of IoT in the modern world.
  • be able to investigate and propose various requirements of IoT for real world applications.

Marking criteria and standards

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Packet Tracer Basics

Complete understanding and able to implement all steps. Screenshots explaining all steps.

Comprehensive understanding and able to implement all steps. Screenshots explaining all steps.

Good understanding and able to implement all steps. Some screenshots explaining all steps. Some screenshots missing.

Partial understanding and able to implement all steps. Few screenshots explaining all steps.

Set and Configure IoT Devices

Complete understanding of all IoT devices, able to set, configure and implement all devices. Screenshots explaining all steps.

Comprehensive understanding of all IoT devices, able to set, configure and implement all devices. Screenshots explaining all steps.

Good understanding of all IoT devices, able to set, configure and implement all devices. Only some screenshots explaining steps.

Partial understanding of IoT devices, able to set, configure and implement all devices. Few screenshots explaining all steps.

Simulation and Real time IoT Office Network

Complete understanding of all IoT devices simulated with both simple and complex PDU. Screenshots explaining all steps.

Comprehensive understanding of all IoT devices simulated with both simple and complex PDU. Screenshots explaining all steps.

Good understanding of all IoT devices simulated with both simple and complex PDU. Only some screenshots explaining steps.

Partial understanding of IoT devices simulated with both simple and complex PDU. Few screenshots explaining all steps.


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Your assessment should be submitted in either MS Word or PDF format (PDF usually preserves the formatting, MS Word may not - submit ONLY one). Do not submit your assignment in any other format and also do not submit multiple copies of the assessment. Use A4 page size with Times New Roman/Arial/Calibri font and use font size 11 or 12. Please include a title, your student ID and name with your submission. Your name should also be included as a footnote, with page numbers in your document.

All textual elements within an assessment must be submitted in a format that is readable by Turnitin. Specific exceptions, where an assessment requires the insertion of image based evidence of workings will be outlined in the context of the assessment. Students that deliberately attempt to insert content of assessments in a format that is not readable by Turnitin may be subject to Academic Misconduct investigations.

References:You MUST use the CSU APA referencing style for all cited material you have used in your work (use in-text citations). You must use primary sources (ie Wikipedia is not acceptable, something you thought up yourself, because you think you know better, is also unacceptable - unless it has been published and peer reviewed, but then it would still need to be cited). All answers must be written in your own words. Copying sections of text from other sources, even if referenced, is plagiarism and is considered Academic Misconduct.


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To complete this assessment item, you need to complete the Introduction to Packet Tracer course on

Answered Same Day Aug 05, 2020


Amit answered on Aug 18 2020
156 Votes
Full Name :
    Student ID :
    Subject :
    ITC 560
    Assignment No :
    Assignment 2
    Due Date :
    Lecturer’s Name :
Packet tracer for smart office
Your Name:
Your Email:
College name, University name, Country name
Table of Contents
a)    Steps of smart office development on packet tracer    3
)    References:    17
a) Steps of smart office development on packet trace
Screen showing complete smart office development is provided below:
Screen showing registration server is provided below:
The screen showing configuration of registration server is provided below:
Screen showing IoT features is provided below:
Screen showing configuration of wireless router is provided below:
Screen showing configuration of ceiling fan is provided below:
Screen showing interface configuration of ceiling fan is provided below:
Now, user name, password and server address are being connected to the used registration server. Screen showing this connection is provided below:
Screen showing proper working of all...

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