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Assessment in Education: Policies, Pedagogy and Equity (EDU6170) Part 1 (Word count 2500 words (+/- 10%) ASSESSMENT RATIONALEThis assessment is designed to build upon the work undertaken in Assessment...

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Assessment in Education: Policies, Pedagogy and Equity (EDU6170)

Part 1 (Word count 2500 words (+/- 10%)


This assessment is designed to build upon the work undertaken in Assessment One the Case Study. You will demonstrate that you can apply your understanding of the research literature to inform assessment practices and look at their wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity.


Write a Report for the School Council/Board providing a critical analysis of the recommendations detailed in Assessment One, considering the genesis of the changes, its implementation and the impact on policy, pedagogy, equity and assessment enactments in the chosen school/educational context. The report will include a strategic plan outlining the implementation of the recommendations, identifying challenges, timeline and implications for key stakeholders.

Linked to this is the second component which comprises a Media Presentation which critically assesses one challenge of implementing a change to assessment practices and the wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity.


By completing this task, you will demonstrate that you are able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of and critically examine the intended and unintended consequences of assessment practices for students, teachers and schools

  • critically examine the messages that formal and informal assessment practices communicate to students, parents and others about what and who is valued in an educational setting.

  • explore and analyse how students can be empowered and enabled through assessment pedagogies that foreground student ownership of learning.

  • examine and critique the contribution that digital technologies can make to advancing quality and equity in assessment.



Use APA 7th Referencing in this assessment. Refer to the ECU referencing guides for assistance.


Please follow these guidelines when you submit the assessment:


  • XXXXXXXXXXwords (+/-10%) (in-text references are included in the word count XXXXXXXXXXreferences (end-text)

  • Allow a left and right-hand margin of at least 2cm in all assignments.

  • Please type all assignments using 12-point font and 1.5 spacing.

  • Submit a Microsoft Word document (not PDF) file as a file upload in Canvas. This will automatically submit via Turnitin.

  • It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that all assessments are successfully submitted through Turnitin.

  • Assignment cover sheets areNOT required

Report structure - Please see Report Template in Module - Assignment Two

Body of report

Numbered logically and consistently.


Main sections

Organised under appropriate headings and sub-headings. Figures, tables, diagrams, maps etc. to be numbered and labelled. These must be referred to in the body of the report.


Clear and concise summary of main points:
- Context and significance of the information
- Reference to the original aims/purpose of report

Supplementary sections


A reference list (not a bibliography) of all sources that have been referred to in the report. Heading of this page is References.
List according to APA 7


Material which is incidental to the report or supportive of the report, but too long to include in the body. E.g. policies. Each separate appendix should be lettered, e.g. Appendix A, etc. Page numbering can continue into the Appendices

The report must focus on:

All key stakeholdersfrom the internal school community (students, staff and parents).


  • A critical discussion on the importance of adopting the recommendation within the chosen school/educational context.

  • A critical review of the current literature

  • A critical discussion on how the chosen strategies will build, develop, enhance existing assessment practices including the broader concepts of pedagogy, policy and equity.

  • Identify appropriate strategies, that are based on current evidence-based research to implement the recommendations within the school/educational context.


Criterion 1 (15 Marks) Critical review of recommended changes to assessment practices and the wider implications on policy, pedagogy andequity.

Criterion 2 (10 Marks) Alignment with theory

Criterion 3 (5 Marks) Clear and concisely articulated implementation strategies

Criterion 4 (5 Marks): Use of appropriate academic language: academic writing, report structure

Criterion 5 (5 Marks): Use of appropriate APA referencing

For more information, refer to the rubric below.

Assessment 2:Report




Critical review of recommended changes to assessment practices and the wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity

15 to >11.5 pts

Full marks

An excellent and well substantiated critically reflective review, employing highly appropriate and sophisticated reflection and data sets. Issues emerging are unpacked in a clear, concise and insightful fashion, setting the scene for proposed recommendations. Strong and focused evidence-based argument that demonstrates an understanding of key concepts, with an excellent understanding assessment practice and the wider implications on, policy, pedagogy and equity

/ 15 pts

Alignment with theory

10 to >7.5 pts

High Distinction

A body of appropriate research on the topic is identified and scrutinised in a critical, comprehensive manner. The recommended changes to assessment practices and the wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity are justified and supported by a wide range of appropriate literature in a critical, comprehensive manner. In-depth and insightful ideas are drawn from the literature

/ 10 pts

Clear and concisely articulated implementation strategies

5 to >4.5 pts

High Distinction

Assignment is well organised with a logical and clear structure; it adheres to the word limits; Writing is precise, concise and coherent; no grammatical, spelling or punctuation errors are identified. Insightful connections are made between the cited literature, and these are drawn together coherently Academic writing style is outstanding

/ 5 pts

Use of appropriate APA referencing

5 to >4.5 pts

Full marks

In-text and end-of-text APA referencing is accurate with next to no errors identified

/ 5 pts

/ pts

Part 2


This assessment is designed to build upon the work undertaken in The Report on the critical analysis of the recommendations. You will demonstrate that you can apply your understanding of the research literature to inform assessment practices and look at their wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity.


