Assessment information
Format: A series of questions relating to a case study are provided. These questions must be answered in the form of an essay.
The marks each question is worth are clearly indicated in these documents. 10 of 50 marks are allocated for writing style as per the marking criteria included in the instruction document. This assessment involves addressing a series of generic questions in the form of an essay. The questions relate directly to the case studies presented. All of your answers must be specific for the person in the case study, marks will not be given where your essay does not relate to the person in the case study.
The answers to the questions in the case study must be integrated into an essay, which should include an appropriate introduction and conclusion. You can present the information in the order that you feel flows better, you don’t have to present it in the order of the questions. The questions must be incorporated into sentences and paragraphs that include facts from the case study. If presented in question-answer style, no marks will be given for quality of essay.
The information you present can be synthesised from peer-reviewed articles in the scientific and clinical research literature, and from textbooks. Care must be taken in all aspects of the essay, including spelling and gramma
Referencing: You must include appropriate in-text citations and a reference list in APA style (6th edition). Penalties will be applied as per the marking criteria for inadequate and/or inco
ect referencing.
Word count: XXXXXXXXXXwords. Penalties will be applied as per the marking criteria if the word count exceeds 1500 words and markers will not read beyond.
Important Information: You must type your essay into this Word template. The marking guide is in this document. Do NOT delete it from your document.
Case Study:
Kenny – a middle-aged sedentary male Kenny is a 50yo male who has made an appointment to see his GP for his biannual health check. He tells the doctor that he has been feeling “a bit puffed” walking around the course during his weekly game of golf. Kenny has gained nine kilos since his 40th birthday, and his waist measurement has expanded. He laughs this off as “middle aged spread”, and says his wife tells him he needs to watch what he eats. He works as a journalist for a local paper and spends a lot of his time in the office sitting in front of a computer, snacking. Kenny has recently decided to give up smoking, and wonders if this has contributed to his weight gain. He regularly chews nicotine gum when he craves a cigarette.
Physical examination:
174 cm
94 kg
Neat appearance, overweight, pale
37.1◦ C
Blood Group
155/99 mm Hg
Respiratory rate
19 bpm
Mostly healthy meals. Snacks on high fat & sugar, processed foods.
Past patient history
Regular check-ups every six months. Cholesterol levels have been high at the last three check-ups. Takes aspirin in the evenings.
Social status
Lives with his wife, his elderly motherin-law, and his adult son. Sexually active.
Specific Gravity
Guiding Questions
Question 1 (8 marks total)
A. The testes contain glandular structures relevant to Kenny’s reproductive function. Note the role of this glandular tissue in reproductive function, including any likely changes from normal in the secretion and resultant effects for Kenny.
B. Considering Kenny’s cu
ent circumstances, describe the role of luteinising hormone (LH) and discuss how the levels of this hormone may vary from normal in his situation.
Question 2 (8 marks total)
A. Describe the role of the kidneys in maintaining fluid balance with reference to the role of antidiuretic hormone (ADH). Is Kenny at risk of not maintaining homeostatic fluid mechanisms? Why/why not?
B. What is a urinalysis and what is its significance for this case? With respect to the blood component of Kenny’s urinalysis result, and using your knowledge of normal kidney function, would you expect this result? Why/why not?
Question 3 (8 marks total)
A. What is gut motility? Is it likely that Kenny’s gut motility has increased or decreased from normal? Discuss either peristalsis OR segmentation in your response.
B. Why is it important for Kenny to maintain adequate protein intake? Discuss its importance for his bone health in your response.
Question 4 (8 marks total)
A. Kenny has indicated that he has used nicotine gum to overcome his cigarette cravings. Identify the route of administration and discuss how the drug is likely to be abso
ed after administration and its likely bioavailability. Justify your answer by discussing whether the drug would be subjected to hepatic first pass.
B. What is the importance of the half-life of a drug? Assuming 100% absorption and the half-life of nicotine is 2 hours, calculate the % amount of drug that is likely to be present in the blood after 24 hours.
Question 5 (8 marks total)
A. Consider Kenny’s blood pressure result and discuss whether the mean arterial pressure is likely to be varied from normal. In your answer you must include reference to a change in vessel length with his increasing weight and
iefly mention the consequences of any change in BP upon kidney function.
B. Discuss the role of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the maintenance of blood pressure in Kenny’s circumstance.