MMSE – 23/30 L Knee Xray- NAD Urinalysis - dark concentrated yellow, clear urine, SG 1.010, pH 7, Leukocytes and nitrite- positive. Medical history
Mr. Johnson has a history of multiple chronic medical conditions, including osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, hypertension, and diabetes. He is on several medications and has regular visits with his primary care physician. Medications Ibuprofen Panadol osteo
Alendronate (Fosamax) Norvasc Cholecalciferol Calcium supplements Metformin Hydrochloride Gliclazide Hydrochlorothiazide Patient history Mr. Johnson lives independently in his own home and usually cooks his own meals at home. His daughter visits him couple of times each week. Mr. Johnson walks for an hour daily and catches up with his friends at the nearby park once a week. He enjoys spending time with his grandchildren. He never smoked and drinks a bottle of beer after dinner while watching TV. He wears glasses for long distance and bilateral hearing aids. Recently the daughter noticed Mr. Johnson increasingly neglecting his personal hygiene, nutrition, and household upkeep. Mr. Johnson has been socially isolated. and had multiple falls at home recently. Admitting diagnosis: Early signs of dementia.
You are the registered nurse looking after Mr. Johnson, and you are required to plan her care guided by a clinical reasoning framework and the provided case study information. Sections you need to respond to include: 1. Patient assessment (500 words)
· Provide an initial impression by identifying relevant and significant features from Mr. Johnson’s current ED presentation.
· Discuss the possible causes for Mr. Johnson’s intermittent cognitive impairment.