The Media Presentation will critically review
challenge of implementing a change to assessment practices and the wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity.


By completing this task, you will demonstrate that you are able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of and critically examine the intended and unintended consequences of assessment practices for students, teachers and schools

  • critically examine the messages that formal and informal assessment practices communicate to students, parents and others about what and who is valued in an educational setting.

  • explore and analyse how students can be empowered and enabled through assessment pedagogies that foreground student ownership of learning.

  • examine and critique the contribution that digital technologies can make to advancing quality and equity in assessment.


Use APA 7th Referencing in this assessment. Refer to the ECU referencing guides for assistance

Media Presentation

Critically reviewonechallenge of implementing a change to assessment practices and the wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity

Critical Review

  • Critically reviewonechallenge of implementing a recommendation identified in the report on assessment practices and the wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity. This will include an informed critique of the issues and practices identified in your case study, drawing on your knowledge of current literature to critically examine the policies, practices and data literacy impacted.

Structure your presentation

  • Your video presentation must includefivenarrated 'slides' with information, points, graphic representations etc.

  • The presentation mustnotexceedthree (3) minutes.

  • The presentation must also include a video of you speaking, where you speak to your research, thinking and proposals.

  • Allow plenty of time before submission to accommodate any troubleshooting required for the recording of your video.

Possible Slide Structure

Introduction (1 slide)

  • What is the challenge identified case study context?

  • Briefly summarise relevant literature.

  • Introduce the strategy to address the challenge.

Main Body (2 slides)

  • Critical review/implications on assessment practices and wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity

Conclusion (1 slide)

References (final slide/screen)

  • Use APA7 referencing guidelines.

MARKING CRITERIA: Media Presentation (20%)

Criterion 1 (10 Marks): Critically assesses one challenge of implementing a change to assessment practices and the wider implications on policy, pedagogy and equity.

Criterion 2 (5 marks): Presentation – Visual.

Criterion 3 (5 marks): Presentation – Oral.

For more information, refer to the rubric below.

For more information, refer to the rubric below.

Assessment 2:Report




Critically assesses one
challenge of
implementing a
change to assessment
practices and the
wider implications on
policy, pedagogy and
10 points

Critical, assess one challenge.
The challenge and strategies
proposed are thoughtfully
grounded in a wide range of
appropriate research-based
information. The challenge
and strategies proposed
demonstrates a sophisticated
engagement with and
understanding of the unit
content. Ideas, language and
concepts are used correctly,
thoughtfully and precisely.
The challenge and the
strategies’ proposed are in the
best cases rigorous and
nuanced. (10-8)

/10 pts

Presentation visual
5 points

5 to >4 pts

Full marks

Professional, visually appealing, and strongly effective. Presentation was easy to read and follow. Utilized creativity in use of fonts, headings, colours, and white space. Organisation of information is logical. which enhance the presentation. Adhered to slide limit. (No errors, spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and sentence structure) are identified. Consistently and precisely uses accurate referencing, standard, using APA7 TH referencing. Next to no errors identified.

/ 5 pts

Presentation oral component

5 to >4 pts

High Distinction

Consistently communicates the purpose. Presentation is focused and clear all the time. Communicates ideas in a way that engages audience effectively. Using appropriate volume all the time. Formal speech is used, and timing meets requirements

/ 5 pts

/ pts

/ pts

Answered 3 days After Oct 15, 2024


Dilpreet answered on Oct 18 2024
3 Votes
Support for the incorporation of digital technology in schools has grown in the last several years. Rapid educational technology progress and the increasing awareness of the need for equal educational opportunities are the main drivers of demand and support. It is crucial to comprehend how digital learning tools may promote inclusiveness and equitable access for all students, as the COVID-19 epidemic
ought to light both the advantages and disadvantages of this teaching method. The integration of digital technologies in educational settings has become a pivotal component in the quest for equality in education. The advancement of the primitive summation techniques concerning the updated valid methodologies helps with the promotion of the learning process, engages students in the decisive reasoning processes, and engages students with the practice approach. As discussed by Darling-Hammond and Snyder (2000), the summative approach mainly lingers around the remem
ance and standardization of the testing approach undertaken for the loopholes within the learning process. Nevertheless, Black and Wiliam (1998) opined that the formative assessment method is the process of gathering regular feedback from the students that shows that it is a reflective approach to the learning process and there is an ongoing interaction between the teacher and the students. However, upon further analysis, it has been observed that in the traditional assessment process, instances of inequality and superficial learning prohibit students from getting accustomed to real-world situations (Wiggins, 1998). The study conducted by Ayyob et al. (2021) shows evidence of classroom teachings of Palestine that is based on the self-appraisal method and the Zone of Proximal Learning process developed by Vygotsky (1978) that provides a friendly classroom environment for study further supports the process. This paper examines the success, difficulties, and wider ramifications for student equity in order to assess the efficacy of such digital integrations in a classroom setting. Both qualitative and quantitative data collected from a range of stakeholders, including parents, kids, and instructors, served as the foundation for the conclusions. Suggestions for improving the use of digital technology to advance educational equality are put forth.
Data Collection
The objective of the report is to understand the classroom setup and the school setup to understand the difference between the traditional learning system and the integration of the digital learning system. The data is collected through surveys, interviews and through focus groups.
Surveys: A detailed survey is conducted with the students, teachers, and parents to understand notable differences between the learning system before and after technological integration.
Interviews: Detailed interview sessions are conducted with key stakeholders including school administrators and IT coordinators. The interview session helped with an understanding of the strategic vision for technology integration. During the survey conducted with the students, teachers, and parents, both positive and negative aspects of the digital integration in the learning system have been observed.
Focus Groups: A specific focused group is organized with students from diverse backgrounds. It helped to discuss their experiences and perceptions regarding digital learning tools and they could get an upper edge in comparison to the traditional learning methods.
Critical Analysis of Recommended Changes to Assessment Practices
Adopting Alternative Authentic Assessments
Alternate evaluations are intended to engage the students with real-world problems that in turn promote their understanding and enhance their critical thinking abilities to deliver solutions for the identified problem. As discussed by Ayyoub et al. (2021), the evaluation process in the Palestinian education system helped to enhance the engagement of the students with the learnings. It includes learning process of various subjects such as science and mathematics, that helped in providing a proof of concept and helped to enhance their motivation and understand of their basic thinking. These outcomes are reliable with discoveries from the more extensive published studies, which show that when students are evaluated through real-world applications instead of standardized tests, their capacity to analyze the situation increases significantly that delivering effective results (Wiggins, 1998; Villa
oel et al., 2019).
Credible evaluations have helped in the understanding of the significance of implementing tasks that reflect their abilities, which assists students with getting themselves involved and engaged with the classroom session and help them in acquiring with real-life skills. This approach lines up with Vygotsky's (1978) social constructivist hypothesis, which sets that learning happens through social communication and commitment to significant tasks.
Peer and Self-Assessment
It has been observed that peer and self-evaluation approaches are useful for students as it supports advanced and intelligent learning. These types of assessments will foster the students on analyzing the tasks they have accomplished in the classroom and helps in promoting decisive reasoning and self-improvement process. Research in this field has shown that companion and self-evaluations help with the identification of the loophole areas and help in improving those areas through proper intervention (Topping, 2018). As discussed by Scoular et al. (2020), coordinating companion and self-assessments will help the students to take their learning ownership by engaging them as active participants in the learning evaluation process. This approach is especially valuable in different learning conditions, as it permits students to think about their areas of improvement in their studies.
Moreover, self-evaluations can encourage increased communication between students and teachers who can guide them with the progress they have made in their studies. As opined by Ayyoub et al. (2021), students during their feedback sessions are bound to foster decisive reasoning and cooperative abilities, as they draw in their companions to reflect on their learning. These techniques additionally energize greater inclusivity, as students from diverse backgrounds can participate in evaluation processes that are less reliant upon traditional academic skills and abilities.
Digital Assessment Tools
Integration of advanced digital technology in the learning process has a wider area of coverage that helps in delivering relevant learning process. As discussed by Dai et al. (2020), use of advanced technological devices have not only helped teachers to connect with the students in an effective manner, rather it also helped with their evaluation or assessment process. Advanced appraisals consider continuous...

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